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Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist?
I have been giving some thought lately to optimism and pessimism. Basically, these are attitudes. Attitudes that shape and formulate our entire existence. I mean, have you ever met a happy pessimist? Of course not. In short, our optimism or pessimism is this: The way we interpret the past Have you given much thought about how your attitude, whether you are an optimist or a pessimist, affects you business, organization or school? Have you thought about how it affects you personally? And what about the team you are a part of? What is optimism? It is a belief that things in our past were good for us, even if that means they were hard and taught us lessons. It is also the belief that things will be better in the future. Here are some contrasts between optimism and pessimism and how they affect us: Optimism breathes life into you each day Pessimism drains you Optimism helps you to take needed risks Pessimism plays it safe and never accomplishes much Optimism improves those around you Pessimism drags them down Optimism inspires people to great heights Pessimism deflates people to new lows There is only one way that optimism and pessimism are the same and that is that they are both self-fulfilling. If you are an optimist, you will generally find that good things happen to you. And if you are a pessimist, you will find yourself in the not-so-good situations more often than not. So can a person just become an optimist? Yes! We can choose to look at the world any way we want to. We can choose to look at the world and think the worst, or we can tell ourselves the good things about each situation. As you find yourself looking at your enterprise, begin to view it through the eyes of an optimist, and you will reap the rewards listed above, and so will the people around you. There are tremendous benefits to being an optimist, as stated above. But there are some pessimists out there who will say, "But that isn't realistic." I say "Who cares?" If things go awry, at least I have spent my time beforehand enjoying life and not worrying about it. And, being an optimist, I would view the "negative" situation as an opportunity to grow and learn. So I can even look forward to my failures because they will be stepping stones, and learning tools to be applied to my future success. Have you ever met a successful pessimist? Become an optimist and see your world change before your eyes! About The Author: Chris Widener is a popular speaker and writer as well as the President of Made for Success, a company helping individuals and organizations turn their potential into performance, succeed in every area of their lives and achieve their dreams. To see Chris "live" at the upcoming Jim Rohn Weekend Event as he speaks on the subject of Secrets of Influence go to http://Chris-Widener.InspiresYOU.com/ or call 800-929-0434.
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Change Your Life, Release Fear, and Create What you Really Want Do you have a dream? Or do you just have a nagging feeling that life could better? How To Motivate Yourself For Success? I was having coffee with my friend the other day. He just joined a multi-level marketing company. The company sells aromatherapy products that improve air quality and help people to have a healthier life. A Perfect World ... Imbalance Creates Motivation I am a big proponent of balance. Everything has to be just so. I believe that we should all strive to obtain balance in our lives. Balance between career and family. Balance between public and private. Balance between spiritualism, finances, and materialism. Are You IFFY? Many people say that working for themselves or working on Straight commission is just too 'IFFY' for them. Say It Aint So For years, many of us heard the phrase "Knowledge is Power." We actively devoured books upon books to advance our knowledge in the hopes of gaining power. Some of us even adopted the attitude that I can learn anything from a book. Yes, knowledge is powerful, but knowledge alone will not advance you to that next level of success, whatever it is. Put Some Fire in Your Desire One of the keys to success is staying motivated because it is being motivated that keeps us going out the door every day to change the world and reach our destiny! It is our desire for a better life, for change in ourselves and others, and for personal growth and fulfillment that moves our mountains! Desire! Chasing Your Dreams! Friends, it is always a power of your dreams and a motive to move ahead, which is required to move ahead and to be successful in life. Does it sound, impractical; let me share with you, something practical and real. The New Morality In a world where dynamism alters egos and principles in a man every second, where men divest in tenets that secure them from being devout to something natural, where humanity seeks reasons to be ignorant just to feel sly and intelligent ? we're confronted with issues of morality. We can no longer be satisfied with being truthful incessantly, we can no longer be happy for the sake of empathizing, we can no longer be sympathetic in a world that beseeches us to be methodological, we can no longer be human when the invariable pretension has made us lose our ethicality forever ? we can only choose to be different moralists altogether. Succinctly ? we need a new morality. Commit To Applying Lessons Learned When growing up as a child, the concept of learning a lesson becomes so routine, that many of us just set it aside as unimportant like many other principles that otherwise should be heeded. The Ripple Effect: Small Steps Lead to Big Results "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit." -Aristotle 10 Ways to Reclaim Your Self-Esteem The way you feel about yourself impacts how and why you do everything in life. If you feel good about who you are, then what you do will be an outside reflection of your innermost thoughts and feelings. Contrary to popular belief, self-esteem is not something anyone or any accomplishment can give you. Just because people like you or you receive an award, does not mean that you will love and take care of yourself. Positive self-esteem comes from within and does not change because the scenery or circumstances change. To have esteem for something or someone is to regard highly or favorably. High self-esteem is relatively stable even when the forecast looks foreboding. Are You Ready To Make A Strong Finish? Talk about a strong finish! In their inspiring story of perserverance which ultimately led to great success and victory, the Detroit Shock won their first ever WNBA (Women's National Basketball Association) championship title. USA Today told of their "worst-to-first odyssey" where the team, after winning only nine games in 2002, they finished 2003 with a league-best record and championship title. What was their formula for success? "They did not quit... they believed they could succeed and played their best... They also have a coach in whom they believe and who gives them confidence." Realistic Dreams The wish to have or be something, especially one that seems difficult to achieve is an innate desire in every one of us. The quest of all mankind, whether it is admitted or not, is for a life of significance. The P Word... Procrastination A problem many of us are familiar with. Its showing up in your work environment interfering with your daily life?.and peace of mind. Making Excuses I edited and re-edited my article. I had to make sure it was just so. Then I procrastinated on writing the query letter to get my article published. The house needed cleaning, I ran out of stamps, the letter wasn't quite right. Delivering the query letter to the mailbox took another week what with family, meetings and such. I had good excuses why I wasn't actively trying to get published. But, the real reason was that I was afraid I wasn't going to be good enough. How To Get Motivated When You Have An Off Day What can you do on days like these? Is there a way to get motivated and stay motivated? Life?s an Illusion I'll get right to the point. Life is not necessarily what we think it is. And no, I'm not going to extrapolate this to the extreme to try to convince you that we really exist on some obscure planet in a distant spiral galaxy and that all of this we're experiencing as "Life" is only a dream. Of course, it is kind of cool to think that we could waking up any time now, wandering out to the kptfrun to put on the cuggy and then stepping out on the prafo to watch the bos rise and enjoy the sounds of the bilbs as they greet the morning. We naturally, would be all the more enlightened because of the dream experience of the previous night and could therefore anticipate an even more productive, enjoyable day at the Snark assembly plant. (Does excessive caffeine intake cause everyone to think weird stuff like that? Probably just me, huh?) Listening Skills Listen to win Sales The Art Of Using Effectively A Motivational Quote --Choose a motivational quote related to your goal. Don't have one? Visit http://motivationalcentral.com which contains tons of motivational and inspirational quotes (see reference below). Browse through the wide variety of motivational quotes and pick one: sport, love, positive thinking, self-esteem, weight loss, business ect. After the Storm...... Have you ever wondered why is it that after we go through a bad phase in life we seem to come out better for it? It use to puzzle me too until recently after I stared down a gunman's nozzle I realized why. ![]() |
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