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Life?s an Illusion
I'll get right to the point. Life is not necessarily what we think it is. And no, I'm not going to extrapolate this to the extreme to try to convince you that we really exist on some obscure planet in a distant spiral galaxy and that all of this we're experiencing as "Life" is only a dream. Of course, it is kind of cool to think that we could waking up any time now, wandering out to the kptfrun to put on the cuggy and then stepping out on the prafo to watch the bos rise and enjoy the sounds of the bilbs as they greet the morning. We naturally, would be all the more enlightened because of the dream experience of the previous night and could therefore anticipate an even more productive, enjoyable day at the Snark assembly plant. (Does excessive caffeine intake cause everyone to think weird stuff like that? Probably just me, huh?) Where were we? Oh yeah, the illusion thing? Let's start with the physical, material stuff. Everything you see is not as it appears ? or as it is interpreted by our little brains. When we look around, we "see" all kinds of solid forms. Computers, desks, paper, chairs, walls, books, etc. These things not only look solid, they feel solid and can be held, moved, sat upon, used to support other solid things - and broken. So they're all composed of some densely packed material and therefore are completely "solid", right? Not even close, Martha. When you get down to the itty bitty particles that all of these nice solid objects are made of, you're gonna find only little teeny tiny bits of energy, specks of particles and a hell of a lot of space between them. In fact, there's a bunch more space than there are specks of particles. Here's one of the analogies I can relate to easily. If we arbitrarily designated the nucleus of an atom (the combination of the neutrons and protons in the center of an atom that contain just about all of the atom's mass) as the size of a grapefruit, the rest of the atom that is the electron cloud (little negatively charged particles that are zipping around the nucleus like a bat outta hell) would take up a space equivalent to a large football stadium. Hmm, let's see. Grapefruit is the "solid" stuff ? football stadium is the space and energy stuff. Yeah, there's a hell of a lot of space inside those little atom guys. Of course, when these little bundles of specks and energy (it would take about a hundred million of 'em laid end to end to stretch out to a length of approximately one centimeter) share their electrons to bond with another atom ? or atoms ? to form molecules? and then these molecules link together using the energy of their foundation atoms, we can wind up with materials that appear and act like they're completely solid. OK, for those of you who may tend to get picky here, we also wind up with other similar things we can touch such as gas (air) and liquid ? the other two states of matter that make up our world. So where's that leave us? Surrounded by, living with, eating, drinking, using and yes, even mating with "things" that are mostly space and energy. (I think I just saw several married ladies' hands go up to question the energy part of that last statement. Please put your hands down. You know what I mean?) Our physical, material world then is not exactly what we normally perceive it to be. And, it's a pretty sure bet that the rest of our little world operates pretty much along those same lines. Our perceptions of ourselves, of those around us and the events and situations in our lives and the rest of the world are shaped primarily by our inputs and experiences to this point in our lives. Depending on the "quality" of our programming so far, our personal perceptions of this world can range from fairly realistic to way outta whack. The great thing about this though, is that other's perceptions of our perceptions are tinted by their own personal or collective experiences (programming) so as a result, reality (if there is such a thing) clouds up really quick. Whoa? I think I just gave myself a headache Yes, it's often extremely difficult to determine where skewed perception ends and reality begins. Of one thing we can be sure. Our individual perceptions of life are the foundations for our personal reality. If your reality is not everything you desire ? if it's not bringing you the enjoyment of life you feel you deserve ? then it's worth putting forth a little effort to examine your "programming" to see if there aren't a few changes you'd like to make in your thought processes and the way you're viewing life. It can be well worth the effort. While you're doing that, I really do need to get rid of my headache. I think I'll go pour a cup of cuggy and go out on the prafo to watch the bos rise... About The Author Gene, through NuPathz.com, provides an easy reading self-help blog along with affordable books and materials written to help folks find the road to a more enjoyable lifestyle, to pass on some of life's "secrets for survival" in a chaotic world & offer a few smiles along the way. It's a down-to-earth, simple approach to discovering a better life. You can visit Gene at http://www.nupathz.com/
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Casting Vision One of my greatest loves as a kid was fishing. This love developed quickly because my family owned a little bait shop that was located near Toledo Bend Lake in Louisiana. Toledo Bend is well known for its large bass and large quantity of crappies. Avoid This Tendency And Youll Press Beyond Your Limits! Inside of every one of us is the desire to press beyond our own limitations. Just forty years ago, the goal to land on the moon was a huge step for mankind. Now, we've gone beyond the moon and the end is nowhere in sight. But, consider this: Every challenge we face, can be stopped dead in its tracks with one little undesirable tendency. Hmm? Awaken The Sleeping Attitude Within You! I have made the statement numerous times that; "You are the most important living person." Take some time and think about yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and see how long you can stare without walking away. If less than five minutes, then you need an attitude adjustment. Explanations?... or Excuses? Which of the following "explanations" have you heard (or used!) in the past few weeks? Clear Thinking - Ten Ways Does your mind sometimes feel like a television station you can't quite tune in? You know there's an interesting program on - or several, but everything is mixed with static. What if you could "tune in" at will, have clear thinking whenever you want it? Try some of the following. Book Summary: Self Motivation Gail Lindenfield is a well-known British author who has written several self-help books. In Self Motivation, she does a good job of going over many aspects of self development and she provides solutions to a variety of everyday problems. Life?s an Illusion I'll get right to the point. Life is not necessarily what we think it is. And no, I'm not going to extrapolate this to the extreme to try to convince you that we really exist on some obscure planet in a distant spiral galaxy and that all of this we're experiencing as "Life" is only a dream. Of course, it is kind of cool to think that we could waking up any time now, wandering out to the kptfrun to put on the cuggy and then stepping out on the prafo to watch the bos rise and enjoy the sounds of the bilbs as they greet the morning. We naturally, would be all the more enlightened because of the dream experience of the previous night and could therefore anticipate an even more productive, enjoyable day at the Snark assembly plant. (Does excessive caffeine intake cause everyone to think weird stuff like that? Probably just me, huh?) 7 Hot Tips For Self Improvement Part 2 Self Improvement Tip 4 Don't procrastinate! The more you put something off and something else off, the more all your undesirable chores pile up. Change Your Life, Release Fear, and Create What you Really Want Do you have a dream? Or do you just have a nagging feeling that life could better? Get Off Your Butt and Create Your Financial Future?Now! Most people have no idea where their money goes. They earn it and they spend it. The Loneliness of Personal Growth The cream rises to the top. That means that it separates itself from the milk. Perhaps that is what the New Age Movement is really all about. We tell ourselves that it's lonely at the top. Yes, it is. Maybe we have to figure out how to maintain ourselves as cream, but also stay whipped up within the milk? I'm picturing some sort of luscious desert all decadent and wonderful... like hot cocoa with the marshmallows stirred in rather than just floating on top. But then the marshmallow is no longer a unique wonderful treat, it's been broken down into the masses and lost it's integrity. It's a different lesson that comes into play after you've experienced a decent bit of enlightenment and growth. The Rate of Change There have been many discussions and grumblings in the Western world about the ever increasing pace of change and the ability of the brain to accept it. The Internet (something uninteresting that the American Military was developing) suddenly became a required household feature. Digital Mobile Phones suddenly give new meaning to taking photographs and all those gimmicks from James Bond Movies have long since been incorporated, accepted and forgotten about in daily life. Why Do We Need Our Addictions? If money is considered to be the root of all evil, then what would we classify as our addictions? Are You Ready To Make A Strong Finish? Talk about a strong finish! In their inspiring story of perserverance which ultimately led to great success and victory, the Detroit Shock won their first ever WNBA (Women's National Basketball Association) championship title. USA Today told of their "worst-to-first odyssey" where the team, after winning only nine games in 2002, they finished 2003 with a league-best record and championship title. What was their formula for success? "They did not quit... they believed they could succeed and played their best... They also have a coach in whom they believe and who gives them confidence." How To Harness The Awesome, Unstoppable Power Of Persistence In 4 Easy Steps Never underestimate the power of persistence! Dont Wait For All of Lifes Traffic Lights to Turn Green Can you imagine getting into your motor vehicle, reversing out of your driveway, selecting a forward gear then just sitting there waiting for every traffic light between your home and your destination to turn green?" Get Negativity Out Of Your Life! They say that the way to have a positive attitude and a positive life is to surround yourself only with positive things and positive people. What do you do then, when the negative influence in your life comes from your friend, maybe your best friend, or even worse, your spouse?If you are to take the positive advice literally, you are going to dump them! We both know that such advice simply is not acceptable. So what DO you do? Motivation By Facing Facts "Things is either done, or they ain't done." Marlon Sanders Make Fear a Nine Day Wonder - Motivate Yourself with Fun! Have you heard something referred to as a "nine day wonder"? The phrase refers to something that causes a sensation for a brief period of time and then fades into obscurity. The origin of this phrase is usually tied to the nine-day reign of Lady Jane Grey (1537-1554) as Queen of England. This reluctant queen met an untimely fate. More on that later... Are Millionaires and PhDs Really Smarter? The Answer May Surprise You! I've had a vast array of job experiences. While in high school, I worked as maid for a local motel. While attending college, I worked as an office worker in the Sociology Department and Museum of Fine Arts. After college, I was a social worker for six years. ![]() |
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