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Persistence will carve you as a leader in your industry. Persistence is where you get mental strength. It seperates you from ordinary people. You must learn to cultivate a habit of persisting, since all things are possible if you persist. The persistent man or woman doesn't accept defeat, he just keeps climbing on. David Schwarz in his book 'The magic of thinking big' says "Salvage something from every set back". Persistence has incredible power. To reach the roughest of ambitions, we could, if we took one step at a time and continue to take steady steps and not stop. People of greatness have climbed the ladder to success, while encountering all the obstacles that are hurled their way, which usually deter common people. Persistence is a vital step on the ladder, to attain your dream. Man in order to live to his fullest potential must have a dream. To reach that dream you must build a ladder. The first step is determination. The second step is dedication, the third is discipline, the fourth is attitude and the final step is the most important being persistent. A person with persistence will succeed over the person with more talent, more education or more money. Nothing can replace persistence not talent nor genius, neither education. Lack of persistence is a weakness which filters through a majority of the races. Persistence can turn adversity into greatness. Read Biographies and Autobiographies of great personalities. Follow some of the principles they had employed to succeed. Make a right choice today. Focus on the kind of Sales result you want to produce. Set the target of your sales volume for this year. Set tools to work with, to achieve this target. Discipline your life, fall in love with your dream. Presently you probably are selling only 25% of sales of a 100% target. With persistence you can master your stride to sell the rest of the 75% as well. Remember all great people started as ordinary human beings but had a dream, persisted, endured, determined, disciplined, dedicated and with a positive mental attitude achieved their goals. If they can persist, you can, so begin to persist. Winston Saga is one of the world's leading sales legends. He is also the CEO of Sales and Motivation International. Winston has been acknowledged as a unique and distinctive authority in the field of sales and personal development. Last year International Biography Centre selected him ''International Man of the Year'' for his outstanding contribution to sales and Service. He has written 100's of articles to magazine, journals and websites. Visit http://www.telesalestips.com to know more about the Author.
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12 Reflections on Personal Responsibility Responsibility means being accountable for what we think, say, and do. Personal responsibility involves working on our own character and skill development rather than blaming others for situations and circumstances. It means choosing to design a life that honors our values and purpose. Journaling - A Tool for Healing and Growth The word "journal" comes from the French. It dates back to the 14th century and means daily. As recently as April 26, 1999, "Newsweek" magazine ran an article entitled "Pen, Paper, & Power. Confessional Writing can be Good for You." My Grandmother Never Had a Degree There were four generations sitting at the kitchen table, smacking on Mommy's delicious meal-somehow we never made it to the dining room. I smiled to myself when I thought of how fabulous this truly was--sitting here, next to my grandmother, my mother, my father, my sister, my children and my niece-celebrating Mother's Day. Motivation: How to Get Unstuck Have you ever felt stuck? Break And Move Beyond The Length Of The Chains "Never let fear, procrastination or the longing for approval from others to take possession of your mind, they become self-forged chains." ~ Ty Howard Ten Sure-Fire Rules To Put Old On Hold By At Least 25 Years Would you like to feel and function like age 40 for an extra 25 years? Would you like to have a ton of energy, able to work at something you enjoy? Would you like to be free of many of the physical and mental problems generally considered age related? Finding Motivation: What To Do When You Dont Feel Like Doing Anything "The measure of your success usually comes down to who wins the battle that rages between the two of you. The 'you' who wants to stop, give up, or take it easy, and the 'you' who chooses to beat back that which would stand in the way of your success - complacency." Chris Widener Overcoming Limiting Beliefs It is not just new age hype, studies in the area of quantum physics are leading to a growing acceptance of the theory that we can control the outcome of events by concentrating on changing our thought patterns and focusing on our preferred result. Its a Habit Do you sometimes have the feeling that you're running into the same obstacles over and over again? Many of my conflicts have the same feel to them, like "Hey, I think I've been here before," but I can't figure out how I wound up in the same place. The situation is different, but the conflict feels the same. How Great is the Strength of Your Belief? Be careful what you believe because that is what you will experience. Your belief system is a mechanism which is uniquely yours. It is powered by your desire and controlled by your thoughts and actions. In other words, your success is measured by the strength of your belief. The Top 10 Ways to Overcome Procrastination When a person is bored or uninterested, certain tasks and projects can seem like torture! This feeling usually leads to procrastination, and procrastination often leads to guilt. Here are some practical ways to avoid these situations and overcome procrastination: By Planning and Exerting Effort, You Can Change Things For The Better Most of us plan to find the love of our life, our soul mate. It is a natural human instinct to find a partner. Someone who we can grow and expand with, someone we can have a family with, someone we can spend the rest of our life with. What Does Your Future Hold? Do You Have A Plan? Or Are You Just Waiting To See What Happens? We often find ourselves in a situation in which we either accept the change that someone else imposes upon us or in which we ourselves effect the change we would like to see happen. We sometimes stammer and hesitate and procrastinate with regard to decision making. Not making a decision is a decision in itself. I Should Be Doing... But...? What a perfect fall Saturday morning, clear sunny blue sky, with a crisp breeze blowing. It's just the one I've been waiting for to begin that yearly regimen, Fall Clean Up. Throwing on some old work clothes, gabbing a mug of steaming coffee and picking up the list of jobs off the kitchen table, I head outside. The First Step for Getting Better Results How dramatically we can change our results is largely a function of imagination. In 1960, it was a technological impossibility for man to travel into outer space. Within ten years, however, the first man stepped out onto the surface of the moon. The miraculous process of converting the dream into reality began when one voice challenged the scientific community to do whatever was necessary to see to it that America "places a man on the moon by the end of this decade." Remember, Worse Things Can Happen At Sea, So..... Dont Ever Quit! Throughout the many pages of scores of motivational books, with the Bible being at the forefront, we are encouraged to "not give up." We are told to believe that we can come through any situation and be victorious in life. Ask yourself this question: Am I up-beat or am I beat-up? Correct Your Mindset and Expel The Fear The main problem with many of us is we loose our direction in life. We have great aspirations upon leaving school or college but then just loose direction or do not know how to achieve our dreams. We are all taught the academic basics needed to function in today's world. We may then study further to achieve a qualification in a particular field. But we are never taught how to achieve real success. You need far more then just qualifications to make a success of your life. It's a fact that many people have left school with very few or no qualifications, but have still been very successful. What is Success? Everyone wants success. People talk about setting goals and positive thinking and getting to the top. However, most of these same people never really define what success means to them. Keep Motivated To Succeed Online! Starting and managing a business takes motivation and talent. It also takes research and planning. Although initial mistakes are not always fatal, it takes extra skill, discipline, and hard work to regain the advantage. Take time beforehand to explore and evaluate your business and personal goals, then use this information to build a comprehensive and thoughtful business plan that will help you reach these goals. Are You Lacking Self-Discipline? - Part 1 A man does not live until he begins to discipline himself; he merely exists. Like an animal he gratifies his desires and pursues his inclinations just where they may lead him. He is happy as a beast is happy, because he is not conscious of what he is depriving himself; he suffers as the beast suffers, because he does not know the way out of suffering. He does not intelligently reflect upon life, and lives in a series of sensations, longings, and confused memories which are unrelated to any central idea or principle. A man whose inner life is so ungoverned and chaotic must necessarily manifest this confusion in the visible conditions of his outer life in the world; and though for a time, running with the stream of his desires, he may draw to himself a more or less large share of the outer necessities and comforts of life, he never achieves any real success nor accomplishes any real good, and sooner or later wordly failure and disaster are inevitable, as the direct result of the inward failure to properly adjust and regulate those mental forces which make the outer life. ![]() |
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