Frugal Ways To Show Your Love
Brandie Valenzuela
At one time, I would have never wanted to share my frugal ideas for showing love to those around you. My reason for keeping it to myself At one time I thought that no one would be interested. After all, we were the only couple not buying each other expensive gifts, jewelry, roses, and more, right Reality check! I have grown up a lot over these last 10 years and I have learned that I am not the only one clipping coupons and cutting my childrens hair myself. There are lots of other families out there just like my husband and I, who have to watch our spending.
Without the necessary money to buy costly gifts for anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, or other special occasions, we have been very committed to doing things that were wonderful, yet inexpensive. Over the years, I have learned that these creative ideas are what truly matters and they have made our years together, lots of fun.
Here I have compiled my ideas here to share them with you:
PILL BOTTLE: This is a cute idea for your spouse or other adult. Take an empty pain reliever or prescription bottle and soak it in hot water to remove the label. After you remove the label, design your own label on paper, with something like the following: "Love Pills" - take one as needed. Then take strips of paper and write down the things you are willing to do for your loved one. Some ideas are: foot massage, back massage, your favorite pie, y
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