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The First UK Man To Become a Human Billboard an Interview
Advertising on humans using tattoos is rapidly kind of freak niche that is definitely growing. It all started about two years ago (to the best of my knowledge) when a guy ran an ad on eBay offer his forehead as a billboard. He basically put up an eBay auction offering to wear a temporary tattoo on his forehead to advertise for whoever was the winning bidder. Well, a year or so later this is starting to become a phenomena and is rapidly growing. I got a chance to interview a man from the UK who currently has an auction up and he is getting a permanent tattoo ad. This is kind of taking the whole body advertising to a new level. 1. Tell me a little bit about yourself? I have been in business all my life. From running and owning my own world wide haulage company. A chain of mobile phone shops. Etc. I have worked in the timeshare industry for past 7 years. And have just recently resigned from working in Spain as a marketing manager also project Director for multi billion Pound Company. I am now writing a book on timeshare, being the first person to do so on the cons & pros of how it works. I live with my long time partner of 8+ years, with a baby girl of 4 weeks old. I also have 5 other children ages 25, 23, 18, 12, &10. 2. Where did you get the idea to get at tattoo ad on your forehead? I got the idea for tattoo advertising last year from a TV program in USA, on drunks that would do anything for a drink. 3. How does your girlfriend feel about this? My wife to be thinks I mad as a hatter, but she has seen me pull off many mad things. 4. I read in the short article about you that you already have quit a few tattoos. Can you tell me about the tattoos you already have? I have many tattoos from the age of 12 years of age, last one being when I was 21. The only space I have on my body at the moment is most of my back & part of my legs. 5. What is your favorite tattoo? No, I don't have a favorite one. 6. Do you have any tattoos that you regret getting done or have you done any cover up or removal work? I regret most of them, due to being so old now. But is soon to change with my new venture. I am also having my whole body tided up. 7. Where is your ad so other people can come by and bid? My add on eBay is on search bar, under all categories. Type in body tattoo advertising and my links is the first one under the heading you type in. 8. If you are doing this in auction format like on eBay are you going to have a reserve price or end the bidding early if it does not get the price you want? For example what happens if the final bid is only 1.00? Yes I have a reserve price on my first of £1000. This will then appeal to the media for my next. 9. You mentioned that you have some space on your back for two ads and also the one on your forehead are you planning on doing three advertising tattoos then? What is the time span you are looking at? Yes I have three spaces at present. My head is mainly, back, top & sides for one add for highest bidder or three separate. 10. Are you willing to also talk about and advertise for the company when people talk to you about it? Yes I am very much prepared to talk and show after, as my eBay ad will tell you. 11. Are you planning on just getting a text ad or looking at doing a logo or graphic? I am prepared to have mainly logo, depending on company as my eBay once again will explain. 12. You mentioned in the article I read that you were looking for an agent to represent you? Do you have plans past the three tattoos mentioned about above? An agent will be taken on after my first advert 13. What are you going to do after getting the tattoos done what are your plans for your next profitable venture? As I have mentioned, I am writing a book soon to be released. 14. I know some others have gotten temporary tattoos done and that this is a growing phenomenon on eBay to advertise on body space. In fact there are a few websites now that specialize in this such as bodybillboardz.com and others. Are you the first person getting a real tattoo on your forehead? All the others I have seen are for temporary tattoos? I am the first in the UK to take on such venture and sure it will grow after I have been in so much media. Well, I am not sure how you feel about all of this yourself. I can see both sides of the arguments made. On the one side almost all the t-shirts that I own have some type of advertising on them. Yet going as far as getting a permanent tattoo that will be with you for life I am not sure I would go that far. At any rate I will write more about this topic as it grows. Chris has been running Design My Tattoos website for the last three months. He likes helping people find the custom tattoo designs and where to get them done by professional tattoo artists. Check out the site and post a job to get your own custom tattoo design. If you are a tattoo artist and would like to earn some extra income go ahead and sign up as an artists and make some money in your spare time. Look for more tattoo related articles on the site.
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