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Taking Charge of Your Inner Movie
I first heard about this when I read The New Psycho-cybernetics by Dr Maxwell Maltz and Dan Kennedy. I enjoyed it because it expanded on the importance of Intrapersonal Communication. This is about communication with your self and about taking charge of your life instead of just letting life happen to you. Many goal and attraction courses talk about being clear about what you want. Yet many of them don't go into how to get clear with yourself about what your desires are. A great exercise in being clear and attracting your desires comes from using the theater of your mind. At a time you are unlikely to be interrupted, just sit back, close your eyes and start to picture what you desire. Let's say it is a house by a lake. See yourself driving up to the house. What does the entrance look like, how big is the yard, how many trees are around, what does the lake look like? How do you feel when you see this and know that it is all yours? Then see yourself getting out of your car and walking up to the front door. Watch your hand unlock the door and turn the doorknob. What is the first sight you see? Hear your footsteps. Are you on carpet or a hardwood floor? Go through each room with clarity and using all of your senses. For example, if you are in the kitchen, what do you smell, is it fresh fruit, or coffee? Maybe it is the scent of flowers carried in by the breeze. Reach out and touch the counters and cupboards. Taste some of the food or coffee. What do you hear? Look around. The more vivid and details the more you will attract this into your lives. You see, when you take the time to see your goal actually happening in your mind, it helps you to clarify what you do and don't want to happen. When something comes up that you don't like, you can rewind, start again or adjust any way you like and then proceed. This is a much easier then changing it in the outer world once it has manifested. Visualization is another form of communication and it's in a way that your brain can relate to. For example, think about what you did on the weekend. Then notice how you thought about it. Was it in words or did you see pictures in your mind. This is how the brain stores information, in pictures and in a holographic manner. (but that is another story). We are recording and storing images all the time and the storage in your mind cannot distinguish from what is real, made up or remembered. Now this might seem like a flaw and explains why some people seem to have faulty memories and why different people remember the events differently. However, there is one great and wonderful feature associated with this. Your brain attracts to you, that which it knows, understanding, has a feeling of familiarity with and decides is on your important list. Therefore, if you can visualize in detail and with feeling, exactly how you desire your life to be, you are much more likely to attract it. Your mind sees it as something that you belong to with and or around. We visualize all the time, but are we playing yesterdays horrors or tomorrows desires. The choice is yours. Another thing that can help you is to have gratitude with the visualizations. Once you have pictured clearly what you want, show gratitude for already having received it. This can be hard for some people and yet it is what successful and spiritual people have discovered. Showing gratitude before you have received it, increases the likelihood of it becoming a reality. So what are you waiting for? Do what the successful people do and start visualizing your future today. All the Best!
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Create a Climate for Success by Mastering Your Total Image - Part 2 In part 1 of this series, we discussed your Total Image and the first of several essential components ? Your Hidden Image. This month, we'll continue discussion your Total Image with the second component: Your Reputation. Communication Quiz: Are You a Great Communicator? Communication, which occupies approximately 70% of our waking hours, is what many leaders find the most frustrating. The fact is most of us were never taught how to communicate in a way that produces desired results, so we continue to experience frustration, resistance, conflicts, or breakdowns. Think of a recent important conversation. How many of these questions can you answer YES to? Correcting a Gap Between the Teeth As we age and our teeth shift, a gap between the teeth may suddenly appear. If you have a tooth extracted which is not immediately replaced with an implant or bridge, your entire bite may shift dramatically. The teeth surrounding this missing tooth may shift toward each other, creating a gap between the teeth. It's not at all unusual for a person who had a terrific smile her entire life to suddenly notice she now has gapped teeth. The Clich� of Balance The world we are living in is changing at a fast pace. Never before in the history of mankind that change was so enormous and rapid. This roller coaster ride of change is affecting every aspect of our lives. From relationship to work, from the pursuit of happiness to the quest for spirituality. Some authors have called it a Future Shock, others have called it Mega Trends, but whatever the tag you give, it is there. How To Master The Art of Conversation The art of conversation is a skill shared by most successful people. Good conversation promotes an image of self-confidence, intelligence, and wittiness. The World According To Max The Cat Max jumped on my chest as soon as the first rays of sunlight streamed through the blinds. Aging Gracefully Through Vastu Shastra Aging is inevitable, but its most negative effects can be minimized and turned into a graceful progression. Exercise and proper diet are key factors. But, when your living or working environment is in harmony with nature, it has a positive influence on your well being, slowing the aging process. How to Develop the Genius within You Inside each one of us there's a seed of greatness, a seed of genius. You are a special and complete human being and so is everyone else. You have a seed of genius within you. The Monkey And The Spreadsheet When the mind was fidgety, like a monkey Be The Chooser "We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them." -- Khalil Gibran 10 Keys to Prosperity 1. Everyday, in everyway, bless the universe in as much ways as possible. Small ways. Ask the universe to help you figure out how you can bless the universe. The blessings will come back to you manifold, shower over you further opportunities to continue the grand celebration. Do it in true spirit as if you need nothing, treat yourself as if you are already a king who has everything. This will stabilize your consciousness in the attitude of abundance and having. This stabilization of consciousness is the only care you need to take. Rest will be arranged by law of nature. Adopt this attitude. Things will change fast. Build up the passion to bless this universe in as much ways as possible. Follow Your Passion The key to a successful life lies in following your passions. When you do this the Universe responds in a dynamic way. This can only occur when one is fully engaged. We are taught from the time we are young to be practical to carefully consider the why and the how of things. This, my friends is a waste of precious time. The clue to each of our destinies lies in recognizing our deepest passions and becoming fully engaged in them. Give no thought as to how they might be realized the Universe is far more capable in this regard then we could ever hope to be. Just so you don't think I'm talking through my hat I am going to give you a stellar example that illustrates exactly what I'm talking about. This story is true from beginning to end. Beads?A Sign of the Times? When you hear the word "beads," do you immediately think of jewelry? Or do you think of Rosary beads or some other non-jewelry use of beads-beaded dresses, headbands, belts? Perhaps you think of a country and western outfit, a studded, head-to-toe piece of jewelry. Aspire to Be Many individuals believe that they have to "live up" to another family member or idol. Some are even envious of famous icons and want to look, act, think and be like the stars of the big screen. People become so obcessed that, in their quest of "perfection," they lose sight of who they are themselves. One of the most peculiar idiologies of people is that they honestly believe that they can literally "transform" themselves into other persons. Change Your Story; Change Your Life When was the last time you told someone the story of your life? We don't come upon these opportunities often, but when we do, it's extremely telling not only about our perspective on life, but also about how the rest of our life will unfold! Who said crystal balls don't exist? Just listen to yourself talk, and you'll know all there is to know. What Message Are You Sending Out? A woman phoned me the other day to ask me about a product that someone else was selling. It was something she really wanted. 100 Ways to Keep Your Lover ? Happy ? At Home! Here are over 100 ideas to help you keep monogamy hot! Your Mind is a Battlefield Every person should enjoy life in abundance and prosperity, but unfortunately, too many of God's people are living way below their potential. So many have health issues, broken relationships, and/or no money in their bank account. What Next? When we are faced with making a change we often feel like we don't know what to do. The kicker is that USUALLY we do know what to do - it just happens to scare us a little bit. This fear is USUALLY a sign that it is exactly what you should be doing even though you will have to Your #1 Path to Hidden Power Imagine that you could boost your confidence, courage, and compassion by 100% in the next three months. Imagine that you could learn five new skills you've been dying to learn all your life. Imagine that you could finally experience the kind of intimacy, connection, and love you've been longing for. ![]() |
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