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5 Practical Shyness Tips That Work Everytime
We all experience a little shyness at times with people who we find intimidating. Here are some useful suggestions and ideas that can help you overcome shyness and speak up when you need to in order to achieve your goals... 1. Shyness is a problem for millions of people around the world and unfortunately, there is not a magic potion that will eliminate shyness or one simple suggestion that can be of assistance to all shy people. If you want to overcome shyness and improve your social life, you will have to be flexible and try various things that may be helpful for you personally. The things that are of the most help to some shy people will not work as well for others. Trial and error and a desire to succeed are the keys to finding what works best for you. 2. Shy people should practice their conversational skills and never leave home without at least a mental list of interesting, possible topics of conversation. A good conversationalist is always prepared with topics of conversation that may be of interest to the people they know they will encounter in a certain situation. 3. Remember to ask friends and colleagues about previously mentioned plans and activities. Current events, the weather, and local news are always good conversation starters. Always be well prepared for any social situation. A little advance planning can reduce your anxiety immensely. Following a few simple shyness tips can be very beneficial to you in your quest to overcome shyness. 4. If you suffer from extreme shyness, a good shyness tip is to explain the problem to those you encounter on a regular basis. People tend to be very understanding and helpful if you explain the problem in a way that simply lets them know you are shy, and not in a way designed to gain sympathy. There are two types of shyness. Those who are obviously shy and tend to shake, sweat, and become visibly uncomfortable in social situations and those who simply avoid eye contact, are unusually quiet, and tend to look at the floor. The average person may draw the wrong conclusion about those who are not so obviously shy. You may appear to be aloof or arrogant to others unless you simply explain your shyness to those closest to you. 5. While on the path to overcoming shyness, make sure to reward yourself for small accomplishments along the way. It doesn't have to be a huge reward or a big celebration, just a pat on the back or special treat will do very nicely. Another often-overlooked shyness tip is to go out of your way to be helpful to others. Shyness tends to make people totally absorbed with themselves and their own problems. Learning to make the effort to assist other people in small ways will do wonders for your self-esteem and give you confidence in how you interact with new people. Making others feel special is a great way to lessen you anxiety and difficulty carrying on a conversation. While practicing the shyness tips you have learned, don't go overboard and try to change every negative personality trait at one time. Pick one skill at a time and practice the new skill until it becomes natural and habitual. Then move on to the next thing you'd like to change. Keep tackling and mastering one skill at a time until you overcome your shyness and learn to function in any social setting. Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report:10 Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. This report reveals the secret strategies all high achievers use to communicate with charm and impact. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at: http://www.howtotalkwithconfidence.com/report.htm
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Get More Personal Most folks who know me, know that when people write me I always like to write back and show how much I appreciate the message. I do stay busy, but taking the time to write back is something that's very important to me. ![]() |
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