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Seven Truths of Universal Law
Truth To Live By: What truths do you live by? Are the truths dependable? Are they consistent? Can you take some action and just know that the results will be as you anticipated. That is what you can count on when you use truth based on Universal Law. There is a set of truths that are totally consistent and dependable. These truths, when we act in good faith, deliver exactly what we would expect of them. The Force of Gravity, for instance, is a physical truth that we can depend on, always. Whether we jump off a roof, or try to jump up in the air, we can always expect to be returned to the ground. It is the same each day. It is the same everywhere on Earth. This is a physical truth or law of physics that we can count on. Universal Laws behave in the same way. What are they? How can we discover what they are? These laws improve the quality of our life's experience. Universal Laws are the same for everyone. We do not have to vote on them. We do not have to agree to be governed by them. They work the same for everyone. The success of our thoughts and actions are measured not by the legislative laws we pass, but by there alignment with Universal Law and the karma they generate. Karma is a widely understood term in today's society. Our thoughts and actions are always balanced through karma. If we offend someone in some way, someone someday will offend us. If we steal from someone, someone someday will steal from us. Universal Law always provides us with a balanced account. Cause and effect, giving and receiving are always balanced over time. There is one way to offset bad karma or to offset actions that violate Universal Law. That way is forgiveness. Through the proper use of Forgiveness we can help to balance our account. But, let's start to bring peace and joy to our lives by defining a set of truths, which are totally aligned with Universal Law. The set of truths listed in this newsletter are not all the truths that exist. We must work together, to develop a dialogue to discover more basic truths until our lives are filled with only peace and joy. But the truths listed here are a good starting point. They form a baseline. These truths will, in fact, increase the peace and joy in your life. Truth #1:Our Thoughts Create Our Life's Experience. When we do something we do not always stop and analyze why we are taking that action. Many actions appear to be spontaneous. But, are they really? No they are not. A thought always precedes an action. There may be little time between thought and action. Weeks may pass from the time of our thought and its action. Years may pass between thought and action. But, everything that we do is preceded by a thought. Why do some thoughts never turn to actions? Because we negate the thought with the opposite thought. One day we think of going for a walk. But, we then decide the weather is not good for a walk. We do not take the action because we have neutralized the thought of walking. Our thoughts move in two directions. The obvious direction is outward consciously to other people and things. The less obvious direction is inward to universal energy where it may become a thought shared by anyone so inclined. Begin to focus on the connection between your thoughts and actions and realize how one always follows the other. Truth #2: We are One Energy, Interconnected by Light. All things are created from one source of energy. We are all created from the same source of energy. But, rather than being separate, we extend from that energy interconnected by light. Light is the energy within that we do not yet see. Our vision has not developed to that level of seeing. But empirically we observe the results of this light. The reflection of what is within us is observed through the intuition and coincidences that occur in our daily activity. Many have become knowledgeable about the seven charkas. These seven charkas are seven centers of energy in our body. The centers are located in the top of our heads, in the center point between our eyes, in our throats, in our heart, in our solar plexus, just above the sexual organs, and at the base of the spine. Energy flows from the earth to the heavens and from the heavens to the earth in a continuous cycle between and through these centers of energy to provide us with the life force. The energy we feel is dependent on how much we are enabling or impeding this flow of energy through our body. Truth #3: We Give What We Receive. Cause and effect are at the center of everything we experience in life. That is the flow of karma. Our thoughts are the cause and our physical reality is the effect. Knowing we are one, interconnected by light, helps to understand why we give what we receive. Being one, what we give we give to ourselves. The giver and receiver are one. To continue to receive requires that we give. What we give is what we receive. If we give love we receive love. If we give money we receive money. It's like a flow of water in and out of a lake. The lake stays full and healthy if water passes in and out of the lake. Truth #4: Forgiveness resolves all conflict. When we grant forgiveness we release from within ourselves some form of fear, hate, anger, and guilt and make room within us for more love to enter. Forgiveness is equally beneficial to the giver and to the receiver. But the giver has far more discretion on how forgiveness may be used in his or her life, and, that is where the power of forgiveness lies. There are no limitations to forgiveness. Forgiveness can be given openly to a person or persons face to face. However, forgiveness is most effective when given to a person or persons, to a situation, or to an entire culture from within without ever mentioning that forgiveness to another person. Why? Because the most effective use of forgiveness is to clear our own mind's paths of debris and sludge. These paths have become filled with fear, hate, anger, and guilt. Our ability to give and receive love is diminished. Our ability to communicate to our higher self is blocked. Truth #5: The present is the only time that is real. Someone once said, "The present is the only time that intersects with eternity." The past is gone forever, never to return. The future is not yet here. When we focus on past experience to try to define the future, we skip over the present. The lessons that can only be learned by communicating in real time with our Self are denied. We continue to make the same mistakes of the past in the future. To change this behavior, begin by sitting alone in a quiet place, and letting your thoughts pass freely through your mind. Soon new ideas will begin to surface from within you and you will begin to break the cycle of the past. As your time in the present, in meditation grows more powerful, the future will begin to expand from the present. Truth #6: All energy is love, which is based on truth. What is energy? Energy is the flow of life's source from our creator. It is both unconscious and conscious energy. It is one. All forms come from the one source of energy. As energy flows from the life source and provides all the resources we need to live, including sun, air, and water, it is love in the form of light. It is pure and unblemished by any living being. It is Universal Truth, absolute. If this flow were to remain pure, life would be peace, love, and joy. But, as energy enters our conscious mind its purity is altered by negative thoughts and by beliefs, which filter the truth that we receive. Only through a process of purification over time, as humans open to this energy from within in the present, will the percentage of love increase. Truth #7: Thoughts, beliefs, and feelings filter truth. Absolute truth is a predictable dependable guide for a peaceful joyful future. If we use Universal Law as a guide we are living with absolute truth. However, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings already exist in our minds. They are formed from past experiences. They are difficult to overcome. When we don't know that what we see is a mask, it is difficult to see beyond the mask or to change what the mask is hiding. Again, only in a process over time, as we become more aware that this is reality, will we change the thoughts, beliefs, and filters that allow light to enter with more purity. As we become more aligned with Universal Truth, we will see the validity of this theory. About Us: Our newsletters are our means to reach out to others who are in search of basic truth. This search began almost 30 years ago with one question: How can we balance our lives? The summary of the answer to this question was compiled in a book titled 'Creating Your Personal Journey'. The book was published in 1996. The search has continued as we adapt to a new question: What is the truth? We are guided by the thought that, 'The best way to learn anything is to teach it. Please feel free to pass this e-zine on to your friends. However, we ask that you keep it intact and forward it in its entirety. To subscribe: Send us an email with your name and email address. Insert the word 'subscribe' in the subject line. To unsubscribe: Send us an email with your name and email address. Insert the word 'remove' in the subject line. © Copyright 2005 Roger Paradis Roger L. Paradis-"We R One" Creating a New Vision for the 21st Century
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