Auto Accident Collecting For Your Lost Wages
Dan Baldyga
A couple months ago you were toolin on down the avenue, minding your own business, when out of nowhere, this fumbling, stumbling man by the name of Freddie Fuddle flew through a Stop Sign and plowed into you with a gigantic, rip-roaring, screeching broadside. You were wearing your seat belt but it was still a thundering crash that wrenched and whipped you around the inside of your motor vehicle something fierce!
Now, after a long recovery period, Fuddle’s carrier, Granite Mountain Insurance is clamoring to close the case and theyve assigned Claims Adjuster I. M. Strong, to handle your case. You and Strong are sitting at your kitchen table talking about your settlement dollars. It turns out he’s got some hang-up’s regarding your lost income. Well, here are some things you need to know:
Lost wages are one of the most important elements of your damages. Listen to me carefully when I say, "You should not think about the days you missed from work as Lost Time and Earnings. Its not Lost Time and Earnings - - it’s Lost Earning Capacity“
You ask, “What‘s Lost Earning Capacity all about I thought I could only collect for my Lost Income” The answer to that is, “In many situations you can claim lost income EVEN IF YOU HAVENT LOST ONE SINGLE PENNY “. For example, this can happen when your salary is paid because youve elected to apply for the sick leave that‘s due you, or because of an Accident and Health Policy available for you to take advantage of, or some other such arrangement.
In most instances - - even if you were paid while out of work - - you should still get that money routinely identified as Lost Wages. Why Because thats your Lost Earning Capacity. Your Lost Earning Capacity is what’s called a Compensatory Damage. Dont let Strong swindle you out of that Compensatory Damage. Even if you’ve received an inco
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