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Blogging, RSS & Feeds |
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Blogs and RSS - Why Do I Need This Stuff?
If you've been under a rock for the last year or so it's possible you might not have heard about blogs and RSS feeds. If you're like most of us, you've heard the buzz but might not've known what to make of it or what to do with it. Here's some answers. First RSS feeds. RSS, depending on who you ask, stands for Really Simple Syndication. This is a technology that enables you to bring fresh, constantly updated material (feeds) into your site. The attraction of this is obvious. Sites need content, the fresher the better. Search engines love new content, hence the excitement about being able to pipe in extremely targeted feeds directly into your site. The implementation of this is not as difficult as one might imagine, and the choices for content are ever-burgeoning. You can find a feed for almost anything, and if you can't, you can create your own and syndicate it all over the web. The possibilities are mind-boggling. End-users must have the capability to read these feeds, but there are free feed readers all over the place and the new generation of browsers will have this built in. Blogs. Nominated as one of the top words of 2004, they were prominent in the election (can you say, or want to, Howard Dean?) and they have become more a of web-household item. Blog software is ridiculously easy to use, and free. But why do I need one, you ask. Well, for me, it boils down to one thing and one thing only: search engines love blogs!! I have blogs that have higher (and much more quickly acquired) PageRank than sites that have several hundred pages of content! Why is this? Think about it: the very thing search engines love most, fresh content, is the very nature of blogging. Most blogs, at least commercial ones, are very on topic, keyword oriented, and frequently updated. The marketing piece concerning blogs is still in it's infancy but growing fast. There is little more powerful these days than a content blog hosted on your own site that is updated daily. I have blogs that get more traffic than the site they are sitting on! Think about this. It'll be worth it! Blogs and RSS feeds are the next big thing that's already here! Don't miss out on the possibilities they offer! Keith Thompson is the webmaster at Internet Marketing Here & Now, where you can find all sorts of information regarding RSS feeds!
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Top 6 Reasons for Having a RSS Feed - Come and Explore the Possibilities! Getting traffic to your website can be hard. No one just randomly types in "makelotsofmoneyonlinequicklyandfromhome.com" and with this market slowly being filled in, it is hard to get a good rank on Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask, and all the other major search engines. Although paying for advertising is effective and gets targeted results, RSS feeds are the way to go for free, cheap, and somewhat easy advertising. Avoid Bad Manners While Blogging Blogging, the hottest trend in online publishing right now, is currently spreading like wildfire across the Internet. How to Get a Blog on the Internet Of all people in the world I was easily one of the most pessimistic about computers, the Internet and now that I even know they exist-blogs. I think blogs are pretty cool but I never thought I could have one. I thought the processes of getting a site; domain name and the actual building of the blog would just be out of my league. I'm a complete novice when it comes to technology, but I do like writing a journal, and I thought having a journal on-line would be both fun and make life simpler for me. No more writing with pens, other people can read my stuff and comment on it, and I could add pictures to illustrate my points and make things look more interesting. Writing Good Blogs There's a lot of blogs out there on the Web, most of which don't entice one to go back regularly to read updates. What is missing from these on-line journals that would essentially make them 'good' blogs? Well, the answers in life usually come down to simplicities. So let's look at the problem like we were children. Children don't complicate life with miscellaneous information, and when they speak they tell you straight to the point exactly how they feel and think about a subject. First of all, we should ask the questions," Why do blogs exist? And what are they here for?" Well, in an ideal world 'good' blogs would help people connect, sharing knowledge and feelings about issues in life. As they are journals written by individuals we would hope that they'd be readable and open to comment by all other people, not just a select group of friends. The key is speaking in a way that is understandable by the masses, get rid of acronyms and local slang that only few will comprehend. Keep the sentences grammatically simple and generally short and concise. Try to write in your blog as often as possible because if people enjoy reading your thoughts and ideas they'll want to communicate or at least be filled in regularly on 'your world'. Ask questions, comment on other blogs of similar content, start communities with others you've never met, based on your interests. Keep focused; if your blog is about thoughts on war and peace, keep your thoughts on the latest movie and how hungry you are for somewhere else. The idea is to incite intelligent communication so that in time our collective stockpile of knowledge and wisdom will gradually grow like a tree in fertile soil. I think of most importance is the fact that you want this journal to be 'good' reading. Of course we all have ideas about what genres and styles we like, but writing from your heart and soul is imperative for the connection with others that you're looking for. Share yourself; don't hide behind walls of fear of ridicule and judgment. In real life relationships trust, respect, intimacy, and unity are all necessary for a bond to form. It's the same in the 'virtual' world; people want to hear from real people-not just one-sided, highly opinionated arguments from egos that don't want to hear the 'other side of the coin'. Now, in my last article I really tore apart most writers out there, and here I'm giving some pretty complex ideas on how to fix the problem of 'bad' writing. In my next article I'll attempt to go back to the simple basics of how to write for beginners. I hope I haven't come across as too judgmental, I just truly believe the 'blog world' could become a real asset to humanity, and at the moment it's missing the mark. Ideas about sentence structure, grammar, paragraphing, using a thesaurus (varying terms used so as not to sound repetitive), whether or not your blog is suitable for a personal or professional approach, are all important to creating a simple and enjoyable read for the blogging visitor. If you are a beginner, please check out my next article on the basics. Blogging Your Way To Success Part 3 (Continued from Blogging Your Way To Success Part 2) RSS - The Intelligent Marketing Medium Are you new to RSS? If so here is a introduction to what RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is and how your website will benefit from offering an RSS feed to your visitor's. Superbloggers Secrets Blogs are extremely hot right now. Everyone is starting them, and the more successful ones are driving unprecedented amounts of traffic and cash to their owners. What Is This RSS, XML, RDF, and Atom Business? It's been a long day at work and you're in no mood to cook dinner or go out. Time to count on the reliable pizza delivery guy. The order is called in and he promptly arrives with smokin' hot pizza within 30 minutes as promised. If it were only that easy with a picky family where no one can agree on the same restaurant for dinner. One wants Mexican, another wants Chinese, and another wants a burger and Mexican. Instead of running to three different places, you call a delivery service that goes to all of them and brings it to you. What could be easier in getting a meal without cooking it or fetching it? 5 Reasons Why Your Site Needs to Publish a News Feed It seems like everyone is talking about RSS Feeds. They've been around for years but the buzz is up about them as the technology continues to go mainstream. Some people are reportedly abandoning their browsers and viewing the web through their readers - but they hardly represent the general public yet. What Are RSS Feeds RSS Feeds. Tips for Better Blogging - Promote any Product or Service People start blogs for all kinds of reasons. Ego. Political comment or agenda. Staying in touch with family and friends. Marketing. Why did you start your blog? Marketing With Blogs - Part 2 In part 1 of this article series on marketing with blogs, I discussed the reasons why blogs are excellent tools for marketing. Internet News Services Explode Online It seems no matter how much information comes available online, people thirst for more. 7 Tips for Choosing the Right Blog Software for Your New Blog Choosing the right blog software for your new blog requires that you ask yourself some questions and make a list of all of the features and tools you need as well as your budget. Once you have this information written down you will be prepared to start shopping for blog software. However, keep in mind the following seven tips for choosing the best software for you. Small / Medium Business Blog Process Outsourcing as a Website Traffic Building Service You are a small or a medium business owner. You have a well designed business website. It is a Search Engine Optimized (SEO) website for a limited set of keywords. However, with changing rules of SEO and new competitors entering the market, your select keywords stand a slim chance of surviving the onslaught. What are the chances that your website will remain on the top when a potential customer searches those special keywords on a search engine? To make matters worse, Search engines change their algorithms without any notice and suddenly your site is no longer in top 10 results. So what is the solution? Shared RSS - Syndication for the Rest of Us RSS Syndication or RSS Newsfeeds (RSS Feeds for short) all refer to the same thing. There are two parts to the process, the publisher, and the consumer. The publisher produces a small text file in a special format that lists the title and address of an article or resource published on the World Wide Web. The consumer uses a program, usually called an aggregator to read and display the contents of that simple text file, with links to the web page. Or the consumer may visit a website that includes an aggregator program, and view the results as a web page. Members of Yahoo.com, for example, can set their personal 'My Yahoo' pages to display the contents of any RSS feeds they select. Feeds For Small Business: Real World Examples A merchant I was talking to the other day asked to me, "Aren't feeds for bigger companies with IT people on staff?" All they knew about feeds was that bigger companies , news providers etc., were using them. After I explained how that particular merchant could use a feed for her business, she were quite excited about the prospect of doing just that. Simple Syndication (RSS) -- Wheres The Payoff? How RSS really does pay off... NEWS FLASH! Article Directories JUMP-ON The RSS Syndication Band Wagon Quick question... do you publish 'Articles' on a regular basis? Blogs and RSS - Why Do I Need This Stuff? If you've been under a rock for the last year or so it's possible you might not have heard about blogs and RSS feeds. If you're like most of us, you've heard the buzz but might not've known what to make of it or what to do with it. Here's some answers. ![]() |
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