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The Aim of the Name
Large corporations spend lavish amounts seeking names for their products that grab a consumer, or convey positive feelings. Book authors do the same. As do magazine writers. So, say you are planning something that needs a name: your new company, a speech, an article, your website, your email address. STOP! Stop, and think. Don't go with the first thing that hits you. Think about the aim of this endeavor. What are you trying to convey to those who will see or hear it? Joe Black, for example, has been selling life insurance for years, is now planning to incorporate, and needs a name for his new company. He likes the ring of Consolidated Advisors & Financial Associates Inc.---CAFAI for short. Whoa, Joe! What's the aim of the name? Is it to impress people with a long, unwieldy, impersonal, remote-sounding phrase? Or is it to convey the same reliable, personal service that Joe Black is already known for? The answer is obvious, Joe. Incorporate under your own name. Joe Black, Inc. has the benefits of continuity, credibility, recognition, reliability, and stability---none of which attach to CAFAI. A speech is different. Speeches, and articles, need names that grab people. Unless you're a famous person, or talking about a famous person, enterprise, or event, you need some other way to attract their attention. And all you've got to work with is the title. So look over what you've written, and write down all the different titles you can think of for your work. As you look at each of them over, ask yourself if you'd go to a talk with that title. If not, cross it out. Now try to shorten the ones that are left. The fewer words the better. Do any of them have a bit of mystery, or wit, or maybe an interesting play on words? Need some stimulus? Go to the library. Fiction. Mysteries. Look over the titles. Which ones stir you to pull them out, and scan a few pages? Why? Can you see anything in their titles that you might use in your speech or article title? A speech or article is a transitory thing, so needn't take too much of your time. But you'll be stuck with the name of your company for quite a while, so devote much more time to getting it right. Your website, and email address are in between. Not as temporary as a speech or article, but probably not as long- lived as your corporation. The aim of these names is to reinforce your company's image, and remind people of your business identity. So Joe Black's web site could be named joeblack.com, or, if he wanted something wittier, BlackInk.com, and his email address could be joe@blackink.com. Joe, like most of us, has other interests than his business. He's a birdwatcher, and is planning an online newsletter and website for others with this hobby who already know him. A good name for his ezine could be Black Birds, and for his website www.blackbirds.com, then his e-address for it could be joe@blackbirds.com. Sometimes you can't make such an apt connection. For example, when my ezine, which focuses on the marketing of financial services, was created it needed a name. I liked the acronym "TIP". But what could name I expand it into? Here's a few that came to mind: * The Insurance Practitioner * The Intelligent Planner * The Insightful Provider * The Interested Ponderer * The Insurance Professional * The Incorporated Practice, etc. To say nothing of all the variations that can be rung by switching the adjectives around. See what I finally decided on at: http://www.eTIP.ca/ -----------------------------------------------------------. Copyright 2005, Donald F. Pooley, Inc. Don Pooley has shared his marketing know-how with audiences in major Canadian cities, London, Australia, Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Hong Kong, and Singapore, and now in his free ezine, TIP. Subscribe at http://www.eTIP.ca/, or get free article downloads, and redistribution rights info at http://www.eTIP.ca/Downloads/Publish.html
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Branding: Bring Back the Jingle! Did you grow up in the '70s and '80s? If so, you probably have a slew of campy jingles from various TV commercials filed away in your brain. Today, advertisers still use jingles to help identify their brand, but not nearly as much as they did "back in the day." Why is this? The Face of Your Business, Part I When we initially started our businesses, we had to decide how we were going to market ourselves. Kind of an obvious statement - every business has to do that. But, we had an added challenge. We were new to the area. So, our goal was to get to know as many people as possible. Corporate Branding ? Dont Forget Your CDs! Companies have been branding their collateral materials such as letterhead, envelopes, business cards, etc. for years. In fact, we often identify a company by its familiar logo or special color scheme. Branding works!! At the same time, many companies send customers and vendors large files, proposals and presentations on CD-Rs. Since CD-Rs have become the "new and more efficient" way of exchanging important information, it would seem that more companies would find it valuable to brand their CD-Rs also. Why Having A Niche Automatically Boosts Your Credibility - Become The Expert by Getting Focused Yes, yes, we've heard it all before... loads of life coaches, consultants and therapists are struggling to make a decent living but still stick at it because they love their job. Brand Equity Brand equity can be defined in many different ways. I have developed a simple, yet powerful, definition of brand equity. For a brand to be strong it must accomplish two things over time: retain current customers and attract new ones. To the extent a brand does these things well, it grows stronger versus competition, and delivers more profits to its owners. Branded Email: Email Branding is the Next Generation of Email All You Need is Branded Email Or Always Branded Email There to Remind Me 12 Ways to Reduce Postage 1. Never send a letter that weighs less than 30 gms. Five size8-1/2x11 circulars can be mailed with a 1st class postage stamp. By using all 10 sides with a variety of offers you have agreater chance of receiving an order. Wealthiest 10% of Americans Name Top Quality Brands for 8 Products in New Survey The seventh in a continuing series of twice-yearly surveys by The American Affluence Research Center (AARC) reveals the brands considered to have the highest quality, regardless of price, by the wealthiest 10% of Americans, the 11 million households representing about half of all consumer income and spending, a third of the total US economy, and 70% of the personal wealth of Americans. The Big Uneasy: Clearing the Clouds of Guess People often come to me to assist them with developing their brand because they are unable to accomplish the business success they desire. They're experiencing what we call the Big Uneasy--the state of being when things are hard. They are stuck in an idea, unable to make it happen, and dreams are unfulfilled. Life is heavy, there's a lack of flow... the Big Uneasy has taken over. Is Your Logo Helping or Hurting Your Business? The quality of your logo can mean the difference between success or failure. It can be that simple! Branding Your Products Is Important I was chatting with a couple of friends, all of us are either copy writers or graphic designers?or both?.in the advertising industry, so, naturally, our conversations leaned towards the topic. This one particular friend who works in an American advertising firm is now an Art Director, so, needless to say, he considers himself a notch higher than us mere freelancers and employees. After all, he is the one person who decides on the direction of a whole advertising campaign. He is also in-charge of a couple of large International brands of products. And during this conversation, he told me about this story that inspired me. He says that branding is so important to a product that it can either make or break a product?or even the company. How Much Is A Great Business Logo Really Worth? A great logo can help a business project a positive image while a bad logo can bring a negative impression about a company. For many companies, a logo is the only identifiable mark a potential customer may ever see, so it needs to be memorable, descriptive and easily recognizable. If a logo is the company spokesman, how much is it really worth? Branding - More Than Just a Statement - A Memory Scar Conjure up in your mind broad rolling meadows with runs of cattle or stock of some type, all discriminate by virtue of a registered brand. That's a most common and accepted understanding of branding. Branding Yourself To Increased Profitability Successful Realtors know the importance of branding their identities into the consciousness of the communities in which they live, like the big boys; Pepsi, McDonald's, Burger King, and other companies we know and have come to trust. What the Heck is Branding and Why Should I Care? There's been a lot of buzz lately about branding. But what exactly is it, and who needs to do it? Simply put, a brand is what makes your business uniquely YOU! It's the way you present your business and how the world perceives it. And, importantly, it's the way your clients remember you when it comes time to make another purchase. Branding encompasses your key marketing messages and tagline, logo, marketing materials, image, and your clients' complete experience with you from start to finish. Not So Stationary Stationery The elements and functionality of the basic stationery system is changing. With the advent of email, fax, web and cell phones, stationery systems must be adjusted to meet the needs of today's business. Brand Identity and the CEO This week I spent a few hours with a highly successful CEO discussing his brand identity questions and concerns. "What do the most successful brand initiatives have in common?" he asked. I shared an observation with him based on many years of having similar conversations and being involved in successful (and not so successful) branding programs. Brand to Sell Well Branding is an application of appropriate marketing techniques in the right proportion to a product. Brand management is to manage the forces in a market suitably to win favors for the product. Business Branding - How Character Affects Customers and Your Business Image The public buys far more than just your products, services and so-called image promotions. Whenever they interact with anyone or anything associated with your business, they are automatically branded emotionally, good or bad, by the totality of your business character. When Search Engine Marketing and Trademarks Collide In the world of marketing, branding issues are always an important part of any campaign. Companies work hard for their name to be recognized as a quality organization and a leader in their field. Companies will defend any action they see as a negative to their brand. They do not want unauthorized third parties to advertise their products, because they may do it in a poor manner which will generate negative consequences for the quality of the company's brand. Recently, Google was charged with trademark violations by Geico and American Blinds. The cases (C 03-05340 JF US District Court For The Northern District Of California San Jose Division) have gone to the discovery phase of litigation, which means the judges have said there is enough there right now factually to potentially justify these lawsuits. The impact of this trial could be vast for search marketers. ![]() |
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