Career Discovery - Pinpoint Your Ideal Career

Determine your ideal career--one that's in alignment with your values, passions, and talents--and discover the work you were born to do

Career discovery is the process by which a person identifies their ideal career path, thus saving themselves a lot of time (and money) by not pursuing career choices that they will ultimately find unfulfilling. To find your true calling, you need to dig around and find the things that are important to you--now, and in the future.

Career discovery is an important process, and one of those skills they don't really teach in high school or college. Career counselors in school mainly focus on accessing your skills and trying to match them up with the appropriate career field. This can work fine for some people, but others find that their values and beliefs change over time, and they discover that what they thought they wanted in a career when they were 20 isn't necessarily what they want when they're 40.

To find a career that fits your core beliefs, values, and skills, you really need to do an in-depth evaluation of yourself. What do you find fulfilling in life? What are your priorities? What's your "life purpose?" What motivates and interests you? What skills, knowledge and abilities to you posses? And what could you get excited about learning in the future?

Some other important considerations:

·Do you work well alone, or do you need the energy and interaction of a group of co-workers?

·Are you comfortable with the financial ups and downs that can come with self-employment, or do you need the security of a steady paycheck?

·Do you enjoy working long hours, or would you rather be in a career that allows you a lot of free time to spend with your family and friends?

·Do you like to commute long distances, or would you prefer a job close to home?

·Would you enjoy working outdoors, or are you an office rat who needs to be surrounded by four walls in order to be productive?

·Do you really want a new career, or could you make your present career acceptable with a few adjustments?

Until you can answer most of these questions satisfactorily, I wouldn't recommend finalizing your career plans. Life is short, as the old saying goes, and you don't want to waste several years traveling down a career path only to discover that you've made the wrong choice.

So do your homework, take a look inside your soul, and discover your true calling in life. Only then should you move onto the process of formulating a new career strategy.

Kent Johnson - author, publisher, career coach. Helping people realize their dreams one career at a time. Your Dream - your source for career tips and info ==>

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