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Are You Worth Investing In?
Do you realise that if you're green you're growing and if you're ripe you're rotten? So says Winston Marsh, Business Marketing Guru in his recent newsletter. Here's an excerpt from it ... "Over the last week or so I have been presenting a series of seminars for MYOB throughout New Zealand and I have made an amazing discovery. Most people would rather service their car than service their brain! Now what do I mean by this? Well, quite simply, nobody gives a second thought to putting their car in for service or to get it fixed. They might moan and groan about the cost but they'll still do it. Why? Because they need their car to get around! They rely on it and have become dependent on it. So, no matter what the cost, they get the car serviced or fixed or whatever. They might have to beg, borrow or steal to pay for it but they front up with the money and get it done. But, it's a whole different scene and set of feelings when it comes to an investment in the most important piece of machinery--- that money making, good time creating piece of machinery called themselves. So many people have truckloads of reasons and excuses as to why they can't spend some time or money to get better at what they do... and some of the reasons are pathetic."That's the night that Who Wants To Be A Millionaire is on" or "I'm too tired after work" or "I went to something like that once and I didn't like it" or "I can't afford it" or whatever are the reasons that they don't invest in their brain. Yet there's only thing that will determine your income and level of success and that's your brain ... what you feed it on and how you use it determines your results. Look after it and fill it with new ideas and information and it will richly reward you. Neglect it and it will fade and fail." The Final Word I've found that those people who do not invest time and money in themselves and rely on their employer to pay for their development, dance to someone else's tune. They leave their future in someone else's hands. In fact most people drift along in life taking whatever is dished out to them. They cannot 'be bothered' investing any extra time, money or energy in themselves. It's much easier to float with the crowd. I also notice that many of the clients I have who invest their own money into their coaching program are extremely committed to making changes into their lives. They move ahead in leaps and bounds compared to clients who have had their program funded by their company. When you pay for something yourself, you are more likely to value it. If you really want to move ahead in your life, isn't it time that you started to invest in yourself? About The Author Lorraine specialises in working with businesspeople showing them how to dramatically boost their productivity, reduce the stress and the mess in their lives and have more time for enjoying their life. www.office-organiser.com.au, lorraine@office-organiser.com.au
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Whats in it for me if I Hire A Coach? 1. An unshakable foundation: Take Responsibility for Reshaping Your Life We say we want to eat better, feel better, and look better. But in order to make our goals materialize, we have to take responsibility for what we want by taking the appropriate actions. Here are three simple steps to help you turn your healthy goals into concrete accomplishments: Managing Performance Every Day The scenario? THE Step to Working Smarter (Japanese Style) Remember that Coke contest from the 80s? If you collected bottle tops that had the letters to spell T-H-E R-E-A-L T-H-I-N-G, then youd win a zillion dollars. Curbing the Public Nuisance (Part 2) Yes, that pillar of society that has been with us since that slithery dude threw humanity for a curve in the Garden of Eden ? that cornerstone of society has been automated. Business Career, Executive Coaching Article - Leadership: Understanding the Human Condition "Nothing is more practical than for people to deepen themselves. The more you understand the human condition the more effective you are as a businessperson. Human depth makes business sense." Success Secrets - The #1 Money Secret I Learned from Interviewing Over 23 Millionaires All over the Net, people are asking you to pay them for 'get rich' secrets, all the 'systems' have different names. Have you ever asked yourself this question, how many of them are really rich? Maybe a few, right? Lessons from Donald Trump and The Apprentice: A Career Coachs Perspective What can we learn about careers from watching Donald Trump and The Apprentice? Corporate Coaching and Employees: One Step Ahead "Don't shoot... We're on the same side." Among the Purpose & Personality I have one magical thought, lets see it more closely. Every one has purpose of life. Some holds good for self, family, a society, state, nation, religion, world, etc. Are You Seduced by The Dark Side of Wealth Creation? Get-Rich-Quick Scammers With the growing number of expert business people, consultants and coaches keen to make money from multiple streams of income I thought I'd share a WARNING to help you spot genuinely useful information from dangerous scams. Going Beyond Life Coaching In Corrogue the air is chill and the frost is on the ground. Emotional Dependency or Emotional Responsibility Emotional dependency means getting one's good feelings from outside oneself. It means needing to get filled from outside rather than from within. Who or what do you believe is responsible for your emotional wellbeing? Becoming An Information Filter And A Knowledge Sponge As the title states, "Become an Information Filter and a Knowledge Sponge." On your daily journey to achieve your WHY, you will travel through many different avenues and sometimes you will ask yourself, "Why do I need to meet this person or experience this situation?" The key is to truly understand that you must become an information filter and use your personal God-given filters -- your eyes and your ears. I always say that you were born with 4 inputs (2 eyes, 2 ears) and 1 output (mouth). Truth About Life Coaching School Accreditation With life coaching becoming "the" career choice in this millennium, many of you are seeking the right choice for training and certification. Hopefully this article will answer some of your questions. Coaching for Success Coaching is perhaps the most effective method of increasing performance available to managers, team leaders, and colleagues. This article defines coaching and outlines a process for effective coaching. Working With Choices Despite our skills, experience or expertise we can still make a meal out of making a choice! Ten Benefits of Having a Relationship Coach As a Master Certified Relationship Coach, I work with singles to help them attract a great match and with couples to help put their relationships back on track. I hear great feedback from my clients about the value of coaching. Pecked to Death By Ducks Ever been in a situation where it seems like minor criticisms are all you hear? Sure, there are things you could improve, you know that . . . but a constant peck, peck, peck of negative feedback sure doesn't motivate you to change! One of my mentors called this gradual chipping away at one's self esteem, "being pecked to death by ducks." How to deal with it? There are ducks outside my window as I write . . . and I know that one sure way to make them go away, is to stop feeding them. Ducks need to eat a lot, and eat often, to keep going. If they can't get food from you, they'll try someplace else. So . . . how can you make this work for your brand of "ducks"? What about figuring out what there is about you that's FEEDING them? For example, are you reacting to their pecks? (Psychologists tell us that some people use a negative approach to get the attention they crave.) Are you working harder in response to their criticism? (When you do this, you are exhausting yourself and adding chocolate sauce to their dessert! The pecking won't end, I guarantee it.) I believe we feed our ducks when we take words of criticism home and brood. Most of us are programmed to take criticism much more seriously than we do praise, and many of us make almost a career out of taking criticism home to chew over . . . and over . . . and again. When Duck A criticizes me for DOING x, I have a choice. Take it home and make it last . . . or look the criticism in the face. If it's fair and valid, I may decide to stop x-ing (it's my choice). In fact, Duck A may have done me a good turn -- and one way to keep this in mind is to say (over and over if necessary), "It's about what I DO, it's not who I BE." A WORD ABOUT SYSTEMIC DUCK FEEDERS: Some organizations and groups encourage anonymous feedback, in the mistaken belief that this provides a safe environment for honest communication. WRONG! Anonymous feedback promotes dysfunctional systems . . . and dysfunctional systems are essentially "duck food silos." (I put a spin on an old mantra, "If you can't say it to his/her face, don't say it at all." Of course, sometimes we need help -- a mentor, an advocate, a companion, a safe structure. But whatever it takes, in healthy systems, constructive, behavior-focused criticism comes with a name attached, and if at all possible, is given face-to- face.) Finally: HOW NOT TO BE A DUCK: Before YOU criticize, think clearly. Figure out what is really bugging you. And then speak directly to the person with whom you have a problem. Use 'I' statements (a skill unknown to ducks, as far as I know). Rehearse ahead of time to be sure you're focused on behavior (Do-ing), not Be-ing. A good rule is to ask yourself, "How would this sound if she (or he) were talking to ME?" © Maureen Killoran, 2005 Diverse Marketing Strategies for Those Living with Disabilities Imagine yourself as the only means of financially supporting you. A little scary isn't it? In today's economy, it is difficult living on a single income. This is especially true for individuals living in Howard County, although what a great place to call home. People will gladly exchange dollars, for the exceptional quality of life, provided by a county, tucked away in the middle of the beautiful State of Maryland. ![]() |
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