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Ten Benefits of Having a Relationship Coach
As a Master Certified Relationship Coach, I work with singles to help them attract a great match and with couples to help put their relationships back on track. I hear great feedback from my clients about the value of coaching. I think everyone can benefit from having a coach -- coaching can contribute that much to your life. Which is why you may be interested in seeing what some of my clients have said about the value they received from coaching. Here is a list of the top ten benefits my clients say they have derived from having a relationship coach: 1. "I finally met my match." Clients repeatedly credit having a relationship coach for their ability to finally meet their match, a partner unlike any other they have had. In this relationship -- in addition to attraction -- there is true compatibility in values, interests, and desire for personal growth. 2. "I regained hope." Thanks to coaching, clients regained hope in love, regained hope in meeting the right partner, regained hope in getting married, perhaps even having children. They understand they can be loved and that there is a right partner for them. 3. "I never have to repeat that horrible pattern again." Relationship coaching has helped people free themselves from unhealthy relationship patterns. These are the kinds of patterns where you end up with the same partner, only with a different face, over and over again. 4. "I learned how to read people." Coaching has helped clients learn to understand their own and others' motivations. It helped them learn how to clearly see people for who they are. 5. "I finally know exactly how to date." Clients credit relationship coaching for their newfound clarity about what to do and not to do when dating. They no longer have to worry about whether they are doing the right thing. They can now relax and be themselves. 6. "I learned how to have great communication in a relationship." Clients have learned how to create an environment where great communication happens. More than that, they never have to hold back, put up with something, or stuff their feelings. And neither do their partners. 7. "I never have to worry about a broken heart out of the blue again." Clients say they have learned how to avoid heartbreakers. They also say they have learned how to establish relationships where problems are handled long before they lead to heartbreak. 8. "I learned how to deal with difficult situations in relationships." Clients say that now instead of being afraid their relationship will go south after the "honeymoon" period, they know how to handle a relationship no matter what stage it's in. 9. "I've seen an improvement in all my relationships." Relationship coaching has helped clients improve all their relationships -- from coworkers, employees and bosses, to parents, siblings and children. The improved relationships make for a better, easier, more fulfilled life, which in turn improves the romantic relationships. 10. "I can stand up for myself." Clients say they have learned that personal strength, boundaries, and self respect make for better relationships. They have learned how to say no, mean it, and have the relationship be ok. You deserve to have all of the benefits above. Although you can have any or even all of them without a coach, with the right relationship coach you can have them much faster and easier than you would otherwise. And of course, as you know, I am a relationship coach. Email me and let me know how I can support you to have wonderful relationships. Your Relationship Coach,
About The Author (c) Rinatta Paries, 1998-2002. Do you know how to attract your ideal mate? Do you know how to build a fulfilling relationship, or how to reinvent yours to meet your needs? Relationship Coach Rinatta Paries can teach you the skills and techniques to attract and sustain long-term, healthy partnerships. Visit http://www.WhatItTakes.com where you'll find quizzes, classes, advice and a free weekly ezine. Become a "true love magnet(tm)!"
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