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Jewelry Insurance - Hints and Tips So You Dont Get Ripped Off
As crime and drug use increases, the risks involved in having Antique and Estate Jewelry just lying around your home seem to treble. It becomes a nightmare and you find you are just not sure what to do. Here are some timely pieces of advice, but by no means comprehensive. If you have special circumstances, it may pay you to go one step further and get some professional advice. BALANCE AND COMMON SENSE... If you collect Antique Jewelry and your collection has grown to more than 'Just a couple of Rings' you will have a double edged sword to handle. In the first place you have two problems. * You are an active buyer, so people know who you are. * Insurance has put 'Premiums' through the roof. Personally, we just Hate to see items collected and never worn. Jewelry was made to adorn, so if you can, wear them. But remember this is an open advert to the whole world that you have 'Got some Jewelry' at Home. It pays to be just a little aware! YOUR INSURANCE POLICY... Your Home and Contents policy 'GENERALLY' does NOT cover your personal Jewelry over a certain amount (this varies from company to company). Plus if you had to claim, the Insurance company may take a 'premium' from you (say $100) which they would DEDUCT from the final payout. The remaining value may not cover one item in your collection, yet alone the 'sentimental' value associated with your personal favorites. So you will have to list all of the items individually and get an Insurance Valuation certificate as well. Because 'Sentimental' value does not apply, only the replacement costs, you will have to ensure your qualified gemologist/jeweler/valuer understands why you are having an appraisal done in the first place. This can get expensive as professional appraisals typically cost a flat 'Take-in' price of around $20 plus a sliding scale fee of approximately one percent of the final value. In an item is valued around $1000 dollars, that fee is $10 + $20 take-in or $30 total. This is just for ONE item. Valuation Appraisals can cost up to $60 dollars or more so if you have a small collection, you may need a small fortune just to keep up with current prices. The BIGGER your collection - The B I G G E R your cost! But if you don't want a great outlay, you might just take advantage of the useful 'Do-it-Yourself' Online Jewelry Self Appraisal Kit at the Online Jewelry Appraisal Center at the address shown below, which is a great alternative. This ONLINE database system calculates everything for you and prints out a descriptive Certificate and is hundreds of times more accurate and thorough than your local high street jewelers' scribbled letterhead. At such a low fee it's money well spent. Indeed, if you just purchased something on eBay or Yahoo auctions, for example, you might wish to just confirm an approximate value by using this easy to use DIY Valuation Appraisal Kit. Suppose you recently bought something from a local Dealer, on the Market or Antique Fair, why not get it checked. What's the worst that could happen? For less than the price of a Big Mac and Coke it's a Bargain, plus there are many other advantages to having your Jewelry done at the Online Jewelry Appraisal Center. Your appraisal valuations should be re-done every couple of years as the price of Gold and Silver changes, as does the price of Diamonds and Gemstones and Antiques in particular. We do offer an excellent reminder service to anyone who completes a 'Do-it-Yourself' Online Jewelry Self Appraisal Kit with us. This alone is worth the small fee as it relieves you of the problem. But remember that if your Jewelry is lost or stolen, the insurance cover will only help replace your treasure with something of 'COMPARABLE' value. It can't buy you 'sentiment' and it can't buy you another Georgian Chatelaine to exactly replace the one you had. You may be able to get another 'Similar' item though, and that is better than the few dollars or so, you may have received from the Homeowners policy. It pays to have an up-to-date Certificate. I can't stress that enough. If in doubt, talk with your trusted Insurance Company. But even if it's just for 'Peace of mind', the small price (less than a Cinema Ticket) is well worth the effort. It's a No-Brainer really. There are several other SPECIAL REPORTS available through our eMail-on-Demand subscription box at the website, so please take some time to visit. There is a timely warning on Security issues. It's good advice, plus there is some great tips on Investing in Jewelry, Insurance guidelines and other notes on selling, Hallmarking tips etc, and they are being added to all the time. And the best bit is they are FREE.... Thank you for taking the time to read this special report. If you thought it interesting, useful or found it helped you in any way I would appreciate your comments via email at the address shown below. This is my personal email address and I read every comment - good or bad. Alternatively: why not pass it on to a friend. I'm sure you can think of someone who might benefit from this useful information. Treat it as doing me a big favor. I will certainly appreciate it. Thank you. As usual.... P.S. There are many other complimentary Reports available to you at our website, or if you haven't yet done so, you may like to subscribe to our email-on-demand Newsletters - the Antique Jewelry Guide - full of Hints - Tips - Secrets and Articles in every issue. About The Author David Foard is retired ("Ha..." he laughs). He is working harder now than at any time in his life, especially over the 30 years he spent in the Antique Jewelry Trade as a qualified gemologist and member of the Valuers Council. Now he concentrates on the three 'R's of 'Reading' Ritin' and re-ritin articles, courses and producing free reports and information at his website. Get all the info now by going to http://www.online-jewelry-appraisals.com and follow the links at the Online Jewelry Appraisal Center.
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What is a Battle Ready Sword? You'd think that the term "battle ready sword" would be pretty much self explanatory wouldn't you? Coin Collecting ? A Fun Hobby Over the years, collecting coins has grown from being just a hobby to becoming a full-blown enterprise with numerous Internet sites devoted to coins. Over the next several weeks, I will give you a little background about coin collecting to help those who want to pursue this as a hobby and maybe even make some money in the process. I Didnt Know These Are Slowly Destroying My Scrapbooks! Once you spend your precious time and energy creating a scrapbook, make sure it lasts! There are a few simple things you can easily do to ensure that your scrapbooks look just as good as the day you finished them, for years to come. Cleaning Silk Bouquets In 3 Simple Steps How To Clean A Silk Bouquet Green Thumb Not Required Ah, the sweet smell of fresh flowers, herbs and fruit. But what if you don't have room for a flower garden or a fruit tree? What about if you always over or under water your herb garden? What happens when your house just doesn't get a lot of sun? And what about when you try and try but you just don't have that coveted green thumb? Sigh. And even if you could grow that prize winning dahlia, what happens in the winter when you crave that subtle floral scent wafting through the house, room to room? You're probably not going to import 20 plumeria leis from Hawaii to fulfill your dream. Make Your Own Lampshades When redecorating your room, you may be faced with looking for new lampshades (or perhaps a lampshade you currently have has gotten damaged). So why not make your own! Why Do You Need to Have Your Tools Blade Sharpen After Work If you like to do wood carving or making sculpture as your hobby, you surely need tools to make your creation. If you just starting this hobby, knowing your tools and how to treat your carving tools probably the best way to make everything easier for you, thus make efficient time when doing your work. Sharing Journals Creating a journal or diary that combines scrapbooking and journaling, is a journal that you can share. Writing about experiences and feelings, and including photos, ticket stubs, magazine or newspaper clippings, fortune cookie fortunes, drawings, and more, enhances and further explains those experiences and feelings, becoming a treasured keepsake for you and for your family and friends to share for years to come. How to Make a Childs Handprint on a Ceramic Tile This is a fun craft to do with a group of moms and their kids, one child per adult works the best. Each mom will need: How To Create A Collage Journal Creating a collage journal is a unique and fun way to personalize and enrich your journal. Making a collage journal is something that everyone can enjoy. If you are a visual artist, photographer, writer or just someone who wants to enhance your written journal, then creating a collage journal can be quite an adventure. Rubber Stamping: From Maya Indians to Scrapbooking Who would have thought that your scrapbooking and card making had a connection to the Maya Indians? Rubber Stamping is certainly one of the fastest growing hobbies today, and for good reason. With its inexpensive materials and creative versatility, rubber stamping provides millions with hours of fun and creativity. How did it all start? Easy Steps to Scrapbooking with Young Kids Kids grow up so fast and if you don't try to capture some of these wonderful memories through some means, they'll all slip through the fingers just in a snap. And scrapbooking is a fabulous way to preserving those memories, by combining the photos and journaling of your kids. How to Invest in Antique, Vintage, or Modern Jewelry As Antique Jewelry is 'Really' based on the 'Collectability' and Style of an item, it is hard for clients to appreciate the 'Craft' involved in Handmade work, as they only see the Gold value or Diamond Value fluctuate over the years. Saltwater Coral Reef Aquariums - 5 Tips for Success Do you dream of watching the natural beauty of the undersea reef life while sitting in your living room? Build Your Own Bar Stool (In An Afternoon) Bar stools are as important as the best wine in your bar. It is said that if you don't get a good stool to sit on, you won't enjoy the drink. By a good seat it means that not only it should be comfortable it should be attractive too besides having other minor and major specifications. Nowadays, there are lots and lots of options available, may be the number match to that of the number of the brands of beer available in the whole world. But the irony is that not many match all the required specifications. The options available in the material that we can use are metal, wood, bamboo, iron, etc. The styles available are retro, swivel, whether it has back or not, different metal colors, different designer fabrics, whether it is meant for indoors or outdoors and so on and so forth. We as the owner of our bar, we are the best judge of our bar and hence we are the only one who can decide, which is the best for ourselves. At times we want to make our own bar stools to cater our need. Here are some tips to make one yourself. The Power Of Scrapbook Journaling By journaling your pages you will transform an ordinary collection of photographs into a vibrant and visual storyboard - telling the stories behind the pictures, revealing hidden memories and emotions. Diecast Collectibles: The Collectors? Guide to Making a Profit Millions of people have made a hobby of collecting items of one sort or another, but some take it to a higher level. These collectors view their collections as more than just an accumulation of trinkets that they happen to enjoy; to them, it's a business, and they're not in it to lose money. For those who collect diecast models, making a profit can be a challenge, unless you know the ropes of how to effectively collect pieces and then apply the necessary strategies to resell at an increased price. Baby Boomers Need Creative Practical Hobbies "Well how are you really enjoying your retirement?" I asked out of interest, "it was great to start with" he said, but lately, I've just become kind of lost... I don't really know what to do with all the spare time I have, "and there's only so much golf you can play, you know"? "then he said", "I'd love to do all of the things you do in your home workshop. Embroidery Sewing Quality of Machine Embroidery Designs Many new to embroidery have experienced numerous problems because of the inferior quality of free embroidery design files that they downloaded over the internet. One of the biggest mistakes that many new sewists make is using free designs patterns that have problems built in. Even if you are lucky enough to do everything else right and use inferior designs, results will probably not be good. Many of the free embroidery designs files that one can download are the first efforts of someone that has just begun to digitize and thus are not very well made. Many new to this great hobby use these because they are free and easy to download without using a credit card, but this is where the trouble begins. Then when outlines are off or there are gaps in the sewing and poor results are evident, how does one know where the problem lies? Is it the designs or the stabilizers or even worst - Can it be the new embroidery machine? We have a test so one can determine if the design is at fault or if the stabilizer is the problem. We make available free designs, free sewing lessons, free thread color charts and info that you may need to learn so you can get great results with your embroidery designs projects. Identifying US Coins with Bullish Futures Okay, let's get something straight? I do not advocate the purchase of United States coins strictly for investment purposes. Like most traditional collectors, I believe coins are to be primarily appreciated for their artistic beauty, historical connections, and the joy of pursuing them. However, it should be no secret that a significant number of us do add to our numismatic holdings while simultaneously peeking at the payback angle, too. ![]() |
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