Crafts & Hobbies Information
Capturing the Craft Show Market
Finding the right product to sell at a craft show is extremely
important in finding success on the craft show circuit. You may
already have an excellent craft product or line of products you
are creating or even selling, or you may be looking for a craft
to produce in order to enter the business. In either case,
market research is going to help you find a craft show product
that you can produce at a low enough cost to net a profit - and
one that you will enjoy making. If you don?t spend time looking
into what everyone else has at their craft show booth, you might
repeat what others have, or create a product no one really wants.
Tooling Leather
Use vegetable-tanned, light-colored top-grained leather for tooling leather. If you?re not sure what you have, test the leather?s ability to take a pattern by wetting a corner and making lines with different objects like the edge of a coin.
The Wonderful Art of Bonsai
The potential for enjoyment of Bonsai trees is enormous. These
are the dwarf-sized trees that have been developed in the Asian
countries of China and Japan for many hundreds of years. Most
people have to go out to a forest to experience the marvelous
plants that we call trees.
The Proper Use of Comic Book Supplies Will Help You Maintain a Top-Notch Collection
If you want to keep your comic book collection in tiptop
shape, comic book supplies will become part of your
collecting life. As soon as a magazine is printed there are
natural environmental forces going to work to try and
destroy the ink and the paper. You have put in a lot of
time, effort and enjoyment in acquiring all your comics.
You don't want them to turn back to the dust and elements
from which they came do you? So the proper use of comic
book supplies is essential.
Mixed Media Collage - Make The Pieces of Your Life Sing!
According to the dictionary, collage art is an artistic composition made of various materials (as paper, cloth or wood) glued on a surface. The word comes from the French word "coller," meaning to glue or to paste.
10 Slam-Dunk Crafts For Little Kids -- And Bigger Kids Too!
Crafting with young children really isn't about creating something in particular. Most young children don't have the foresight to see what a project is going to be.
How Could Your Hobby be the Key to Financial Success?
Virtually everyone has the knowledge they need to make a fortune. Everyone has an interest, hobby or has knowledge about a particular subject. It could be anything, and I really mean anything! From gardening to model planes, childcare, from dog training to sports, everyone has knowledge that someone else wants. The problem is that most people have no idea how much their knowledge is worth because information online is worth much more today.
Production and Pricing of Craft Show Items
This is where you can really make or break your craft show
career. Being able to produce quality crafts as efficiently and
affordably as possible is the key to making a tidy profit from
craft shows.
How to Make Gel Candles - 11 Easy Steps
Do you love burning beautiful, scented candles? And do you know that you can easily make them yourself? It is exciting and not at all difficult. Here are 12 easy steps to creating unique candles that you can burn at home, give as gifts, or even sell.
Aromatherapy Candles - How to Select the Right Scent
Feel sad, tired, or a little bit stressed? Something as simple as an aromatherapy candle could help you relax and feel happier. But not all scented candles have this effect. Let?s find out how to select an aromatherapy candle that can lift your mood.
Genealogy - Why You Should Get Involved in Your Family History
A few years ago I read a statistic that said that genealogy was the second largest hobby in the United States ? second only to gardening. It was no surprise to me as I have been finding and documenting my family tree for almost 30 years. Over that time a lot of people have asked me, ?Why genealogy? What do you get out of it?? There are a lot of reasons to find out about your family and I?ll cover just a few hoping that one of them will get you started.
Curiosity: A lot of people are just plain curious about where they came from, what their ancestors did, how they got here ? to this time and this place. Lots of people find themselves in this category when they are told that they are adopted. While they have adoptive parents, traditions, and history, they also have another history that calls out to them. Other people have lost touch and are curious about where people are, how they turned out, who they married.
It?s a Great Puzzle: This applies to me in several areas of my life besides genealogy. I have worked with numbers a lot ? particularly with market research. I just love understanding what motivates people to buy certain products, where they shop, how much they want to pay, and where they want to hear about those products.
When my wife and I go camping I spend hours working crypto quotes in the sun ? fun and challenging puzzles that help me relax.
When it comes to puzzles, I don?t think anything can match the complexity and fun of genealogy. Just think about a jigsaw puzzle that has an almost infinite number of pieces ? some of them that don?t fit and some of them missing. Nothing can match the satisfaction I get from finding one of those lost pieces of the puzzle and putting it into place. These are puzzle pieces that lead to long-lost cousins and far-off places.
Hobby: I did a lot of market research before organizing FamilyTrackers, Inc. The company was started out of my belief that Internet searches could be much more accurate than those usually conducted on the Internet. Interestingly, there is a group of genealogists who resist a more accurate way to find information. They are not interested in any tools that make the job faster. ?That is the reason I do my family tree ? to fill up my time. Looking into page after page of results is the part I like about genealogy. It?s my hobby,? they said. Fortunately for me and for FamilyTrackers those who like the things I find most tedious are not a large portion of the market.
Leave a Legacy: Some people approach middle age or have a traumatic event at any age that prompts them to think about their mortality. ?If I never meet my grandchildren, what will they know about me? What will they know about my parents? How will we be remembered?? Those of us who are fortunate enough to have ancestors in this category are indeed lucky. My grandmother wrote a short story about her trip as a young girl in a covered wagon from Illinois to Kansas. Thinking about it now, it must have been a dusty, hot, and miserable trip. The events that she wrote about were ordinary, daily occurrences that were taken for granted in her time ? something that she wrote about because the trip was out of the ordinary. Read the same story today and discover something that is unique to our experience ? herding cattle, rustlers, camping out every night. If you do nothing else with your family history, you should write down or record your life experiences in your own words in any way that you see fit.
Emotional Satisfaction: This is a huge reason for being involved in genealogy and one that I hear repeated by other people as they talk excitedly about their latest discovery. There are moments that happen during a search that are touching and immensely satisfying. This is the moment that you look at your great grandfather?s signature on your grandparent?s marriage license; put your hand on the baptismal font where your oldest known ancestor was baptized; stand on the ground where your great grandfather from the old country is buried ? knowing that your grandmother stood on this spot in front of an open grave grieving her loss. These moments are thrilling, goose-bump producing moments of a life time when you can almost reach across time and touch a person who you finally understand and know. This is a moment you must not miss!
Give Something Back: Lots of people get involved when they volunteer at their local genealogical or historical society. What a wonderful place to meet nice people who are willing to help you discover your roots. These groups are responsible for saving crumbling records all over the world and for making the information available to everybody. People who work in these places are almost always unpaid and give their time and effort on behalf of people like you and me every single day ? people they have never even met. This is important work and you can get the satisfaction of helping other people by volunteering yourself. It is easy. Pick up the phone and call.
Whatever your reasons, give genealogy a try. It is a stimulating hobby that will put you in touch with yourself and with a lot of nice people who are ready and willing to help.
Green Thumb Not Required
Ah, the sweet smell of fresh flowers, herbs and fruit. But what if you don?t have room for a flower garden or a fruit tree? What about if you always over or under water your herb garden? What happens when your house just doesn?t get a lot of sun? And what about when you try and try but you just don?t have that coveted green thumb? Sigh. And even if you could grow that prize winning dahlia, what happens in the winter when you crave that subtle floral scent wafting through the house, room to room? You?re probably not going to import 20 plumeria leis from Hawaii to fulfill your dream.
Sewing ? A Wonderful Pastime
To think that in the beginning the only sewing patterns used were to measure from ankle to dirt and chop off the animal skin so that it would not drag on the ground. Now you can get sewing patterns for everything from a simple square sewn together to create a throw pillow to an elaborate wedding dress. You can find sewing patterns by the thousands at any fabric or specialty store, and find specialized catalogues, which cater to custom sewing patterns for any size and style. You can now also buy sewing patterns online from all the classic pattern manufacturers, and the technology of the internet allows formerly unknown pattern manufacturers a chance for the spotlight.
Molding Leather Armor
In order to mould leather armor, soak it in water until it becomes pliable and soft. Then place it in the mould until it dries and hardens.
Antiques - The Modern Day Treasure Hunt
In today's world, everything that?s old can be described as antiques and generally speaking that?s quite true. A product is considered to be an antique if it is over a hundred years old or is rare enough to have some value. In other words, these are old items that are in limited supply.
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A Look at the Humidor Plan
There are many styles of humidors that range from the smaller traveling humidor to the large cabinet and even walk-in room humidors. By far, the most popular humidor is the glass top humidor also referred to as the desktop humidor.
Pump Up Your Life with Scrapbook Pages of Certainty
If you can voice enthusiastically that scrapbooking is your passion, could you say the same thing about how you feel towards yourself?
Making Hemp Jewelry Is Fun and Easy
Making our ideas come to life and creating them with our own hands is a great source of satisfaction for many of us. Handicrafts such as making hemp jewelry have been and continue to be very popular among both hobbyists and would-be entrepreneurs alike. Aside from being a productive way to pass time, making hemp jewelry encourages creativity and is a great and inexpensive way to have fun either by one's own self or with friends and family.
Getting Rid of Messes and Mistakes in Your Scrapbooks
No matter how careful you are, you will undoubtedly find a mistake, mark, or mess on your finished scrapbook page. This is just part of the process of making a scrapbook. If you find a mistake, mark, or glue bits on your scrapbook page, just rub it off using a soft white eraser.
What is a Battle Ready Sword?
You'd think that the term "battle ready sword" would be pretty much self explanatory wouldn't you?
You Are A Diamond So Scrapbook About Yourself
As a devoted scrapper, you probably gain satisfaction from scrapbooking about others.
Scrapbook Photos -- Getting Adventurous With Your Layouts
When you have selected the photos for your scrapbook, you'll need to decide how best to lay them out on the pages. Don't feel obliged to follow any principles that don't suit your own design. There are no specific rules stating that all photographs
or mementos must be placed in chronological order. It is completely up you to
decide in what order you wish to place your items and embellishments.
Embroidery Designs Testing for Machine Embroidery
We have found a "new" way to see how well the stabilizers and methods you are using are working with so that your designs look GREAT without any off outlines, puckering, cupping or warping. This is a TEST - Only a Test - but if You and your stabilizers pass - You will have great looking designs. And if your methods and stabilizers don't pass - you can just try again - Till you get it right.
Diecast Collectibles: The Collectors? Guide to Making a Profit
Millions of people have made a hobby of collecting items of
one sort or another, but some take it to a higher level.
These collectors view their collections as more than just
an accumulation of trinkets that they happen to enjoy; to
them, it's a business, and they're not in it to lose money.
For those who collect diecast models, making a profit can
be a challenge, unless you know the ropes of how to
effectively collect pieces and then apply the necessary
strategies to resell at an increased price.
Depression Glass Patterns
Collectors of Depression Glass find not only its beautiful
colors fascinating, but its patterns, as well. With many
glass producers making this type of glass, as you can
imagine, many patterns resulted, creating a wide array of
pretty, practical, and inexpensive glassware affordable to
every American household in that lean era of history and
making Depression Glass one of the most collectible items
Soap Making For Beginners ? Melt And Pour Process
As you will learn, soap making can be simple or complex. Some people enjoy the challenge of going all out professionally, which is fine. However, other people simply want to make soap for personal use or to give as an occasional gift.
Scrapbook Photographs -- How A Picture Can Be Worth A Thousand Words
For many people, photos are at the heart of their scrapbooks -- and for a very good reason. We all treasure photgraphs of friends and loved ones, and many of us carry some with us wherever we go in a wallet or locket or keep photos on our desk at work. And if disaster were to strike and you had to evacuate your house, many people say they would save their photo albums before any other possessions!
Starting A Coin Collection
The best place to start collecting would be with pennies, we will focus on the Lincoln Cent for the years 1909 through 1958, which are the Wheat Cents. There are still a number of "wheat cents" showing up in circulation, so it is possible to start a coin collection without spending a great deal of money.
Production and Pricing of Craft Show Items
This is where you can really make or break your craft show
career. Being able to produce quality crafts as efficiently and
affordably as possible is the key to making a tidy profit from
craft shows.
Wax Pencils, Stickers, and Rubber Stamping in Your Scrapbooks
Another important writing implement for scrapbooking is a wax pencil. Wax pencils are soft pencils designed to write on glass, plastic and photographs. These pencils are easy to draw with and can be used to color in portions of lettering, in borders, or to create accents.
An Easy Way to Understand Your Collectibles
What kind of gifts you often receive? Is it toy dolls, animal figurine, antique, pottery, game, memorabilia or something you consider as a collectables? Well, what ever it is, as long as it pleases you, those entire gifts are full with memory which you then consider as a collectibles. Gifts and collectibles are not contradicting each other; instead they are supplementing each other.
Making Beaded Jewelry Is Easy to Do
Making beaded jewelry is an inexpensive and fun hobby that nearly anyone can do. The materials needed are readily accessible and cost very little money. Aside from the requisite thread, needle and the beads, there are also some other materials that the hobbyist can use in making beaded jewelry. Hobbyists can also experiment with various beading techniques to make interesting and unique creations.
How to Make a Simple Gemstone Necklace
With gemstone beads, every bead is precious. Every bead is beautiful. A
little more effort is needed when stringing a gemstone necklace together.
The Power Of Scrapbook Journaling
By journaling your pages you will transform an ordinary collection of photographs into a vibrant and visual storyboard - telling the stories behind the pictures, revealing hidden memories and emotions.
Why You Should Race RC Cars, and Not Just Bash
For those of you who have been racing your RC cars for years,
and have a friend or two who you have been trying to get out to the
RC tracks, this article is for you. Feel free to forward it to