Crafts & Hobbies Information

Old, New, Borrowed, and Blue: Unity Candle Craft Project

Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. There are plenty of crafty brides out there looking for a unique design for their unity candle. They want something that is as special and unique as their wedding day. Many artists are ready and willing to custom make a Unity candle for an eager bride - and charge anywhere from $30 to $200 - and that's not with any gold-plating or diamonds set into it!

Simple, and Stylish Wedding Reception Centerpiece: Craft Project

This simple, yet elegant table centerpiece is a great way to make a fancy "to do" at each table, without breaking the bank.

Coin Collecting ? A Fun Hobby

Over the years, collecting coins has grown from being just a hobby to becoming a full-blown enterprise with numerous Internet sites devoted to coins. Over the next several weeks, I will give you a little background about coin collecting to help those who want to pursue this as a hobby and maybe even make some money in the process.

A Playtime Project: The Memory Quilt

A friend recently suggested a use for my daughter's first wardrobe, which I've dutifully saved in the back of the closet, and lugged on two long distance relocations. Turns out she's done the same thing with her daughter's first clothes, and we've decided to make memory quilts. This playtime project preserves my little girl's everyday playclothes for no other reason than that they are hers.

Creative Soap Crafts

Soap is a craft that is fun and easy to make. It's a great project to do with your kids.Simply follow the instructions below and you'll be on your way to one of your first bars of soap... where you choose all the soap colors and shapes.

Making a Living Making Soap?Questions to Ask Before You Begin

Soap making can be a wonderful hobby but if you?ve ever thought of turning your hobby into a business you know how overwhelming the idea can be. Here are some questions to help you think through your decision:

Collectible Action Figures - Is About Fun Memories And More Money

Superhero action figures first stormed the doors of department stores and toy stores nearly 35 years ago. Constructed of various kinds of plastic and clothed in uniforms, costumes and capes G.I. Joe, Superman, Spiderman, the Lone Ranger and others marched, flew and rode off store shelves and into our lives. After short stops under the Christmas tree or at birthday parties, these action figures found their way into toy boxes and playrooms around the world.

Gemstone Collecting

Personally, I have become fascinated with gemstones (precious and semi-precious stones). I am amazed at the array of colors and properties of these little treasures found in the earth. God created something truly amazing for us to look at and to adorn ourselves. Many of these tiny treasures are a fantastic investment. Purchasing a rare and beautiful gemstone that will significantly appreciate is an opportunity for everyone to enjoy and benefit. Making a return or to pass down through the generations, gemstone collecting can be a rewarding and profitable hobby.

The Easy Way to Make a Club Logo

Are you a member of a club or association? Have you ever thought how much better your letterheads would look with your own club logo? How about a sign for your club with your logo and club name on it?

Collectibles: Searching for those Hard-to-Find Diecast Models

For collectors of any kind, there are always those items that are much sought after, but nearly impossible to find. If they?re lucky enough to finally locate them, the price is often exorbitant or there are some other restrictions which inhibit their ability to secure them. With a good deal of patience and persistence, however, even the rarest of these collectibles can be found and purchased without as much difficulty as one might imagine. One simply needs to know where to look.

Diecast Collectibles: The Collectors? Guide to Making a Profit

Millions of people have made a hobby of collecting items of one sort or another, but some take it to a higher level. These collectors view their collections as more than just an accumulation of trinkets that they happen to enjoy; to them, it?s a business, and they?re not in it to lose money. For those who collect diecast models, making a profit can be a challenge, unless you know the ropes of how to effectively collect pieces and then apply the necessary strategies to resell at an increased price.

Save on Kids Craft Supplies - Recycle!

Here is some information about how to collect and use recycled objects in your crafts!

Use Tags and Embellishments to Give Your Scrapbooks that Personal Yet Professional Touch

Tags are a little added touch of professionalism that adds to the overall well thought out look to your scrapbook. Tags can be used for accents, captions, and thought bubbles as well as dedications. The design of your tags will depend entirely on your personal needs and desires.

Patterning and Spacing in Your Scrapbooks

How can you arrange your scrapbook page to best show off your mementos and embellishments? You can place everything in the center of your page, place a single focus item in the center, or divide the page into sections adding items to each section. You may also choose to lay the items out in a standard recipe or calendar layout.

Getting Rid of Messes and Mistakes in Your Scrapbooks

No matter how careful you are, you will undoubtedly find a mistake, mark, or mess on your finished scrapbook page. This is just part of the process of making a scrapbook. If you find a mistake, mark, or glue bits on your scrapbook page, just rub it off using a soft white eraser.

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