Crafts & Hobbies Information

How to Use Feathers and Dried Flowers to Give Your Scrapbooks an Artistic Feel

Feathers make exotic and interesting embellishments and borders. Feathers add an air of softness. Feathers may be useful in scrapbooks with a freedom, peace, or quiet theme. However, colored or exotic feathers may add a touch of adventure or a feeling of a far away land to a scrapbook page.

Identifying US Coins with Bullish Futures

Okay, let?s get something straight? I do not advocate the purchase of United States coins strictly for investment purposes. Like most traditional collectors, I believe coins are to be primarily appreciated for their artistic beauty, historical connections, and the joy of pursuing them. However, it should be no secret that a significant number of us do add to our numismatic holdings while simultaneously peeking at the payback angle, too.

Why Chainmaille Jewelry Craft

Jewelry is very prevalent, but jewelry that directly compliments your personal style or makes your statement for you perfectly is not prevalent. Find out some ways this is so with chainmaille jewelry. Discover a craft that ends up as a fine bracelet you will treasure for a long time to come.

Roasting Your Own Coffee - A Hobby You Can Love

There is nothing like a cup of coffee that has been freshly roasted, ground and brewed to perfection. There are a growing number of enthusiasts who are roasting their own coffee beans and enjoying the benefits of truly fresh coffee at about one-third of the price of beans from your local coffee shop. A recent article touts that roasting your own coffee is one of the fastest growing hobbies in the USA today.

How to Make a Childs Handprint on a Ceramic Tile

This is a fun craft to do with a group of moms and their kids, one child per adult works the best. Each mom will need:

How to Make Your Own Soap Favors for Weddings and Baby Showers

Want to make soap as a gift for your party guests? Here are some simple tips for making soap gifts and favors:

How to Value Your Jewelry at Home or Work

Many thanks for taking the time to read this compact jewelry article entitled 'How to Value your Jewelry at Home or Work'. You are about to discover the intricacies and formulas that highly qualified Gemologists and Valuers are using, right now, to evaluate and appraise gold, silver and platinum jewelry.

Making a Chunk Candle

Making chunk candles is an and fun activity for all ages. A unique technique using wax chunks of different colors gives the finished candle a beautiful texture and look. Thay make a refreshing alternative to the usual pillar candles. Follow these step-by-instructions and make your own pretty chunk candles to gift or keep.

Cupcake Candles

With candle making, there are hardly any limits. You can replicate lots of things with your creativity. Here are some delicious 'Cupcakes' that look very, very inviting.

Starting A Coin Collection

The best place to start collecting would be with pennies, we will focus on the Lincoln Cent for the years 1909 through 1958, which are the Wheat Cents. There are still a number of "wheat cents" showing up in circulation, so it is possible to start a coin collection without spending a great deal of money.

How to Make Your Own Refrigerator Magnets

There are several types of refrigerator magnets that you can make with a little effort and the right materials. Below are some ideas for making magnets for gifts or just for fun.

A Scrapbook Page To Celebrate Your Childs First Haircut

Here's a great idea for making a special 'first haircut' scrapbook page. Between the ages of about 12 and 18 months, a baby boy or girl may go for their first hair cut. You've probably seen that there are many children's hair salons that offer special deals for a child's first visit. They have a special chair, take a photo or even video the visit -- and then later you take away the photo or video and a lock of hair as a keepsake. So why not create a scrap book page to celebrate this event in a special way!

Idle Hands Beget The Devils Work

As a southern girl, sewing was a rite of passage. You never questioned if you should learn, it was a matter of when. Though I possess the skill, it was rarely put to use. One day, while shopping for a quilt, I went back to my roots.

Getting Started With Radio Control Cars

Take note that you need to decide whether you want a radio control nitro or gas car or perhaps one that has an electric engine. You could purchase either one which is ready to run (rtr) or a kit. Now, knowing how much you would want to spend start going shopping for a vehicle that fits your specifications. Like me passion is what drew me to this exciting hobby and there's a lot you are going to learn before you can "get behind the wheel".

Scrapbook Photographs -- How A Picture Can Be Worth A Thousand Words

For many people, photos are at the heart of their scrapbooks -- and for a very good reason. We all treasure photgraphs of friends and loved ones, and many of us carry some with us wherever we go in a wallet or locket or keep photos on our desk at work. And if disaster were to strike and you had to evacuate your house, many people say they would save their photo albums before any other possessions!

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