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Theres A Light At The End Of Your Tunnel, Called Imagination!
Imagine this. You've got this huge dream you just turned into an exciting accomplishment. You had a huge problem you turned into a beautiful masterpiece. You had a giant obstacle you formed into a personal triumph, and now?.., you give a long stare at your prized possession and say, ain't that just the cat's pajamas. There's Just One Problem! That's not the way most people imagine. Yep, most people imagine the thing falling all apart. They put their "imaginer" in reverse and see all sorts of doo-doo falling on them. Why do they do that? Here is one observation. They have never been told by someone or told themselves to do otherwise. Now wait a minute before you grab the remote control. Think about this. What did you do in the first paragraph? Did you imagine all kinds of doo-doo falling on you? NO! Why? Because I told you what to imagine. Now, if you did like I asked you to, you imagined some wonderful incident in your life and how that would play out if all those wonderful things happened. And, it made you feel terrific. So, it stands to reason, if we would imagine all kinds of wonderful things happening, at the beginning of an opportunity, similar results would happen. Things tend to play out in reality the way they play out in our imaginations. The exact specifics of any situation may not look just like they did in our imagination, but, the end result is the imagined conclusion. For example; I remember when I was a young teenage boy. I had a crush on a girl that I wanted a date with so bad. I imagined that there was no chance for me cause she was soooo? beautiful. I imagined that she would laugh at me if I even looked like I wanted to ask her for a date. A Faint Heart Never Won A Fair Maiden! Well, somehow I managed to get up the nerve to ask her for a date the next Friday night. Now mind you, all that week I was imagining her telling me, in one of our classes, that she had to cancel. So, I tried my best to avoid her the whole week. But, she didn't cancel. You know what she did? Yep; she stood me up. I was too afraid to call during the week to confirm the date because I didn't want her to tell me she couldn't go. So, I just show up at her house at the prescribed time and her father tells me she went out with the girls. Well, dummy me, I said, do you know what time she'll be back? He laughed and said, no. Here's the point. The details didn't play out exactly the way I had imagined them, but the end result was just what I imagined; no date with miss beautiful. As Lucky As The Only Man In A Women's Prison With A Fist Full Of Pardons! Well, as it turned out, she stood me up because I avoided her during the week and she thought I forgot or changed my mind because I didn't remind her. Our imaginations can cause us to feel the thrill of triumph, or, the feeling of getting caught with our pants down. Here is another scenario for you. When I started my second online business, I did a lot of research to determine what the roadblocks there would be and how much competition I had to deal with. I was astonished when I went to the search engines and found over 5 million competing sites for the very competitive keywords I needed. So, I decided this would have to be a very precision undertaking and would require the right mind-set to stay motivated enough to see it through. I described to myself the kind of imagination that would be necessary to succeed. I wanted to be in the top ten of at least two major search engines with one keyword. So, every time I imagined my site on a search results page, I would see it in the top ten listings. Filled To The Brim! About 4 months of intensive effort and keeping my desire in my imagination, and whalla!...I'm there. But, not with just one keyword, I'm there with four keywords and in 4 major engines all in the top ten. Someone said, "are you telling me you just imagined yourself into the top ten"? Yes and no. If I hadn't kept my focus on the desired imagination, I would never have lasted for the amount of effort it required. The easiest part was the imagination part. The harder part was the grinding it out day by day. But, with the wrong kind of focus, your imagination will sap your strength and leave you in a fine kettle of fish. Make No Bones About It! Imagination without perspiration is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. Our imagination was created to do a specific job, and it does it very well. It was not meant to be a garbage dump for "life sucks, my goose is cooked, up the dirty river, dead as a dodo kind of attitude." Now, if you use it that way, it will take that attitude and process your dream into a living color sewage dump while you stand around scratching your rear end trying to figure out what happened. But, if you describe to your imagination the wonderful things that you would like to see happen, then your imagination has the fuel it needs to keep you motivated. And, the next time you need some get-up-and-go, you'll feel the fire in your desire. Next time you find yourself in a situation that you really need to succeed in, do this. Write down the most positive outcomes you can think of that could possibly happen. Write down 4-6 outcomes that seem plausible. Then, read them daily, everyday until the project is completed. Entertain High Hopes! Will this guarantee success? You know better than that. Here's the guarantee. If you do it, your chances are a hundred times greater of success than if you don't because your imagination will be supporting you, aiding you, giving you a feeling of signed, sealed and delivered. That's when living gets fun. Richard Vegas © About The Author Richard Vegas is a popular recording artist and internet marketing professional. He invites you to subscribe to his FREE weekly ezine "Wing-Tips" The Success System That Never Fails at: http://www.1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com/Articles/articles.html. You may also hear and follow Richard's music career at: http://www.richardvegas.com webmaster@1-work-at-home-based-business-opportunities.com
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