?Dating Again? Redefined

Define dating again as The Joy Of Dating Again. It is all about rediscovering ourselves, and then sharing with others our growth and realizations.

Right now, take a moment and think about what the joy of dating again means to you.

Here are some definitions as examples:

The joy of dating again is a reflection of your evolution from pain to joy.

The joy of dating again is a self-growth process, and we share ourselves through interacting with others.

The joy of again is a method of discovering your new sense of self and developing your instinct.

The joy of dating again is a trip into the unknown, expecting the known to happen.

Dating again is like peeling an onion, you are always discovering more about yourself, and others... and there's always more coming.

The joy of dating again is learning how not to need anybody to make us happy; therefore, finding happiness and love.

The joy of dating again is stretching our comfort zone by trying things we have never tried before.

The joy of dating again is learning to give ourselves the gift of self-esteem.

The joy of dating again is the process of removing our masks until we are as authentic as we can be.

The joy of dating again is making peace with ourselves and living in harmony.

The joy of dating again is allowing ourselves to enjoy other people's company.

The joy of dating again is expanding our beliefs of what is possible for our lives, including true love.


Answer the following questions:

What does dating mean to you?

What does joy mean to you?

What does the joy of dating again mean to you?


Answer the following questions:

When was the last date you had? How was it? Why?

Think of a great date you had. What did you do? How did you feel? Can you remember what were you thinking or feeling about yourself?

Think of the worst date you can remember. What did you do? How did you feel? Can you remember what were you thinking or feeling about yourself?


Complete the following sentences:

Having a date is

Being dateless is

Being asked on a date is

Asking someone for a date is

Being rejected by someone is

Rejecting someone is

Read your answers and see what they say about your present level of dating and your own expectations.

© 2004 Jeanette Castelli. Excerpt From the book "The Joy Of Dating Again: 21 Self-Empowering Keys" by Jeanette Castelli, M.S. ISBN: 0974206113. Features 21 Self-Empowering Keys to transform your experience of dating and your life, eliminating the trial and error. Contains exercises, worksheets and social experiments to implement each key. Book available from local bookstores and online retailers worldwide. For more information visit website: http://www.JOY.urbantex.com/ Email: Postmaster@urbantex.com

Jeanette Castelli, M.S. is an expert in self-empowerment, relationships and recovery. She is a self-improvement author, speaker and coach. Her education includes a Bachelor Of Science of Psychology, a Master Of Science of Psychology and a Master Of Business Administration (MBA). Her belief is in self-empowerment to create true changes in life by "doing not just reading." Her books feature an interactive, user-friendly step-by step guidance with practical, real life applications of the theory. She has written "Extreme Breakup Recovery" and "The Joy Of Dating Again" To contact the author email to postmaster@urbantex.com or visit websites http://www.extreme.urbantex.com or http://www.joy.urbantex.com

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