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Secret Dating Tips - Top Secrets of a Sex Magnet
In any group of girls, there's usually one who's getting all the attention. You know, she's really animated, talking a lot, outgoing, a lot of guys are hitting on her. You can bet some of the other girls in the group are kind of shy and are feeling left out and a bit jealous - and they're dying for their share of attention! Give it to them, and it will be like throwing them a lifeline - they'll cling on to you to save them from the horror of being a chick in the shadow of some other woman! TIP 1 TIP 2 Here's the plan: Go up to a woman who's browsing meat (or looking at fruit or reading labels on laundry detergent or whatever). For instance, if it's meat, look over the meat, too, picking some up and reading the labels then setting it back. Turn to her and say, "I'm hopeless at this, I can never pick good steaks. It's always too tough or too fatty or just not fresh. Can you help me out?" Women love giving advice, and you just gave her a golden opportunity she can't refuse. She'll give some tips. Ask her questions, like what color to look for, if you should buy leaner cuts, etc. When she's done and you've selected some steaks or a package of hamburger or whatever, say, "Thanks so much, I really appreciate this. This may be the first good meal I've had in ages. Let me repay you - let me make you dinner. You already know I've got good steak." She'll be a little taken by surprise, but very pleased with the attention. Say, "By the way, I'm Doug. And what can I call you?" She may accept the dinner invitation and if so, great, get the number and start planning that menu! But since she doesn't really know you well, she may hesitate to go to your house for a meal. So if she seems a bit reluctant, say, "You know, I know you really don't know me and might be shy about coming to my place for dinner so soon. So how about I take you out for a nice meal, and then you can see what a harmless guy I am, and maybe later I'll cook you that dinner. Come on, you've got nothing to lose and you'll gain a free dinner at the restaurant of your choice. Besides, I owe you. Your advice has saved me from a lifetime of eating bad cuts of meat. You've got to let me pay you back." She'll be flattered and laughing at this point, and most likely writing down those digits for you! If you met talking over fruit or laundry detergent, you obviously can't offer to cook that up for her (well, you could, but you'll score crazy points instead of brownie points). But you can still thank her and offer to pay her back by going for a cup of coffee or dinner sometime. Play up how she's saved you from wearing horribly dingy clothes by helping with that detergent or saved you from catching God knows what kind of rare tropical disease imparted by eating squishy, bad fruit. Make a joke, get her laughing, and get those digits! Supermarket scores are great, because women love it when they think a man who was just minding his business, doing shopping, saw her and was so taken that he couldn't help but make a move. Female vanity has its uses, fellas! TIP 3 Go someplace where people hang out, like a bar or bookstore. If there's a woman at the bar who's just sort of looking bored, who keeps looking around the room or even getting up to walk around the room, that woman is looking for action. Go up to her and comment on something about the place, like "Hi. It sure is quiet in here tonight." Or "Hi, I can't believe how packed this place is." She was just waiting for someone to talk to, and this is all she'll need to be off and running. Let her lead and follow along! Maybe throw in a comment like, "What's a beautiful woman like you doing sitting here all alone?" Don't say that at first, because women hear cheesy lines like that all the time. But if you say it a few minutes after conversation has started, it erases any doubt from her mind as to whether you're hitting on her or you're just someone who's making idle conversation but not looking to meet. Give her the cheesy pick-up line that includes a compliment - and women love compliments! - and she'll know what you're after. At a bookstore, check out the chicks over by the magazine racks. If there's one who just keeps browsing titles, idly picking up a mag and flipping through the pages, all the while looking around to check out the other people there - that's a gal just waiting for someone to take notice of HER. Do it, and you'll find a woman ready and willing to talk to you - and probably hoping you'll ask for her number! Just go up to her, tell her the magazine she's reading looks interesting, or that you already read that and there's a great article in there, or (if it's a woman's magazine) that you've been tempted to read "Cosmo" or whatever it is just to see what kind of stuff those mags tell women. Ask her if she thinks men would find any useful information about women in there. She'll be off and running with stories of how silly the articles are, or how they might be interesting to men. Talk a while, and then ask her to sit down for coffee to chat more. Then ask for her number. She was looking to meet, so she'll be more than willing to hand over those digits! TIP 4 In two or three days, send flowers to her at her work place. Include a card saying, "We just met for a moment, but I can't stop thinking about you. Meet me for a drink after work? Doug." Include your phone number, too, just in case she wants to call and thank you before you get in touch with her. And believe me, she'll want to thank you. And you'll score major brownie points because she'll be thrilled to get flowers at work - all the other women in the office will be buzzing around wondering who sent them, and the object of your desire will be excited by the surprise and by the attention from her co-workers. Give her a call later that day after you know the flowers have arrived, and say, "Hi, this is Doug. Remember me, I'm the one at the dry cleaners (or wherever you met her) who mistook you for Susan from the bank? Did you get the flowers?" She'll say yes, tell you they're beautiful and unexpected. Say, "I know this is a little crazy, out of the blue and all, but you just seemed so nice, and I was kicking myself that I didn't ask you out before. I know we don't really know each other, but I'd like to change that. How about going for that drink later?" She may not remember you well, after all, she only met you for a minute, but man oh man is she ever going to be flattered! Someone is telling her she's so hot that after a few seconds in her presence, he can't stop thinking about her and is sending flowers?! Women eat that stuff up, they think flowers are so thoughtful and romantic! How could she turn down a drink with someone so thoughtful, someone who made her feel gorgeous? She can't! Besides, she'd feel ungrateful if she didn't at least give you a shot. This is a piece of cake pick-up technique, and it makes you seem like Prince Charming! Like taking candy from a baby, fellas, trust me. TIP 5 Yeah, you've heard about dogs being a babe magnet - because it's true! Time to start believing it and try it out for yourself. And if you don't have a dog, be the nice guy and offer to take a friend's pooch for a walk once in a while. The dog doesn't have to belong to you to have that same magnetic effect on women. It works like this: Woman sees man with cute, furry dog. Woman can't resist going up to pet and talk to dog. Woman is feeling all warm and fuzzy and friendly and starts asking man about dog. "He's so cute! What's his name? What kind is he? Can I pet him?" All you have to do is be ready with the basic info. Like, "Thanks, his name's Butch. He's no kind, just a mutt, aren't ya boy? But he's a sweet mutt. Go ahead; he loves to be petted by beautiful women." From here, ask if she has pets, learn about them, what kind, their names. If she doesn't have a dog now, ask if she ever did. Find out about it, then ask her advice on your dog. Like, "Since you used to have a dog, maybe you'll know this, but Butch wants to bark all night long. Any idea what I should do?" This doesn't have to be the exact question, just pick something where she can give advice and an opinion. She'll feel needed, and you just have to act interested and impressed with the advice. If she never had a dog, share a fuzzy story about the dog and why they make good pets. Then say, "Ya know, Butch is really digging you. He never takes to strangers like this. I think he'd be really disappointed if he didn't get to see you again. Care to join us here for a picnic tomorrow?" Now you've been sweet and flattering and funny in one fell stroke, and the woman will be eating out of the palm of your hand. Get her number, set a date. Just pack some wine and a blanket with that picnic basket, and you'll be ready to rock! TIP 5 Go to a clothing store, like a department store that sells clothes for men and women. Find a spot in the men's section that's nearest to the women's clothes. Look through the racks, grabbing a few things you'd like to try on. When you spot a babe you'd like to meet, make your move. Go over to her, and say, "Excuse me, but you look like you really know how to dress. I've been shopping all day, and I just can't find anything. You obviously know about clothes, could you give me an opinion?" You can say you're trying to find something for work, like dressy casual, or just say you're terrible at picking out clothes and ask her to help you find the right shirts and jeans or suit or whatever it is that you really are interested in buying. Just pick the type of clothes that you would want to wear with this woman on your first date - if you want to go to a movie, nice jeans and shirt would do, or if you want to impress her with a nice restaurant or the theater, be shopping for this kind of outfit. Because a date is what you're really going to need the clothes for, but she doesn't know it yet! So you've complimented her taste in clothes - score brownie points! - and you've asked her advice - score more points, because women love to give advice! Women also love to shop, and now they get to help you shop. That's an offer too good to refuse. So show her what you've picked out, ask what she thinks of the styles and colors. Maybe she'll go and pick some different things from a rack. Then say, "This is so great, would you mind if I tried these on so you could tell me what you think?" Women love that, too! Why do you think they go to stores in groups? They want to try on clothes and they want to help their friends pick stuff out, too. It's like 2-for-1 shopping, a double fix! So once she settles on what you look best in, thank her. "Thanks so much, I really appreciate it. I mean it, you've really helped me a lot. Let me make it up to you. How about dinner next week? Come on, you already know I've got something decent to wear." She'll be flattered and laughing at your joke. And she'll be thrilled she found a man who let her pick out his clothes! You're in, and you won't have the added stress of figuring out what to wear on the first date! This is a 2-for-1 special for you, too! And one last thing, be ready with an explanation of why you're using this particular Laundromat if it's not in your neighborhood, just in case she asks. Make sure you pick one that's not too far from home, and just say the one in your neighborhood was full and you didn't want to wait for a machine. Now grab some change, a pile of dirty clothes, and get ready to bag that babe! Ben Anderson - Admin - GF Lifestyles
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Mom Says So, you're a member of every suitable on-line dating site, you hang out at all the right spots and feverishly attend networking events, you've answered personal ads that appeal to you and you still haven't met the one. Or if you're like me, you've dated a series of potential perfect matches only to be left with disappointment. You're probably wondering, "Are all the good single men hiding under a rock?" The answer is a resounding NO! Love Eluding You? Let Go and It May Find You How many times have you heard someone say it was when they weren't looking for love that they found it? Often they'll say, "I had just accepted the possibility that I may not find someone and realized that I'd be ok." Or, "It's ok if I'm single for the rest of my life." Dating Advice! Where Safety Always Comes First Dating advice for people dating online, where safe dating will always be a priority! Compliments - A Very Powerful Dating Tool! Giving a compliment can be a very powerful tool when dating women. Of course, too many compliments can also make you look desperate and needy. There needs to be a happy medium. So, what is the key? As outlined in my book "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" you need to give a compliment from a position of power. If you can master this one form of communication then she will see you as a powerful person and continue to crave your attention and approval. First Date ? Tips for Women You are on your way to your first date with him. Probably a blind date. Here are some basic things you need to know, in order to make it a successful one or what you should do if things go wrong. (This article has been made with the help of my wife, Mona) Dating Personals! Find Out How To Write A Knockout Personal Ad If you're about to leap into dating personals and don't know how to begin to write that knockout dating personal ad, then read further on for some simple steps that will help develop a strategy to create a dating profile that works. Keep in mind this information is based on my personal opinions, and are not taken from any professional dating avenues, so I suggest you read at your own risk! Online Dating Tips For Success So the search for the perfect relationship is tuff. You have tried the grocery market, the coffee houses, blind dates, social gatherings and the Barnes & Nobles. Nothing seems to work. Faster, Cheaper, Better P2P Online Dating Software There is one thing we all know for certain when it comes to the internet. That is that each year someone will come up with a way to do things faster, better and cheaper. Well, that time has come in the world of online dating. The old fashioned way of signing up for a internet dating website, putting your profile in with hundreds of others and paying a monthly fee for the privilege of searching that database of profiles is about to become totally obsolete. Dating Share ? a phenomenal new P2P Dating Software > is changing everything about how we handle romance using online dating sites. Why Attractive Women Meet Me Online.. Why attractive women meet men online. Who Says Online Datings Only For Losers? I let that friend talk me into browsing some pictures on one of the more popular dating sites. I had to say, there were some pretty decent looking men on there. Their profiles made them sound like fairly mentally stable human beings. I had to admit that the single thing was getting really tedious. I had done the bar scene (as we all have), had friends try to 'hook me up' with some other dateless, picky single person (though, why some of them figured they had the right to be picky, I have no idea), with no success. Dating After Divorce: Things To Think About Regarding Dating After Divorce Dating after divorce is a much debated topic due to the psychological and emotional impact it can have on people. Dating after divorce can be complex, too often divorcees don't consider the ramifications of dating after divorce before they jump into it with both feet! Tips for Creating a Successful Personal Online Dating Profile Your profile is the key to meeting your perfect match at online dating and personals services so it's surprising that many profiles are mediocre at best. With a little extra time, thought and effort, and the help of these tips, you can make yours a winner and attract a large pool of admirers to take your pick from. How a Blind Date Can Increase Your Psychic Abilities So how can a blind date increase your psychic abilities? It's probably not what you're thinking. We're not talking about having a few drinks with someone you've never met before. We're talking about developing your psychic abilities by deliberating shutting down one or more of your five senses. Let Women Talk and Help Women love to talk (just think of how long they talk on the telephone). Women like to help (just think of a typical "female" job: nurse, kindergarten teacher, geriatric nurse...). Combine those attributes and you got a talk up and running by asking the woman: "Could I ask you for help? Could you tell me why/what/how/...". Ask her any question you like as long as the question is non-answerable by a simple "Yes" or "No". Believe it or not, but maybe you have failed in your last dating attempt because you maneuvered yourself into dead-end answers. If you ask a girl "Have you been long here?" then practically anything she can answer is a dead end. She could answer "No, not long" or "A couple of minutes" but both answers do not lead into a nice conversational flow. Many men (since men are practical-minded) want a "clear and simple" answer. For dating purposes that kind of "questioning strategy" is absolutely wrong. Train by simply re-phrasing some of your question. Wrong: "Do you like this place?", right: "What do you think about this place?". You get the idea. In other words: Let her TALK. (This is just a simple example and I am not telling you to ask women that question). Or ask her something like: "What do you think is the most common flaw men have?" or "I am writing for dating-forum.com. Could you help me by telling me what feature your ideal man should have?". Let her talk for hours. Typical "open questions" start with Compatibility Harsh words, hurting comments, tears and flying household objects - for sure, no one ever wanted that to be the everyday routine when deciding to live together with the beloved person. Yet, why is this such a common picture, portrayed even in many Hollywood dramas? Dating Advice for Men: Why Some Women Like Em Younger Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. Madonna and Guy Ritchie. Your old high school English teacher and... your best buddy?! Hey, it could happen. These days, if an older woman wants a baby, she can have one. A guide for being single in Mimasaka, Okayama Prefecture "A Tsuyama singles scene?" scoffs single Mimasaka resident Hiroyiki Matsuda. "There isn't one. If you want that, you go to Okayama City." Lonely Expats Looking for Valentines Love Being an expat in a foreign country where you don't speak the language is hard at the best of times. And if you're single with the most romantic day of the year looming, what do you do? Too Ugly? Too Short? Heres How To Turn Your Flaws Into Strengths If you're worried and upset about your physical flaws, which prevent you from attracting women, then I've got some good news for you. The Cyber Lothario Are you writing to someone who is romancing you off your feet? Does this guy seem to know just what to say or write that gets you a step or two further down the garden path? ![]() |
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