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Harsh words, hurting comments, tears and flying household objects - for sure, no one ever wanted that to be the everyday routine when deciding to live together with the beloved person. Yet, why is this such a common picture, portrayed even in many Hollywood dramas? Two people meet, they fall in love - that happens, in a multitude of different ways, thousands of times all over the world. Then, if they're lucky and everything goes well, they decide that since they love each other so much, they want to stay together and share a home. Now, for married as well as unmarried couples, they have to adjust to a new situation: Every-day-life decisions depend on two people's opinions, preferences and wishes instead of one before. In single life, one's the only instance of decision on what party to go to, when to clean the place, what to wear, what to eat and where to go on holiday. For a divorced person, especially with children, a lot of responsibilities are added. A single parent has to be mother, father and breadwinner, has to take care of education, the children's need for love and all other problems occurring. These responsibilities, if mastered, as well as the comparably easy life of a single person, bring a lot of independence. And this independence, being an advantage in the situations described above, can turn into a problem when it comes to living together. Suddenly, decisions need to be agreed upon by both parties, and compromises have to be made. Especially in the first time of living together, those incompatibilities can lead to the actions described above. In the adjustment period, both need to be aware of those possible dangers and respect each other's difficulties in getting along with the new situation. Otherwise, the feeling of love and closeness that originated the wish to live together is bit by bit replaced with a feeling of rejection. The natural reaction on being criticized, misunderstood or in any other way "attacked" is to defend oneself. If you're used to make decisions alone, without considering another, maybe diverging opinion, you might feel attacked when your partner doesn't share your line of thoughts or wishes. The worst, but unfortunately most common, because instinctively made, reaction is to "fight back". For example: You want to go to a party. Your partner wants to go out for dinner. So your initial feeling is being "attacked": Why does your partner reject your proposal, what's wrong with it? So the instinctive reaction, from a feeling of frustration and defiance, is to "fight back": A sharp remark, pointed at the partner's proposal and aimed to hurt, seems to be the appropriate reply. Even if no further fight is following that situation, the feeling remains and the bond between you is weakened. Now, no one would break up because of such a little fight. But it's damaging the bond between you, even just a little bit. And maybe in some years, when responsibilities like an own house and children tie you together, you'll find that the constant damage of these little incompatibilities have left you wondering what made you being together in the first place. The hideous about this process is that it works so slowly. Human beings have an astonishing ability to get used to situations and, no matter how bad things might actually be, accept them sooner or later as normal. So out of pure habit, we tolerate the incompatibilities we have to build a wall between us instead of stopping, sitting down and sorting things out. When some years of low-level fighting (not bad enough to make you break up, but bad enough to slowly poison your relationship) have passed, it's nearly impossible to fix the damage done and to erase the barriers that have hardened over the time. In order to avoid a situation where the only alternatives are professional advice or divorce, some guidelines can help keeping things from going that far to the bad side. Control yourself. By observing your reactions and the resulting tension between you and your partner, you'll be able to easily isolate the kind of feeling that makes you react sharp and hurting. So once you know where your weakness lies, keep yourself from reacting immediately upon those triggers. Think twice, and consider if your ego (nothing else you're pleasing with a sharp reply) is worth hurting your beloved one. In most situations, a second of silence is enough to make you regret the answer you would have given. Don't get it wrong, it doesn't mean you always have to step back. There are situations when a confrontation is necessary - you just have to learn how to distinguish them. Reflect on your words. Imagine the same situation, just with exchanged roles. Of course, you have to be so fair to admit if you would be hurt in your partner's place. Now that you imagined the impact your reaction would have on yourself, think twice again if it's worth it. Stay cool. The worst things are said and done in anger. If you focus on what you want to achieve, there is mostly a better way than a violent verbal or even physical reaction. Or do you really think that your partner would give in to you shouting, and even be happy with that? Be ready to share responsibility. Especially for single parents, it's difficult to get used to trusting someone else again. But without trust, your relationship won't last. Be realistic. When you move together with another person, that means that your way of life will radically change. Your indepence will be replaced by interdependence: You'll be less on your own, but mostly with our partner. You'll spend less time with our friends and more time together. In result, you'll have to compromise on what you're going to do with your time - the more your interests diverge, the tougher it'll be to find acceptable compromises. Consider this carefully, and if you think that you're not ready for it, tell your partner - before it's too late. Brigette Meier is an occassional author for http://www.e-nterests.com - visit the site for more interesting articles.
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Where Should You Go On The First Date? One of the most frequently asked questions in the history of dating (with the exception of the caveman who was a firm believer in kidnapping and always took his date to a filthy cave) is where should one go on a first date. For starters, there are several places you shouldn't even think about going on a first date. They are listed below in order of "you'll die alone" rankings. Meeting Women: Surefire Spots To Get Dates The first thing I want to do immediately is to give you a CONCRETE, STEP BY STEP PLAN that you can immediately use to go out right now and start meeting more women. Long Distance Dating: Romantic or Frantic? It sounds like something out of a fairy tale. She's in Los Angeles: he's in New York. They met through an online dating service, started with e- mail, moved up to phone chatting and now they're sure they're in love. Only problem is-they have never met in person. How to Attract Girls Even If Youre Short Let me mention a few names and you can tell me what they all have in common: - Al Pacino - Humphrey Bogart - Napoleon That's right... they're all short guys. But you know what? They were all awesome with the ladies (and not just because of their celebrity status... they were all players before they became famous.) In fact, the reason they could attract girls was because of their strong inner attitude. There are a couple things you can do in the short term. Wearing boots right now will subtly add 2 or 3 inches to your height. Also, when you dress, wear vertical stripes and tight clothes. That will make you look SLENDER, which will make you appear taller. Long term, one way short guys can be more dominant physically is to work out. In fact that really should be first and foremost. If you've got muscles, it helps A LOT, not only with your physical appearance, but also with your confidence levels, strong inner attitude, and poise. So get in the gym. When you're muscular and you're a short guy, you become like a pit bull. And by the way, I'd like you to experiment with that.. do not always be the nice guy who's polite. For the next few months, try to let your "inner badass" come out a bit when you're with girls. Do the affirmation, "I'm becoming like the pitbull who can dominate the bigger dogs." Once you start feeling more and more confident in a few weeks, change your affirmation to, "I AM like the pitbull who can dominate bigger dogs." I've noticed that a lot of short guys develop a VERY strong presence by having cultivated that inner badass. Now, I'm not saying you should become a jerk... but just try to balance out that inner nice guy. Next thing to do long term is to GIVE UP any approval-seeking. Who cares what women think of you? Go through life doing what you want and being who you are. (That is so key by the way... those guys I list above were players exactly because they went through life doing what they wanted and being true to who they were.) You see, short guys who are badasses really have a bit of an advantage. Because of their stature, they automatically are able to have more rapport with chicks (who tend to be short themselves) than the guys who are beanpoles. And when you add to that a bit of a "badboy" element, it makes chicks dripping wet with attraction. The bottom line is this: only if YOU feel uncomfortable with your height will it affect you with the girls. If you feel completely comfortable with your height, then they will too. By the way, when it comes to tall guys, what women find attractive about them isn't their height. It's their dominance. If you have a tight sense of inner confidence, and project a personality that sucks them in, height will be the furthest thing from their minds. So to sum up, be true to yourself, take risks in life, cultivate your inner badass, and stop caring about anyone's approval. And hit the gym ASAP. And do the fashion things I said. Then you'll attract girls without worrying about irrelevant things like height. How To Gain Her Trust From The Start For a woman to have sex with a guy, she must not only be attracted to him, but she must also trust him. Look at it like this: Dating Options for Christian Singles As a Christian, you understand that to visit bars, nightclubs, and many other worldly establishments is not the way for you to meet your mate. The people who hang out there may be nice, but they don't share the same values as you do. On the other hand, churches and Christian Singles groups are popular ways to meet and hook up with those who are of a like mind. So, what if you don't meet someone at a church or in a Christian Singles group? Well, consider meeting someone online. That's right, Christian Singles' sites are exploding in growth and I am going to tell you why! Dating Online in Safety Dating online can be great fun, stimulating and exciting. So let's first get it into perspective. Some of us just like to have fun but are sick of the singles bars and other similar nite spots that are the last resort for finding a decent partner or lover. They often result in the wrong person even if you are lucky enough to meet someone. Or, you may have once upon a time met someone that 'fitted the bill' but over time this has proved not to be the case any longer, so.......long story short, you are now once again looking for a better fit. You might be just plain lonely or recently dumped by that someone who promised to be there forever. If you're senior in years, you may just be seeking a companion or someone who has similar interests. These days, it's quite likely that you are someone who's busy most of the time and don't have the time to go galavanting around the place looking for a date and attending dinner parties with the hope that your friends have selected a decent blind date on your behalf. Whatever your reason, online dating can definitely help make it happen much sooner than many of the tedious activities which most of us have experienced at some stage. Of course, you are also able to do this late at night (24/7) in your 'jim jams' when you have the time or better still, the inclination. The Huge Advantages of Online Dating Imagine the joy of finding the love of your life, an exciting romantic liaison or a rewarding friendship when you are looking and feeling your worst. You had a hellish time at work the previous day, you feel as though you haven't slept a wink, your skin would be a voyage of exploration for a dermatologist and a crow would be more than happy nesting in your hair. You feel tired and fed up and your self-esteem is at an all time low. You long for someone special with whom to share your life, but right now you feel that even Quasimodo wouldn't consider you as a romantic option. In this moment of self-deprecation, how is meeting Mr or Mrs Right possible? By taking advantage of online dating, of course. Online Dating 101 - Online Dating Basics Online Dating 101 by Kevin Koger How to Find the Background of Your Online Date The popularity of online dating has increased dramatically over the past few years. While most online daters are honest and straightforward, some seriously misrepresent themselves. Here are some safety tips and steps to help you weed out the good from the bad and help others do the same. Dress for Dating Success: Clothes to Attract the Man of Your Dreams In order to attract the man of your dreams, it helps to dress in a way that honors your beautiful body. When I use the word "honor," I don't mean you should dress like a nun or hide yourself in an ankle-length skirt and a turtleneck. Compatibility Harsh words, hurting comments, tears and flying household objects - for sure, no one ever wanted that to be the everyday routine when deciding to live together with the beloved person. Yet, why is this such a common picture, portrayed even in many Hollywood dramas? Single Sites Are A Great Tool To Network And Develop Fun And Spontaneous Relationships Online If you're tired of the boring and repetitive local dating scenes, then you should consider trying single sites to meet people with your interests alike! Are You Making These Body Language Mistakes With Your Hands? Unfortunately, what you do with your hands can be one of the quickest non-verbal ways to destroy the attraction that a woman feels for you, because the wrong hand movements can communicate that you are a low-status, beta male. Yahoo Personals Offers a Great Way to Meet and Date New People With more people turning to online dating every year, it's only fair to say that Yahoo personals is rising to be one of the most successful dating services on the Internet today! Dating Tips for Matchmaking and Friend Finder Sites Three years ago, I met my boyfriend Andy through the well known online dating agency 'Friend Finder'. Since meeting, we have moved in together and are head-over-heals in love. We decided that we wanted to help others that were in the same situation as we were - single and looking for love, so we set about creating a website aimed at reviewing matchmaking and friend finder sites from across the world. We believed that in doing this, we would give people a base to start on when looking for love. How to Get a Date Step #1- The first impression. Before you approach a girl or women, you need to know a few obvious formalities. Be clean - be sure you are wearing attractive cologne, clean clothes, and fresh breath. Woman notice the smallest details, so bad breath or B.O. will be one of the first impressions of you and you don't want that. Depending on what kind of girl you want to go after, you should always wear clean, fitting clothes; stains or overlarge clothes are a indication of what kind of lifestyle you live and you want to give her the best impression possible. Right before you approach her, you should put your confident but not cocky and witty but not corny cap on because that is the next thing that girls will be attracted to after your looks. How to Make Women Want You You don't need a guitar, rock-hard abs, or even a full head of hair to make a great impression on a woman. Follow these tips, and she'll want to hear from you again real soon: First Date ? Tips for Women You are on your way to your first date with him. Probably a blind date. Here are some basic things you need to know, in order to make it a successful one or what you should do if things go wrong. (This article has been made with the help of my wife, Mona) Why Attractive Women Meet Me Online.. Why attractive women meet men online. ![]() |
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