The Avenger v/s The Angel

I'm writing this for women and for men. I have to share this with you all. I met a guy a few months ago. He seemed like a decent guy. I met him at a restaurant, and we kind-of hit it off, so when he asked me to go out, I said yes. We became friends so to speak, on the phone or when I saw him at the restaurant. I started having doubts about him though when he would make plans and change them all the time, like I was on his schedule and had no life of my own. So finally I said forget it, this isn't going to work, it was even hard for me to be friends with someone who was so inconsiderate, so I told him not to call anymore. I saw him a few more times after that and he begged me for one more chance. I said to him, "this is it if you don't keep the plans, your just out of luck because I am only giving you this one opportunity". He called that weekend and I went out with him the next day. The date went fine, we had a lot in common and we had fun, he made me laugh and that was important, He said he knew what it was he wanted and he hoped we could see each other again. I agreed and left it at that.

The very next time I saw him, he completely changed. He became a total jerk, and I do mean jerk! He was rude to me in the restaurant, and was just a nasty person. I ended up leaving without my order when a gentleman stepped in to defend my honor, the bad part was that my son witnessed it all. But he ended up calling an d leaving a message saying how sorry he was. I didn't return the call. I saw him about a month later and he apologized over and over, but I said, "you know this seems to be bothering you more than it is me, why is that"? And he said, "you know I have feelings too", yeah me too and I am over it, you were just a speck in time, I never gave you a second thought, and honestly after a day or two I didn't. I cut him pretty good with my remarks and he once again was bugging me to go out, finally I said, "you were mad because you didn't get what you wanted, I don't trust you with my feelings and if I cant trust you, you wont get my friendship, let alone another chance with my heart", with that he hung his head and left.

I see him on occasion every now and then, he has repeated his apologies over and over, and I finally said, as sorry as you look I will give you the opportunity to be a friend of mine", so with that, he calls on occasion, when he needs a shoulder to cry on, sometimes he is mine, and I try to teach him how to treat young ladies, and women in general, I do believe he is learning, oh he gets a little upset with my 'tell him how it is response' but he always calls again. So even though he was once a jerk, he has ended up becoming someone I can call a friend, just wanted you to see that all things can turn around, when you don't let people take advantage of you, when you stand up for what you believe and know what you deserve. Thanks for listening.

Vaughn Pascal

For God and Country

To Bub; I love you. To God and Jesus; Thank you.

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