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Is it Lust or Love -- How to Tell the Difference
Far too many people, both men and women alike, confuse lust for love. Physical attraction alone will not withstand the test of time in relationships. Physical attraction is an important factor but must never be the only factor you rely upon when choosing a mate. Many make the mistake of confusing lust and love and end up broken-hearted when the relationship doesn't last. Perhaps you're wildly attracted to someone and thoughts of that person dominate your mind a good portion of the day and night. Perhaps you can't wait until the next time the two of you will be together again. When you are together you can't keep your hands off one another and when you're apart, you fantasize about the next time you can see one another. True love and lust are easily confused because they are so much alike. As a rule of thumb, if you share few other interests and have nothing in common other than an overwhelming physical desire for one another...it may be lust. If you have nothing of real value to say to one another and have difficulty relating to one another outside the sexual arena...it may be lust. If you don't particularly enjoy one another's company unless you're having sex...it may be lust. On the other hand, if your relationship is based on factors other than physical attraction and sex is not necessarily the number one priority...it may be love. Most long-term relationships are built on a strong friendship which turns into love over time. Having sex is not the driving force behind the relationship, but is a nice sideline to it. There really is such a thing as "love at first sight". It happens to many people and the relationship may last for the rest of their lives. A budding relationship based on lust feels much the same as one which is truly "love at first sight". So how do you tell the difference? Ask yourself the following questions. Read each question carefully and really think about it before answering. When answering, try to be as truthful as possible. If you can honestly and sincerely answer "yes" to all or nearly all of the questions, it may be safe to assume what you feel for the other person is actually love and not merely lust. Keep in mind, these questions are quite general and are in no way a total and complete checklist. 1. Do you share similar ethics, values, and morals? 2. Do you find it easy to talk to one another and can you talk freely about almost anything? 3. Do you enjoy the time you spend with one another, regardless of the activity? 4. Do you enjoy even the most mundane activities when you are together, simply because you ARE together? 5. Do you have a genuine concern for the happiness, safety, and well-being of the other person? 6. Are you able to work out any differences you may have with this person to the satisfaction of both of you? 7. When disagreements arise, are you able to discuss them openly and frankly without losing your temper? 8. Do you find yourself longing for this person's presence in your life in terms other than a sexual relationship? In other words, do you feel a need simply to be with that person and spend time with them even without having sex? 9. Can you laugh together and at one another, share jokes, and generally have fun together? 10. Does spending time with this person make you feel good about yourself? 11. Does this person give you a heightened sense of self-confidence and vitality? 12. Can you look at this person even when they are at their worst in their physical appearance (such as when they are sick) and not feel repulsed? 13. Do you share a strong mutual respect for one another? 14. Are you willing and able to share both good times and bad with this person and work through life's ups and downs together as a team? There is a very fine line between lust and love because the two of them are closely related. Being able to tell the difference can save you from wasting your time pursuing an unhealthy relationship which is doomed to eventual failure. If your long-term goal is to seek out a partner with whom you can build a solid, lifetime commitment, knowing the difference between lust and love is an essential and vital skill you'll want to master. Learning to accept a relationship for what it really is can mean the difference between a broken heart and a happy, fulfilling, lifetime of bliss with your partner. Copyright 2005 Deborah Willis All Rights Reserved Deborah Willis is the author of ATTRACT WOMEN -- The Average Man's Guide to Attracting, Dating, Loving, and Maintaining Relationships with Women. For more down-to-earth advice for men visit ATTRACT WOMEN This article may be freely reprinted as long as the article resource is left intact and there is a live link to the author's web site.
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Table For Two Please! I recently heard a woman say that she would not date a short man. She doesn't care about how nice he is, educated, godly or anything else ? he's short and that doesn't work for her. "I'm a tall woman ? I need a tall man." Then I heard another woman say that she would not date a guy who is uneducated. "A guy is not perfect for me if he doesn't have a college degree." Then, I read an article by a brother asking, "What's a brother to do?" He's tired of showing up at a restaurant requesting a table for one. "My goal this year is to hear Towns, party of two." According to Mr. Towns, he's tall ? 5'10", dark ? not like Wesley Snipes but close, he has big brown eyes ? one on each side of his face ? that's important, he's articulate, reasonably intelligent, in good health, practices good manners and doesn't burp, scratch or grab himself in public. I'm not mad at that! Selecting an Online Dating Site So you are thinking of giving online dating a try yourself. Here are some tips on selecting the online dating site that is right for you. Are Parents Still Stopping You from Having a Girlfriend? There are a lot of young men who find it difficult to go out and meet new girls on days when they have a quarell with their parents. Breaking Up The first thing you should do is talk about what happened, to your closest friend or family member. Just let it all out. The more you talk about what happened, the better you'll feel about it later on. You still have someone that cares about you, your friend or family member. Are You Making These Body Language Mistakes With Your Hands? Unfortunately, what you do with your hands can be one of the quickest non-verbal ways to destroy the attraction that a woman feels for you, because the wrong hand movements can communicate that you are a low-status, beta male. Black Professional, Educated, And Self-Reliant Woman - Why Am I Still Single? Today there are many single women over the age of thirty. The 2000 Census Bureau recorded that 2,219,489 women between the ages of 30 and 34 have never married. Dating Relationships and Your Future How Your Dating Life Could Affect Your Marriage It Pays For Single Christians To Date Other Like-Minded People Searching for the perfect mate can be one of life's greatest challenges. Top Ten Ways to Get Yourself Ready for Dating 1) So what's it gonna be? Dating Advice for Those Just Getting Back on the Dating Wagon! Dating is a daunting prospect, especially for those who've been off the circuit for a while. Here's a little dating advice to help you back on the dating wagon. Christian Singles and Meet Christian Singles Christian singles are plentiful no matter what age you are looking for and how much you want a relationship. A lot of times people think that it is a hard thing to meet Christian singles; but in all actuality it is pretty easy. Christian singles can be found in so many different places. If you want to meet Christian singles, you can look at church, school, or even on the Internet. So many groups cater to Christian singles that you will not have to look that hard at all. Most of the time, they are right in front of your face and waiting to be met by you. Why Do So Many People Date Online? Once upon a time, online dating was a last resort, a joke of sorts for singles. Today, that is no longer the case. Millions of singles are now looking online for relationships. The reasons behind this new trend in dating are numerous. How to Attract Girls Even If Youre Short Let me mention a few names and you can tell me what they all have in common: - Al Pacino - Humphrey Bogart - Napoleon That's right... they're all short guys. But you know what? They were all awesome with the ladies (and not just because of their celebrity status... they were all players before they became famous.) In fact, the reason they could attract girls was because of their strong inner attitude. There are a couple things you can do in the short term. Wearing boots right now will subtly add 2 or 3 inches to your height. Also, when you dress, wear vertical stripes and tight clothes. That will make you look SLENDER, which will make you appear taller. Long term, one way short guys can be more dominant physically is to work out. In fact that really should be first and foremost. If you've got muscles, it helps A LOT, not only with your physical appearance, but also with your confidence levels, strong inner attitude, and poise. So get in the gym. When you're muscular and you're a short guy, you become like a pit bull. And by the way, I'd like you to experiment with that.. do not always be the nice guy who's polite. For the next few months, try to let your "inner badass" come out a bit when you're with girls. Do the affirmation, "I'm becoming like the pitbull who can dominate the bigger dogs." Once you start feeling more and more confident in a few weeks, change your affirmation to, "I AM like the pitbull who can dominate bigger dogs." I've noticed that a lot of short guys develop a VERY strong presence by having cultivated that inner badass. Now, I'm not saying you should become a jerk... but just try to balance out that inner nice guy. Next thing to do long term is to GIVE UP any approval-seeking. Who cares what women think of you? Go through life doing what you want and being who you are. (That is so key by the way... those guys I list above were players exactly because they went through life doing what they wanted and being true to who they were.) You see, short guys who are badasses really have a bit of an advantage. Because of their stature, they automatically are able to have more rapport with chicks (who tend to be short themselves) than the guys who are beanpoles. And when you add to that a bit of a "badboy" element, it makes chicks dripping wet with attraction. The bottom line is this: only if YOU feel uncomfortable with your height will it affect you with the girls. If you feel completely comfortable with your height, then they will too. By the way, when it comes to tall guys, what women find attractive about them isn't their height. It's their dominance. If you have a tight sense of inner confidence, and project a personality that sucks them in, height will be the furthest thing from their minds. So to sum up, be true to yourself, take risks in life, cultivate your inner badass, and stop caring about anyone's approval. And hit the gym ASAP. And do the fashion things I said. Then you'll attract girls without worrying about irrelevant things like height. Fatal Flaws- How to Have a Happy Relationship and Keep Your Values Intact If you are knee deep in trying to find a relationship, maintain or sustain a relationship then you need to think seriously about your Fatal Flaws. Not your own mind you, but those that are demonstrated by that really cute guy/girl you are considering getting into "bed" with, literally and figuratively. The Law of Large Numbers It is often said that sales is a numbers game. The more people we contact, the more chances we have to make a sale. That seems pretty obvious. The more people we contact the better chance we have of making a sale. Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places? You've hung out in bars, you've answered the personals, you've maxed out the plastic trolling online dating sites, and you still haven't met the right person. Or, you've ended up dating a series of potential perfect matches, only to be disappointed. Why are your friends able to hook up, but you're always left high and dry? Have all the good single people slid off the Earth? Say My Name Surely you remember that famous line from American Pie, when the band geek says to Jim, "Say my name, Bi*ch!" And Jim squeaks back, "Michelle! Michelle!" Well, take heed, fellows. That band geek was asking for what many of us ladies want to hear, and not just in the heat of the moment. Free Online Chat! What Are The True Costs Of Free As you're surfing the Internet and coming across titles claiming free online chat? What does this mean, and is it really for free? Quality Adult Personals Quality adult personals are becoming harder to find these days. The recent growth in the online dating world has created a polluted industry, leaving only a handful of good quality sites. When searching for an adult personals site to join, you should set a quality standard. Sites meeting this standard should offer a minimum of the following features: 1. Create a Free Profile ? A free profile is almost a must these days. Sites that do not offer this may be trying to rip you off. 2. Upload photos - To accompany your profile, you should also be able to post photos free. 3. Quick Search ? At the least, you should be able to search by age, zip code, gender, and interest. Today's top adult personals provide you with these tools to help you find exactly what you are looking for. 4. View Member Photos ? Yes, for many people, looks do matter. You should be able to view members' photos before even talking to them, eliminating those who don't meet your standards. 5. Feel Secure - Most important, the environment of a quality adult personals site should make you feel safe. Professionally designed sites usually make you feel secure. So there you have the quality standard. Don't waste your time on sites that do not offer the features mentioned above. Today's top adult personals are able to provide you with them for free. You can find a list of sites meeting these standards at AdultPersonalsDirectory.com Is Online Dating For You After A Divorce? Until Death Do You Part?That certainly was a lie. Your spouse got the house, a younger you, and you got the children. Definitely not an even split there. ![]() |
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