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Are Parents Still Stopping You from Having a Girlfriend?
There are a lot of young men who find it difficult to go out and meet new girls on days when they have a quarell with their parents. There are also a lot of older men who can go out easily and have success. Why is that so? The behaviour taught from father to son carries in a son's mind his whole life. Many of our ideas and beliefs our parents put into us are essential for life. For example our parents teach us how to cross the street or they taught us how to read. Without good parental guidance we would not survive as children, they wish us best all the time. But unconciously they may install a big feeling of inadequacy in a joung boys mind that will give him problems all his life. Have you ever had your mother tell you:"Your shirt is soo dirty!, you cannot go out like that!?" After a million such remarks you will feel accustomed to feeling bad about yourself if you don't have a clean,nice shirt. No joking! It may sound funny but think about it, it happens to all of us. Those kind of remarks seem totally unimportant now that you are living far away from your parents, thousands of miles away and you see them only during hollidays. But when you are not wearing your best clothes and you meet a girl you feel attracted to, the internal program put into your mind by your family when you were still a little child and coudn't resist your parents advice will start working, it will start working soo much that you will feel bad about yourself and you will not be able to do your best and get the girl attracted to you. So it may happen that even though you are much older, your mothers remarks are having an impact now on your confidence. Do a little experiment to see are you under influnece of what I call society programing. Remember how your parents always taught you that you have to pay attention when eating biscuits so pieces don't end up on the floor. I want you to take a few bisciuts in your hands and sit on your couch, then I want you to start twisting them slightly in your palms so little peaces start falling to the floor. Are you feeling pressure in your head? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Maybe still no. When you are in a company of other people I want you to do the samething. Are you feeling huge pressure build up "in the air". That means you are now under influnence of manners that were put in your mind when you were young. Can you see how strong influnece they have on you when you just do a silly task of basically doing absolutely nothing important? On that simple example it is easy to illustrate how we are controlled by forces that we can not influence. Imagine you've just met a girl you fancy and you are dressed in old and worn out clothes, but in your packet you have the most modern cell phone that looks like it just came from an epizode of StarWars. Adds are that you will take it out to show her that you have some expensive material possesion, to impress her. Actually it will be really hard to resist the drive to take your cell phone out, or your new Italian sunglasses to impress the woman. I have discovered that over whelming majority of men stay in that pattern their whole life, always looking for something else that will impress the women more but never actually making a move on her and approaching her and finally not being a coward. The society program is so strong that it is hard to sense it when you are close to a beautiful woman so I suggest that you start small and buy some biscuits! It may look like an insignificat step but believe me it is a small step for humankind but a huge leap for you. I am one of the founders of a company Fidentia that helps men get confidence for approaching women and on our workshops we go out and our students meet women by themselves. We've manage to develop hundreds of exercises to help you control your internal state and to make it easy and natural to talk to an unknown women as you would talk to your best friend. One of the basic buliding blocks of our approach to teaching is that the students gets comfortable being in their own skin, that he gets comfortable being who he is and not because he has a nice body or a new watch. That is why our students have a huge advantage over any competition. While the average man works 9 to 5 and then afterwards he sees a new woman he could approach. His mind tells him that he is out of shape and that he will get toned for summer, that means in just 6 months. Our student works from 9 to 5 also but when he sees a dazzling woman he approaches her and she is very attracted to his unusual confidence, and now he has a girlfiend while the other guy is dreaming of buying a new car stereo. So I advise you to start with the biscuits and to get comfortable in your own skin even if you are wearing something totally out of date. Then when you go out on Saturday night and drees your best you will know that your looks and possesion are just your secondary means, but for other guys they are the only thing they have. You can email us and tell us how your mission is going. © Copyright 2005. Ranko Magami Ranko Magami is a date doctor for Fidentia a company that teaches men dating confidence in live workshops. See this website for more info http://www.attractanddate.com
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Now, before you teens get upset; think about how your teen dating experiences are going to play out. As a teen, you are not looking for someone to live your life with, right? You are looking for someone who is cool to be around, interesting to talk to even. Teen dating should be all about fun. Men: Never Compliment a Woman You Want to Date Hello Lucia, Online Dating - 8 Sizzling Tips To Make Your Profile Standout! We know one of the hardest part of creating your profile is describing yourself to others. Dating pearl.com gives you the freedom to define & express yourself so you can put your best foot forward. Following are some time tested nuggets that can assist you in creating a compelling & attention grabbing profile. Life isnt Sex and the City A couple of weeks ago, I watched a Sex and the City episode, in which Charlotte, in her never-ending quest to find true love, attends a seminar to teach her how to do just that. 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This can lead to feelings of low self-worth and inferiority, a sense that there's something wrong with you if you don't have a boyfriend, an excessive focus and preoccupation with your discontent with being single, and sometimes a compulsive drive to find a relationship just to satisfy that nagging need (which can be a dangerous and sabotaging maneuver if one's dating practices are conducted out of desperation rather than conscious intention). Christian Dating Service and Dating Services A Christian dating service can help single Christians meet one another and find companionship that is based on Christian principles and foundations. A Christian dating service can help thousands of Christians meet, and sometimes marry, others who share their values and faith. The Internet is an incredible access point for those looking into dating services. Now, most dating services begin with online applications and postings, letting email be the beginning point of a contact. Not every Christian dating service has the same philosophy, and not all dating services truly have a member's best interest at heart, but, with some research and investigating, signing up with a Christian dating service can bring new friends and a potential partner into a single's life. Dating Tips: Share a Little More Personal on Yourself Have you been dating for a long time but felt that something is still lacking somewhere? Not understanding your partner well enough? The chances are, both of you are likely to be still stuck at the very initial stage of a relationship. Well give it a thought. Recall the conversations between both of you in your recent dates or so. What was it that both of you discussed about? The plot of a movie? What happened during work? The recent fashion sales? Your neighbour's new born puppies? Gossiping about your friends? Last evening soccer match? Use Dating To Your Benefit The easy way to date is really by empowering yourself. This unconventional approach is based on the reality that when we grow and expand, our dating also grows and expands. Overcoming Your Nervousness About Talking to Women Standing at the magazine rack thumbing through Cosmo, she has the most gorgeous face you've ever seen. Her hair is silky blond. Her skin looks so radiant and so incredibly soft. You would be on top of the world if you could pick her this girl up. How to Get a Date Step #1- The first impression. Before you approach a girl or women, you need to know a few obvious formalities. Be clean - be sure you are wearing attractive cologne, clean clothes, and fresh breath. Woman notice the smallest details, so bad breath or B.O. will be one of the first impressions of you and you don't want that. Depending on what kind of girl you want to go after, you should always wear clean, fitting clothes; stains or overlarge clothes are a indication of what kind of lifestyle you live and you want to give her the best impression possible. 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Everyone is just like you, not willing to admit it openly, having the fear of being laughed and mocked by others. But there's absolutely nothing wrong for feeling so. Choosing an Online Dating Service The task of choosing the best dating site to join can seem daunting at first with the thousands of possibilities out there. Yet making that choice is perhaps easier than you think. By following these few simple steps you can quickly narrow down your choices. Building Self Confidence The building of self-confidence is not difficult, but it requires patience and intelligent effort. There should be no straining, no anxiety, and no haste. From Friend To Boyfriend One of the most frequent questions I am asked is "How do I go from being a friend to being a boyfriend?". I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that this is easy to do, but it can be done. The best way to avoid getting into a situation like this in the future is to show a romantic interest in each attractive woman you meet immediately, that way you will never end up in the "friends category". However, many of you may already be classified as a "friend" to a woman that you are interested in starting a relationship with. If that is the case, this is what you need to do: ![]() |
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