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Debt is The Master of Souls
Wholeness requires separation. In order for you to experience yourself as being whole, you spend most of your live experiencing being separated, trying to get back to wholeness. One of your most creative ways of moving away from happiness has been through consumer debt. Your fixation with spending, gives you little time to contemplate being whole, until it hits you in the face with a debt load that you can no longer manage. The Black Plague of the industrialized world is debt for consumer goods and services. No matter how you may reason it, going into debt to buy a big screen TV or stereo system, a new boat, or lawn furniture, just is not necessary. You have been taught that all of these things are necessary to be happy and successful. You have moved away from happiness in order to feel it again by learning how to be miserable. Now that you are up to your ears in bills, you think that you would be happy again, if only you did not owe all this money. As adults, you spend one third of your lives paying of loans and mortgages, another third of your life paying taxes. The last third is supporting someone else. The fourth third you get to keep for yourself. Debt is the majour contributing factor in marriage and business break-ups. Where is there room for happiness in this chaos? Consumerism feeds the fat pockets of debt. It is like bulimia, you eat and eat and eat, then puke it all back up, only to start over again. Consumerism is the industrialized world's version of happiness. Because humanity has moved so far away from happiness, he no longer understands what it is, and believes that "things," make him happy. He cannot live without things. Because he is unhappy and notices that other people appear to be happy with their things, he believes that if only he had one of those, he would be happy also. The insanity is that you have been collectively doing this thing repeatedly for so long, you do not believe you can be happy without spending and going into debt. Humanity has not learned from this mistake. You cannot buy happiness. You must be happy first, and then your spending will reflect that happiness and will not be dependant on the spending. Debt is the cancer that kills your happiness. Move away from spending and debt and get in touch with your true feelings and basic needs. When you begin to move to this place of wholeness, you will never do anything that could jeopardize that happiness. Money does not buy happiness in place of a failed belief system. At best it is only a temporarily relief like debt consolidation until you start the cycle over again. Life lived simply, allows lots of room for happiness, it is the playground of happy people. Happiness comes naturally to all beings at birth; you then learn how to be unhappy before you can move back to the experience of happiness. Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published five books on New Age wisdom. Roy's books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom. You may not always agree with what he has to say. You will always come away with a new perspective and your thinking will never be the same. Roy's style is honest and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble and BS. Visit Roy at: http://www.klienwachter.com
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5 Options Toward Debt Relief If you are in debt, well over your head in debt that is, there are options to help you overcome this situation. Let's examine five possible responses and uncover which ones lead to true debt relief. Debt Free Living - 5 Tips To Get Out Of Debt A few times I wonder what sort of credit system moved the global economy 200 years ago. If the intention of getting into a business is meant to 'help' fulfill the needs and wants of someone, I don't see how credit card salesmen can drove more people into debt and backruptcy. Clearly most people fail to have a good understanding of the increasingly sophisticated (and complicated) terms and conditions behind the card they apply for, how it benefits the bank more than the applicant and what the ubiquitous card is best used for. The Credit Card Debt Termination Scam "Legally terminate credit card debt! You can be debt-free in 4-6 months!" Advertisements like this are for a new type of program that has spread via the Internet over the past few years. It's called "Credit Card Debt Termination," and victims are paying $1,000s for this bogus service. One victim I spoke with lost more than $15,000! In this article, I'll review the principles behind this program and explain exactly why it's a scam to be avoided. Debt Handling Solutions Sometimes debt can seem overwhelming. In those instances, or even before things get that far out of hand, get back to basics and try some of these debt handling solutions. Dont Drown Your Debts, Manage Them! Are you among the millions of people who have found themselves unable to make even the minimum payments on credit cards and other unsecured debts? If so, there is relief in sight. It is no longer necessary to keep paying constantly but never really make any progress towards reducing or eliminating your debts. You can manage your debts, reduce the amount you pay each month, and begin to decrease your balances. Debt management organizations are an excellent place to start when you are searching for way to become debt free. Currency Trading Fee Concept Troubles with Global Economy; Do you see future problems with our global economic plans to make a one world system, where free trade and prosperity can rein the world over. Many world leaders have agreed a one-world system is best for all. It is in the interest of third world and in the interest of our Multi-National Conglomerates, their stockholders and the citizens of the country for us all to move up. This can be done with a few changes. Many are quite confident that if we look at some of the problems of the past and manage the World Bank this river can flow in greater volumes and at quicker speeds. Is Filing for Bankruptcy an Option for You? Bankruptcy laws give debtors a way to resolve debt by dividing their assets among their various creditors and in some cases will allow debtors to be freed of outstanding debts that cannot be paid, even after the division of assets. For individuals who find themselves unable to pay their debts, bankruptcy can be a viable option. As a debtor, you are entitled to file for bankruptcy. There have been recent changes to bankruptcy laws that may affect your ability to discharge your debts without credit counseling, but individuals who have found themselves unable to pay their debts can still file bankruptcy and be freed of outstanding debts. Selecting A Credit Counselor; Asking The Right Questions. When you find yourself thinking about using a credit counseling service, you need to be very careful. You need someone who will help you, not just some pushy sales associate who wants only to sign you up for their service. Craving For Financial Freedom Have you ever felt trapped in a Rat Race and wished to retire quickly but rich? Can You Escape the Trap of Ever Growing Debt? It's difficult not to be concerned when facing numbers like these: Getting Past The Idea Of Budgeting & Saving Money I'm sure you'll agree that budgeting, saving money, and eliminating debt are very appealing ideas. If effectively tackled, these goals can secure your financial status for the future, and allow you to live a comfortable, debt-free life. Top Ten Reasons People File for Bankruptcy 1. Eliminate the legal obligation to pay many of your debts. Utah, the Nation?s Bankruptcy Capital Congress recently passed the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act, designed to minimize frivolous bankruptcy filings and to require debtors to repay some of their debt. Once it takes effect in October, 2005, the law will make it harder for those with problem debt to have their debt wiped away by the courts. Most will have to agree to a five-year repayment plan. In passing this new law, members of Congress suggested that our bankruptcy courts are filled with cases involving not ordinary citizens, but with reckless gamblers, shoppers, and drug abusers. Is that really the case? Debt Recovery Can be Easy OK, so you are up to your head in debt. You are stressed out, it is now affecting the way you function and absorbing most of your daily thoughts. You have no idea what to do. How to Protect Yourself: Debt Collections So you are getting collection calls? You're desk is full of unpaid bills. You dread answering the phone. You are having trouble sleeping at night because you are worrying about a bunch of bills. You feel depressed. Does any of this sound familiar? If it does then, maybe this article can help you. Taking The Plunge Into Bankruptcy Bankruptcy is one of the most difficult things a person has to do. The decision to file bankruptcy is a hard one. Is it moral to wipe your slate clean through bankruptcy? Is there any way for you to avoid bankruptcy? While everyone has their own opinion on bankruptcy, bankruptcy is often the only option some people and families have. So, what do you do when you are in the midst of being bankrupt? What are your options at this bankruptcy point? Purchase Your Future Now While It Is Still Inexpensive Leaving school, getting a new job, or even a raise at your current one, has most people considering their next great purchase. Few think about the affect this could have on their future. Rather than pay down the debt they carry, many ponder, "What can I buy now"? The greatest purchase anyone can make is their future. Debt Consolidation Versus Debt Negotiation Debt consolidation versus debt negotiation are two options that are available to you if you need debt assistance. When your monthly bills become too much for you to handle, it makes sense to use debt consolidation or debt negotiation for solving debt and credit problems. How To Avoid Medical Collections With medical collections costing doctors millions upon millions of dollars in unpaid bills and collection fees, many people have just one question: Who are these people who are trying to stiff the doctors who delivered them from great physical pain (or the flu, hypochondria, not-so-white-teeth, or a nose that didn't look enough like Brad Pitt's)? What Are The Benefits and Consequences Of Getting Rid Of Debt The Easy Way We have all experienced getting so far in debt we don't know how we're going to get out. There are many different options that you have for quick relief with benefits and consequences. You can look at the overview and see which option is the best option for you. ![]() |
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