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Removed From Google Index, WhyTiberiu Bazavan 1. Google Statement "Your page was manually removed from our index, because it did not conform with the quality standards necessary to assign accurate PageRank. We will not comment on the individual reasons a page was removed and we do not offer an exhaustive list of practices that can cause removal. However, certain actions such as cloaking, writing text that can be seen by search engines but not by users, or setting up pages/links with the sole purpose of fooling search engines may result in permanent removal from our index. If you think your site may fall into this category, you might try cleaning up the page and sending a re-inclusion request to help@google.com. We do not make any guarantees about if or when we will re-include your site." SO : Firs of all No one other than Google could tell you precisely why your site was removed. And Google doesnt do that sort of thing. The best that can be had is an analysis yielding red flags that could lead to your sites removal. 2. No SEO can guarantee inclusion in Google after he/she analyze the site. 3. The search engines are not terribly specific about the practices that are considered to be SE spam, however, Google offers a short list:
Most of "the rest" is covered by: "Avoid tricks intended to improve search engine rankings. A good rule of thumb is whether youd feel comfortable explaining what youve done to a website that competes with you. Another useful test is to ask, "Does this help my users Would I do this if search engines didnt exist"" "Dont participate in link schemes designed to increase your sites ranking or PageRank. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or "bad neighborhoods" on the web as your own ranking may be affected adversely by those links." "Google may respond negatively to other misleading practices not listed here, e.g. tricking users by registering misspellings of well-known web sites. Its not safe to assume that just because a specific deceptive technique isnt included on this page, Google approves of it." Webmaster Guidelines | Quality http://www.google.com/webmasters/guidelines.html Yahoo Search is even more restrictive in their definitions of spam and undesirables, however, concentration on detection and removal has not been receiving quite as much focus. It would be an excellent idea to be aware of and conform to Ys restrictions, since Yahoo has no reacceptance policy. Banishment has been, in every case Ive heard of, permanent. [http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/deletions/deletions-05.html] 4. Crosslinking / Interlinking The latest practice apparently added to the list of undesirables is crosslinking or interlinking. Made for the SE sites are linked together in an attempt to artificially inflate PageRank. "Cross-linking - If your entire site is sitting at PR0, one possibility is a cross-linking penalty. Sometimes a webmaster who controls two or more websites will place links from every page of one website to every page of the other sites to increase the PageRank ofall the sites. If detected, this will quickly incur a penalty if not an outright ban from the Google index." Whys My Sites PageRank Now Zero http://www.rlrouse.com/pagerank-penalty.html Among other indicators, factors which might prompt discovery of crosslinkage could be:
It used to be considered relatively safe to have as many inbound links as possible. Regardless of source. Over the course of this year, that assumption has spawned link purchase, and hidden crosslinking. Nowsites must also be very careful about inbound links. The crosslinked and purchased links networks have been devalued. Sites linking to those types of networks have reported decreasing traffic, and finally,over the past month or so, a number of such sites have been completely dropped from the index. Whether this was a manual removal or an algorithm shift cant be determined without proprietary information from inside Google, which we already know isnt possible. Remember Googles SE spam fighting philosophy: "Google prefers developing scalable and automated solutions to problems, so we attempt to minimize hand-to-hand spam fighting. The spam reports we receive are used to create scalable algorithms that recognize and block future spam attempts. The crosslinking tactics alone used are consistent with those of other sites that -are- considered spam and may have been reported as such. If Google should target those characteristics based on spam reports for other sites, then it is not surprising that homeboundmortgage would be caught by the same adjustments to the algorithm or filters, and be dropped from the index as well. 5. Over Optimization Penalty This summer, a new term has emerged, Over Optimization Penalty, which refers to the tweaks most SEO make to pages to "fine tune" them to the top of their keyword categories. Page length, Keyword Density, bold, underline, italic, H1 formulas, link text, and various other small elements are manipulated until the perfect balance is struck, and the SEOd site contains just a small bit more than the other sites in the top 10. It can be a full time job keeping a site at that level with these small changes. Google has lowered the bar, now effectively saying that high keyword densities, and many of the other SEO tweaks are evidence of too much SEO. Filters are created, and such sites drop in the rankings. Sites that have been playing too close to the edge are penalized. ALT Text Keyword in Alt text Not only does this contribute to ideal word count, it may show keyword stuffing in the ALT tags. To clean up, switch to clear text navigation. Old Link Exchanges Pages stored in the Internet Archive may indicate the site was once involved in some questionable link exchanges. Duplicate Content All duplicate pages should be eliminated. Link just one page consistently. Now, once all these changes have been made, what to do. You can, of course, try writing help@google.com. "We do not make any guarantees about if or when we will re-include your site." Webmaster Guidelines | Not Listed www.google.com/webmasters/2.html I personally know of only 4 sites that have been re-included after manual removal. In each case, the site was crawled regularly, but was not included in the index for over six months. I dont know the specific reason for this, of course, but I would imagine it might be some sort of a testing period. How strong is a webmasters resolve to walk the straight and narrow, despite lack of indexing. So, assuming best case, you might be looking at six months or more before your sites are re-included in the index. Once delisted, I also imagine such sites must stay squeaky clean. An SE might forgive once, but seldom twice. 6. Looking Ahead VERY worst case, permanent exclusion from organic results on Google. Recovery basically means starting over, nearly from scratch. Plan a 12-18 month Overture or AdWords campaign, originally targeting the current website. Pick more specifically targeted keyword phrase initially, to keep costs down. I realize this is a high priced keyword neighborhood. You may need to create new, perfectly targeted landing pages to lower acquisition costs. Select a new domain name. Without reinclusion within a short period of time, the current name will continue to lose value daily. Build a new, clean site under the new domain name. Text must be fresh, not a duplicate of the current domain. Do not duplicate site structure, filenames, or other elements that could link it to the banned name. Gradually add organic links. Expect it to take 6-12 months in order to acquire 1,000 related links. Continue to link to related sites over the next 18 months. Grow the site adding one new page 250-500 words each day. As the new site rises in the SERPs gradually switch the PPC traffic to the new site, and retire the current site completely. At any point in the process, if the current old site should reappear, it shouldnt be an undue amount of work to gradually retarget the newly acquired links to the older site. Encourage natural link text by those linking to the site. If youre going to optimize at all, test first in a safely isolated site. Youre not going to be able to push the optimization envelope for quite some time. The key to long-term survival and growth will need to be the "content is king" model. The only bright news in the picture is that the site isnt being meta-hijacked, at least not under any of the keywords Ive tried your homepage META keywords list. Google itself wouldnt encourage such a practice, and in fact will likely be glad to deal with any such offenders under the DMCA. Sources: Crosslink Detection
Crosslinking Penalty
Sandbox Effect
Innocent Interlinking of Sites
A Statistical and Experimental Analysis of Googles Florida Update
Speculation About August Changes
If the sites were dropped due to algorithm changes, then its possible that theyd come back after cleanup. However, their supporting network of links has, at the very least, been devalued. That alone will cause a change in PR, even if cleanup makes them eligible for reinclusion. Site owners report that in these cases, cleaned up sites have come back into the results in 2-3, to six months. Getting back to the top would take additional time, and new, unblemished linking. Two schools of thought. After clean-up, resubmit the site, or allow it to be found via linkage. Though Google states that theres no oversubmission penalty, most webmasters tend to be leary of such submission, allowing robots to find the site via linkages. Ive never had a problem with resubmitting URLs that have dropped out for whatever reason. I take Google at their word that its harmless, as long as its a manual resubmission for good reason for example, page down when the crawler came through, not submission through a service or promotion program. One submission is enough. Either way, watch the site logs. If robots dont show up, it could well be a case of manual deletion and permanent ban. The site needs to be squeaky clean for the near term. The days of easy SEO are on hiatus. The old-fashioned methods content for users, natural linking are back. Iconocast has quite a backlog of goodwill links left. Those must be preserved and strengthened, while getting rid of harmful inbound linking. Again, theres no guarantee or certainty of getting back into the Google index. Same procedures, same wait and see. Sources: The August Chronicles
Denial of Google Over Optimization Penalty
Future of SEO
7. Finally , Should you have questions about the information or links provided, please, feel free to ask on our SEO Forum Best regards, Tiberiu Bazavan , ZettWalls Media
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Building Your First Web Site Creating your own site can be a satisfying experience. Here are some tips to help get you up and running. Website Visitors For Your Business - Building Strong Website Traffic It is worth looking at some values and strengths of a few technical and promotional elements of your website that will help you to lay a foundation in building profitable online success. Once you have decided on your market and have chosen a relevant domain name for your online business, you need simple and effective tools and methods to put and keep your business on a profitable track. Ideally you will want to make use of easy-to-use methods that keeps visitors coming to your website. Lets look at a few practical ideas. The Ways To Reach your Dream Several days ago, I wrote an article to show you what you need to do, if you decide that you want to have your own money making site, if you haven’t read that or you want to read that, please look at that article in this site the title is “Do You Love Money“ If you don’t find it here, you may check it at my site at http://www.MakingMoneyGetRetire.com/article2.htm Three Cost Effective Ways to Get Bumper-to-Bumper Traffic Using Your Vehicle The following traffic generating ideas do not require costly set-up fees or minimum orders. Two of them can be printed in full color with no extra charge. They all can be given away at trade shows, as free gifts with orders, to new newsletter subscribers, etc. Try one or all three and watch your web traffic increase next time your vehicle is caught in traffic. Site Maps: Let Search Engines Find Your Pages With 40 million websites in existence, and more than 3 billion web pages indexed by Google at the time of this writing July 2003, it’s no wonder that more and more people are relying on search engines to find their way through the unruly world that the web has become. Getting The Big Picture Series: Part 4-"Enter The Web" Does the thought of managing your own website seem too complicated Whats holding you back Dynamic Pages Dynamic pages and the Search Engines By Clare Lawrence 10th March 2003 Clare is the CEO of Discount Domains Ltd a leading UK Domain name registration service. 3 Services Your Online Business Cant Live Without It doesnt make any difference if youre promoting your own product, affiliate programs or MLM programs, there are 3 services your business cant live without. How Cybersquatters Make Money from Your Children’s and Your Own Innocent Flubs Getting clicks and traffic by accident appears to be big business. And by ‘big’ I mean worth MILLIONS of dollars! While typosquatting is unfortunately not a new online marketing practice, its use and, moreover, its ABUSE has grown significantly and exponentially since 2000. 3 Reasons Your Website Might Fail To Attract Enough Customers Virtually all website owners concentrate their efforts and energy into getting more visitors. With business owners this effort is spent on getting more and more new customers. What many people forget - with both their website and their business - is that getting new customers or visitors is only a small part of the equation for success… Basic Steps to a Great Business Website So much has been written on the topic of what makes a good business website, and I myself could go on and on about good content, meta tags & other search engine optimization, market strategies and so on. How to Achieve # 1 on Free Hosting A domain name and paid hosting are considered essential for an internet marketer.Majority of the websites that are successful have their own domain name and a paid host.However , is it possible to run a successful website on free hosting Search Engine Keywords - What Do People Search For Do you ever wonder how people search for things on the Internet What if you knew exactly what words they typed when using a search engine If youre marketing a product or service its extremely insightful to know what are the most popular search terms relating to whatever youre marketing. Got a Small Business Choose the Right Domain Name Choosing a domain name can be daunting. Research the subject after all, youre the type of marketer who researches, right and youll be hit with a landslide of opinions, most contradictory. There is, however, two points that everyone agrees on: How To Evaluate A Product Opportunity Day after day my in box, and Im sure yours as well, fills with opportunity propaganda on how to make money. Do this, and poof, youre rich. Become an affiliate and sell my ebook, and poof, youre making lots of money. I dont know about you, but I cant tell what’s a good opportunity and what’s not any more. Because of this, I created a list of nine criteria, a sort-of checklist, to use when I do find something that I dont think is full of "poof." A Network Of Web Sites Is Not Enough! The big thing these days is your ability to capture the market. So how do you do that 10 Sure-Fire Viral Marketing Strategies To Increase Traffic To Your Website "Viral Marketing" is giving something away for free and allowing people to pass it on to others. The main purpose of viral marketing is to spread your message to as many people as possible without having to spend any money for advertising. A Bang On The Head, A Kangaroo And An Entrepreneur, What Happened Next If you are always on the look out for a money spinner, sometimes youll find them pop up in the most unlikely of places. Website Promotional Consideration Promoting a Website is becoming tough. For many, problems are seen at the beginning, when attempting to register a domain name. Once a satisfactory domain name is acquired, the site is lost within a see of competition. Time and money is required to excel above the competition. Along with these common suggestions, there are five areas to consider when promoting a Website. The Road to Better Results A lot has changed in the way sites are optimized for search engines since last year. For one thing, Google is not the only search engine worth looking into anymore; Yahoo has definitely managed to take away some of Google’s oomph over the past twelve months. Another important change is that the intelligence of the search engine spiders and algorithms has increased dramatically. So without further ado, I will present you with a standard search engine optimizing process. ![]() |
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