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How To Evaluate A Product OpportunityCatherine Franz Day after day my in box, and Im sure yours as well, fills with opportunity propaganda on how to make money. Do this, and poof, youre rich. Become an affiliate and sell my ebook, and poof, youre making lots of money. I dont know about you, but I cant tell what’s a good opportunity and what’s not any more. Because of this, I created a list of nine criteria, a sort-of checklist, to use when I do find something that I dont think is full of "poof." 1. Is the product any good -- in my opinion, and in my markets This is especially true for me. Ive found that informational fre*e products are nothing more than a tease. I just get tired of wading through 150 pages to find four pages that have anything "real." In addition, if they arent decently organized or written, less than 2 out of 25 reach this from the hundreds Ive read, how different is the information Why would anyone want to pay $49 or $249 for the same thing offered in a $20 book E-books arent books. People dont buy them for the same reason. Even if the product isnt an informational product, what is different, unique, and important enough for me to buy that I cant buy somewhere else for less Are the solutions clear, or presented from the producer’s viewpoint and give me a sale dance Some people dont care and sell anything. Does this producer fall into that category If they do, it’s usually apparent. Ive asked website owners who sell outside products about many confess they havent read or tried it, and dont care about its truthfulness or value, just the revenue. I cringe when I get an e-mail that personally promotes a teleseminar and then in the material it says, "first time given." How does this build trust and credibility Well, it doesnt. Smart people dont return. The seller now incurs the label of the producer. Please, please, please, if you come across a poor product, ask for a refund. These people are counting on you not having the courage or taking the time to ask. If this would occur more frequently, the marketplace would demand and receive higher quality. Silence keeps poor products circulating. Vote with your wallet. 2. What is the market demand status for this product Where on the bell curve does demand fall The bell curve, a symmetrical curve for illustrating where a product stands in the sales process, slowly rises for new products, reaches a curved plateau, then spirals down, sometimes fast, sometimes at the same grade of its rise, depending on the product and economic market conditions. This holds true for physical or information products wherever distributed. How long has the product been in the marketplace Is it new, old, or been over exposed This takes some research. Caution though, if the original producer doesnt answer your question, that gives you the answer. What plans does the producer have for future sales product Is it being offered to just anyone Is he just starting One strategy for ebooks sales is to sell to early adaptors, then set up an "everyone" affiliate program. What is their definition of "everyone" Is the opportunity going from retail product to Internet Some opportunities dont work well with this conversion. For instance, take Coke, it’s sold retail and wont work on- line. Website hosting and domain name is now an over sold opportunity. Jumping in on this product is jumping in on a plateau product that requires major pushing for production if you want enough worthwhile revenue. Are you willing to put enough effort into it discussed later 3. Who Is The Producer Is the producer a stable company or new The major reason new businesses have difficulty selling is because people take a wait and see stance. People prefer to buy from successful people and companies. Statistics confirm that 85% of new business will not be around next year. People want to buy from successful ventures, successful people, people that have stability, tenure. At this point, if I am unable to uncover any solid information about the company, I dont continue past this point. Dont have any hesitancy about emailing or calling them with questions. Many times, I cant even find a phone number. No response, drop the opportunity and move on to another. 4. Revenue Generating Realty Check Of course, the promo material will state the highest projections and usually leave out negative particulars. Ignore this, find, and calculate your own probabilities. Since I have a heavy background in accounting, it’s easier for me to do this. Not your area, then ask an accountant for assistance, take a class, find a book, and learn this calculation. The skill will serve you many ways in the future. Remember to set your personal feelings aside when evaluating an opportunity. It distorts the facts. Sell with emotions but dont make a decision to invest your precious resources with it. Calculate your break even point, what income you want, how many sales equal that over what period, are three questions that need an honest answer. E-books need 117,000 to 225,000 exposures to generate sizeable revenue. How are you going to get that number Yes, that number is possible. 5. Pricing Can the buying market afford the price How much discretionary income does the prospective buyers make Can they afford the product Where does your price stand with the competitors If youre price is higher, is there value there to justify the difference Value in the eyes of buyers, not yours. Pricing doesnt always make or break an opportunity, however, if it’s the only opportunity it can cost the company existence. 6. Is this a one-time sales product Finding a product that generates revenue without any expenses is hard to find and needs top consideration. One- time sale products require more marketing and cost per sale is higher. For instance, a membership access fee to all available ebooks and updates would generate higher revenue and profit than selling individually because cost of sale is less. Another example: A website hosting company has higher marketing costs to get you as their subscriber. Afterwards there is little expense to keep you. They also have the pain of transferring to another host on their side. 7. What type of marketing system is the producer using for the product How is the producer supporting you in your marketing success Some companies provide all the materials, some dont. Do you have to do all the marketing production Do you have the skills, time, or patience to do it If they dont provide it, how much is it going to cost you A sizable profit margin can look great until you calculate in $5,000 for a generating the marketing material needed to sell. Be very clear on this one, it is a major downfall to many opportunities. Know exactly what you need and what it is going to cost you in time and money. 8. Are you going to do the pitching, the sales calls, and the follow-up Be realistic, do you have the time, the skills, patience, and courage to do all these parts If you are short on time because of a full-time job, are you willing to give up your evening hours to follow-up on inquiries, do mailings, or make sales calls What is your comfort level with sales If not, what is training going to cost -- in time and money Is it worth it then, or can you pass this up and find another product that is a better match 9. What same category spin-offs products are available Can you find other similar products that build on this product Once a customer buys one product from you and they are pleased, they will consider another in the same category. You can also double up and do 2 for 1 specials or promote with a "one free with the purchase of." In Summary Keep your eyes open, know your boundaries with the product and the marketing. Search for the unsaid costs, the ones the company doesnt want you to discover until after you purchased or made the initial investment. Take the time and talk with others selling the product that have no connected to the outcome of your decision. c Copyright 2004, Catherine Franz. All rights reserved.
Why Use Professional Web Site Designers For Your Next Web Development Project Probably you know someone who has created a web site all by himself or herself. So if they can do it why use a professional at all Cant you create your own business or organizations web site in your spare time and without the services of a professional web site designer The answer is probably, yes. But following are some reasons why it may not be a wise idea for you. Ten Major Tips to Develop a Multilingual Web Site to Work If you are living in a country that its native language is something rather than English language, then you may like to develop your website to offer content in the language of your own country. How To Make Easy Money on the Internet -- But This Time Its Actually TRUE! Introduction: Know How DNS Works Domain name Servers DNS are an important but invisible part of the internet, and form one of the largest databases on it. Each machine on an internet is assigned a unique address, called an IP address, which is 32 bit number and is expressed as 4 octets. The method user to represent these IP addresses is known as dotted decimal Notation". A typical address looks like this: The Fearful, Ignorant Guy Has Got A Blog On The Internet. It Must Be Easy! Of all people in the world I was easily one of the most pessimistic about computers, the Internet and now that I even know they exist-blogs. I think blogs are pretty cool but I never thought I could have one. I thought the processes of getting a site; domain name and the actual building of the blog would just be out of my league. I’m a complete novice when it comes to technology, but I do like writing a journal, and I thought having a journal on-line would be both fun and make life simpler for me. No more writing with pens, other people can read my stuff and comment on it, and I could add pictures to illustrate my points and make things look more interesting. Webmaster Tools With new technologies, algorithms and sources emerging on a daily basis, webmasters are constantly struggling to stay informed. The quality of content on the web and the number of products available to webmasters can seem overwhelming. The goal of creating a site that can be quickly found can be a struggle. Unless webmasters have a well-established brand, a great domain name and a huge marketing budget, it is important that they appear in search engines via specific keywords. With this in mind, we have compiled a list of resources and products that will benefit webmasters in their efforts to be found. A Winning Domain Name The domain name is one of the most important decisions you will make when trying to win over the search engine dilemma. Increasing Your Web Site’s Visibility Through Improved Positioning One of the greatest challenges facing website owners is marketing their website. Many believe that they need deep pockets in order set their site apart from the rest, but that is not the case. If you are willing to work hard at it, marketing on the web can garner great results at a minimal cost. Design Your Site For Traffic In 2005 What better way to start the new year than with more traffic to your web site. Web traffic is a critical part of your internet business and it is imperative that you design it to bring you the most amount of traffic possible. How To Choose The Best Domain Name In this article we are going to look at the thought process you should go thru to choose your domain name. Hire An Internet Marketing Expert For Online Success It never ceases to amaze me how many otherwise intelligent people set-up a website, without any type of plan or clue about how to promote it, how to write a sales letter, how to write an ad--nothing! Fact is, nowadays, anyone can have a website. But once you get one, then what How are you going to make money with it God Feeds The Birds Of The Air, But He Doesn’t Drop It Into Their Nests It has been said that God feeds the birds of the air, but He doesn’t drop it into their nests. The food is out there in amazing and unfathomable abundance, but they have to go out and get it. They have to go look for it, recognize it as food when they see it, capture it, and eat it. They have to be able to know what is good to eat and what isn’t. Bugs and seeds are nutritious and good to eat. Dryer lint and broken glass are not. Some of that knowledge is pre-programmed instinct. Some of it is learned. The bird works long and hard for its food, often spending most of its day doing little or nothing else. If the bird is a parent, usually a mom, then it must also bring food back to the nest for the children. Even though it might appear that the children just sit and wait for the food to be dropped into their mouths, closer investigation reveals the intense competition for the food. The baby with the biggest mouth and the loudest chirp gets mom’s attention and therefore the food. In some species, the oldest and biggest literally shoves the younger and smaller out of the nest, thereby removing that source of competition forever. Those who work the hardest survive; those who kick back don’t. Improvement of Cricket A Popularise cricket! Want To Succeed With Your Internet Business The web is a great opportunities. Imagine millions of customer. Its a huge cybermarket ! Its a trillion millions dollars market waiting for you ! Bound To Your Old Expensive Web Host by Fear Bound To Your Old Web Host’s Sky High Rates By Fear Developing Your Own Pitch If you have surfed any of the exchanges for credits, you have seen them; countless affiliate web pages for all the different programs available. Get Your Own Domain Name Or Die Online Would you buy from someone with an "" e-mail address I wouldnt. And the clients Ive had the most trouble with use yahoo addresses or other free addresses. I understand that you dont want your regular e-mail address in ads that your run on free ad sites to prevent spam, but lets use some common sense here. How to Create a Professional Website In Less Than a Week Heres a really simple way... any novice can create a fully functional website in less than a week. Niche Marketing: Tactics to Use To Make Money With Niche Marketing Niche marketing has always been a key any success in marketing but lately it has become quite a prominent force in the online marketing world. Many books, manuals, courses, and web sites have been developed that focus on niche marketing. It is easy to find solid resources on the Internet that can teach you how to make money with niche marketing. The Topic Of Your Website The first thing you will have to deal building your website has nothing to do with the web design itself, its me related to content writing but it must be defined and will effect the rest of your actions. So first of all you need to decide what the topic of your future website is. Topic is very closely connected to another web design issue: keywords. The keywords you select will depend upon the topic you have chosen. When thinking about website topic ask yourself a few questions: What is the goal of the site you are making What are you trying to achieve with your site. Specify a goal, preferably in one short sentence. |
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