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How To Choose The Best MLM LeadsJeff Schuman What are the characteristics of the Best Mlm Leads This is a good question to ask before you spend any money buying leads to build your MLM business. Before we get to that lets take a look at why you would want to buy MLM leads in the first place. Over the years the multi-level marketing business has gotten a black eye because of the over hyped promises of money and freedom. Very few people have ever achieved a high level of success in any MLM business. And even fewer have ever been able to maintain the level of achievements over a period of time. That does not make MLM companies bad. Nor does it make the opportunities they afford the average person as a way to make extra money or even as a way to drastically change your lifetsyle. It can be done and using MLM leads is a great way to do it. There are 2 big benefits to buying MLM leads. 1. It gets you away from approaching your friends and relatives. If you have been in more than one MLM business over the years you may have already approached them and used up your credibility when you were unsuccessful. 2. This is a duplicatible way to build your business that you can pass on to your downline. Any successful network marketing business will tell you that one of the main components of success is duplication. Anyone can buy leads and work them over the phone or thur the internet with the use of an autoresponder. If you are unsure of how to work a lead over the phone I would suggest getting the book "Recruit Your Way To Millions" by Fred Stegge. After reading this book you will be able to explain what you do and what you offer to a new prospect in 30 seconds or less. http://www.team-schuman.com/recruit-your-way If you are unsure of what an autoresponder is or how to use one read this article I wrote "How To Effectively Use An Autoresponder." This is an absolutely essential business tool if you are going to succeed online with your MLM business.
Now that you understand some of the benefits of buying MLM leads and how to market to them lets take a look at what are the characteristics of the Best MLM Leads. 1. How many times are the leads sold Many MLM lead companies sell their leads over and over. You will be contacting a prospect that has already been marketed to. Personally I like eads that are exclusive to me. 2. How old are the leads Would you rather contact a prospect that has expressed an interest in the past 48 hours or in the past 48 days. Being able to strike while the iron is hot so to speak is a great benefit of a fresh lead. 3. How many leads do you get for your money Obviously the more leads you can get for the best price the more leads you can buy at a time. This is especially important when you are first starting or when you are helping your downline get started. 4. What is the quality of the lead Nothing compares to a lead that contains both a phone number and email address along with a few qualifying answers to questions like "How much can you invest to get started" or "How soon do you want to get started" or When is the best time to contact you" If a prospect is answering these type of questions you are getting a much better quality lead than if you just have a name and email address. 5. What is the response rate This will improve as your skill level at working your leads improves, but the fresher higher quality leads will give you a better response rate even when your skill level is low. 6. Do your leads come with any extras such as an autoresponder, training on how to work leads, pre-written email marketing letters, phone scripts, your own website, flash presentations, etc. These are the top qualities of the Best MLM Leads. Be careful when choosing a place to get your leads. Not all MLM Lead companies are created equal. It is going to be the single most important decision you make when trying to grow your MLM Business. Make the wrong choice and you will waste your time and money as well as the time and money of your downline. Make the right choice and you can be building your business successfully for years to come. Copyright 2004 Jeff Schuman
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Do You Make These Link Building Mistakes Many people know that link building plays a vital part in high search engine rankings. But it must be done right. Otherwise, sites with fewer links will rank higher than yours ! How is that possible Let me explain. How To Generate Targeted Traffic...and Cash In On It. We all know that generating traffic to your site is creating a flow of visitors, but what is targeted traffic Targeted traffic simply refers to visitors who are actually interested in the topic of your product or service. Targeted traffic will greatly out produce non-targeted traffic in terms of open rate, click through rate, and sales conversions rates. Make your 2005 Email Marketing Plan Successful - Six useful tips Email Marketing is growing more and more every year. Many small E-business owners have already made marketing plans for 2005. Email marketing is a very popular tool these days but often not utilized correctly to reach out to prospective customers. E-mail is very effective and inexpensive tool than regular mail to attract prospective customers, grow relationships with current customers, gain mindshare among affiliate partners and resellers and increase brand awareness. Below are six useful tips to make your 2005 email marketing successful: Why Stick With Email Clients Like Outlook Trying to figure out a stream in banning one email client or another is no easy job. As soon as somebody rises up saying Outlook is bad, somebody else comes saying its good and the other one is bad. And the story goes on and on. Plain Jane Email Equals Flat Results Years ago, when email was just emerging as the incredible marketing tool it is today, everything was done in plain text. Since not everyone uses the same email program, and not all of them are compatible with the others, messages often ended up looking like nothing but jumbled pieces of nonsense. Besides that, they were boring. 8 Tips to Increase Response in Email Opt in email marketing is no different than normal direct marketing in that small simple changes will increase your response and success. These tips will help with both plain text and html email: About Your Newsletter No matter how you name it: email advertising, email marketing campaign, newsletter, ezine. The medium is already worn out. Overused. Abused. This means you have to make extra efforts to make people get involved with whatever you do for making a living online. My Emails Are Not Being Delivered. Black Lists and White Lists Explained. Over 40% of all emails within your marketing campaign are not being delivered. You may not even be aware of this, as many ISPs will not send back a bounce message. In fact if you are sending messages to AOL customers, AOL is now blocking over 80% of the messages that come into their servers. The Biggest Problem With Your Marketing Is... What is the biggest problem most marketers have Who knows. We dont, and they certainly dont either. That is exactly the problem. Most marketers dont know whether or not their campaigns are working because they dont know how to track the results. How To Choose The Best MLM Leads What are the characteristics of the Best Mlm Leads This is a good question to ask before you spend any money buying leads to build your MLM business. Before we get to that lets take a look at why you would want to buy MLM leads in the first place. 30 Seconds To A New Customer I dont have much time before they get me... Bulk Email, Spam, and Email Marketing Excerpted from PlanetLinks Enews - an email newsletter delivered for FREE to your computer. To subscribe, go to www.planetlink.com 8 Ways to Fill a Workshop in a Bum Economy Yes, you can fill a workshop when spending is down and buyers are wary. If your topic is clear, your marketing materials well-done, your product solid and your title catchy, success shouldn’t be tough. The fact is that people are as hungry as ever for the inspiration and stimulus a workshop provides, even when they’re nervous about money. And even though most bum economies recover over time, you may find the following tricks helpful enough to keep using even in good times! The Wrong Email Format Can Destroy Your Offer Which email format is more effective to use, Text or HTML Attracting traffic with banner ads Internet is an ever evolving business platform. Doing business on the Internet differs in a number of ways from every day brick and mortar business. Change here is more frequent, more dramatic and may have greater impact than in a conventional business. Success in this climate can only come from quick response to the changes. Look at web advertisement! Just in a few short years, we have seen rise and fall of banner advertisement, email marketing, pop-ups, pop-unders and number of other marketing tools. Interactivity Is Key How to use the latest in Interactivity tools to increase sales and provide exceptional customer service Different Models For Making Money On The Internet There are several strategies for making money on the net. Here are some possible options: Ten Free Ways to Promote Your Site 1. Free Publicity. 10 Best Reasons Why You Should Start Your Own Home Business Picture this! More Marketing Dope Direct marketing can make you very successful, but you’ve got to understand the basics. Here are some more gems of the industry that can take you from being a diamond in the rough to the luminous bling-bling. ![]() |
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