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Newsletter Names - Creative Ideas for Newsletter Titles
Your newsletter name has a big effect on your readership, so it's essential you choose a good name right from the start. Here are some ideas to help you come up with creative newsletter names... #1. Your Niche You can include the name of your niche in your newsletter title to explain what the content is about. This is one of the most common naming techniques people use. Here are some sample newsletter names... * Affiliate Marketing Facts * Search Engine Optimization Advice * Email Marketing Insider Tips * Easy Gardening Guide * Free Golf Tips #2. Your Target Market Your newsletter targets a certain audience, right? How about that you use their name in your newsletter title to attract their attention? This will tell them you offer the information that they want. Here are some good newsletter names... * Affiliate Marketers Weekly * Work at Home Moms * Pet Lovers Tips & Trends #3. Catchy Newsletter Names Depending on your target market, this type of name can work for you. The benefit to these kind of names is that they're catchy and easy to remember. They're just creative names out of no where. However, their weakness is that your audience can't understand what your newsletter is about. So you need to provide them with a short description everywhere you introduce your newsletter. Here are some creative newsletter names... * The Great Gordino * Scootey Lindo * Zapping Tides * Blue Velvet Times About The Author: Ladan Lashkari is a respected Internet marketing expert, and the owner of http://www.FreeNewsletterIdeas.com/ where you'll find free newsletter templates, creative newsletter ideas, honest reviews, and helpful resources to start your own highly profitable email marketing campaign.
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The Biggest Mistakes That Can Spell Doom For You As A Newsletter Publisher And How To Avoid Them A lot of newsletter publishers spend a great deal of time wondering why they are not making money with their newsletters. Most of them expect to make so much money on getting started but they become disappointed with poor results. Are You Wasting Your Time With Free Ezine Ads? There are lots of ezines (newsletters) out there that offer free classified ads to new subscribers (and many even offer free ads on an ongoing basis). Convert Your Newsletters into Immediate Cash One-Page Newsletters can do more than help you keep in constant touch with clients and prospects and educate them to desire your products and services. Each issue can also generate immediate sales! Print On Demand Questions Print on demand (POD), a cross between self-publishing and digital technology, is a hot publishing trend. Your book will be printed within weeks, but POD is still a gamble. Answering these questions before you sign with a POD publisher will save you money and angst. E-Power The E-zine Advantage "Regular communication with your customers is essential to your success." - Heidi Richards - Email Newsletter Software Should I create my newsletter in a word processor or email program? Which email program should I use? Writing, Publishing, Self Publishing, Website Promotion, Blogging, Internet Marketing Are You Ready For The Publishing Revolution? Newsletter Software Newsletter Software WHOOPS -- There Goes My List! (Are You Backing Up YOUR Biggest Asset?) Have you ever accidentally lost an important file on your computer? Perhaps your computer crashed (again) or your cat sauntered over a dooming sequence of keys. Remember that little pang in your stomach you felt when you realized that file was gone for good? Your E-zine 13 - A Formatting Checklist While sending out a text e-zine may seem like a piece of cake, there's more to it than you may think. *Good formatting* is the name of the game. Here's a handy checklist I use to make sure each of my issues is in great shape BEFORE I send it out. Please be my guest and use it for yourself! Are all lines 65 characters or less? More than that and your missive may come through looking messy to many subscribers. End each line with a hard return by pressing the "enter" key. Have you made sure there's no auto-formatting, such as bolding, italics, or underlining? These features don't translate well in e-mail and can come out looking mighty strange on the other end. Instead, emphasize words or phrases with *asterisks,* "quotation marks," or ALL CAPS ... sparingly. Are all sections neatly separated? Use underscores (_____), asterisks (******), another nifty symbol ($$$$$, %%%%, @@@@), or a combination thereof () to help define each area and help your readers skim your issue more easily. Do all Web links include 'http://' before them? Some e-mail programs won't automatically hyperlink a URL in your text without this prefix. So don't take a chance - make it easy for your readers to click and link, especially to YOUR site! Do all e-mail links include "mailto:" before them? Same idea here: Some e-mail programs won't automatically hyperlink an e-mail address in your text without it. Be sure to leave no space between the colon and the first character of the address. Is your masthead at the very top? The masthead, or "nameplate," typically features your e-zine name, your name, your e-mail address, your Web address, and the correct date, volume number, and issue number. Make it the FIRST thing your readers see. Have you reminded your readers right away that this is a *subscription* publication? Don't let them forget that they *asked* to receive this! Something like this right under your masthead will do: "You've received this e-zine because you subscribed to it! If you wish to unsubscribe, please scroll to the end for more information." If you have a table of contents (TOC), do its listings match this issue's articles and features? For example, if your TOC says your second feature in this issue is an article on Web site marketing, make sure it's right! Have you included a copyright notice? At the end of your content, before your contact info, post '(c)' immediately followed by the year and your name or your company's name. You should know that a copyright notice does not protect your ideas - instead, it protects the way you express them. Are the correct advertisements in place? Keep track of all your ad swaps and purchases in one main document to make this easy to look up each time. I use an Excel spreadsheet, which works great for me. Do you give clear subscribe and unsubscribe instructions at the bottom? Include subscribe instructions, because your e-zine will likely get passed on to others who'd like to sign up. The unsubscribe instructions are just BECAUSE - it's plain courtesy, and the law of the land. : ) Does your subject line include both the name of your e-zine and the issue topic? By seeing your e-zine title, your recipients will know the e-mail is not spam. And by seeing the issue topic, they will know what's in store for this issue. Example: "Sara's Cash Flow Tips: Increase Your Income Today!" Have you sent a test of the issue to yourself or an associate? Make sure it comes through reading well and looking great! (Check for any strange symbols that magically appear, odd breaks in the copy, inactive links, etc.) And this is a GREAT time to give it a final proofread. 8 Killer Mistakes For Ezine Failure You Must Avoid It is true that sometimes in life there is a small line between failure and success. The same thing applies with ezines and newsletters. Some details we consider unimportant are the keys for the success of our publication or failure. Employee Newsletter Ideas - 7 Creative Ideas for Your Employee Newsletter Employee newsletters are an effective tool to communicate with your employees. Here are 7 employee newsletter ideas... 11 Quick (and Good) E-zine Content Ideas Publishing an e-zine is the ideal opportunity to showcase your business. By sharing your knowledge and expertise, you build credibility as an expert, while spreading the word about your services and products. Who Is Your E-zine Really FROM? One morning this past fall, I was going through my e-mail inbox, relentlessly deleting junk mail. As you're likely well aware, many spam messages are made to look like they're from a real person. Lesson #6: Six Simple Steps to Writing Magnetically Charged Email Messages! If you remember, the majority of people (i.e., 68%) need to see your sales message more than once before they even think about going ahead. This is applicable to every market. 7 Benefits Of Using Newsletter Templates 1. Time saver. To get going make a quick visit to http://www.free-newslettertemplates.com/newsletter_templates.html and grab some templates for free. You could then have a basic newsletter ready to send in no more then 10-15 minutes. The template will work as a guide, saving you up to hours of work. How To Write Powerful Newsletters, Offline And Online The theory of writing for newsletters is very similar to that of writing for press releases and other media work, but with newsletters there is one crucial difference. Whereas with an external publication you're quality-controlled by someone outside your organization (the publication's editor) who is therefore independent and autonomous, the equivalent person connected with an internally produced newsletter is either you, or someone else who gets paid by your organization. 7 Power Packed Tips To Increase Your Ezine Publishing Success 1. Use autoresponders to publish and promote your ezine. Newsletter Names - Creative Ideas for Newsletter Titles Your newsletter name has a big effect on your readership, so it's essential you choose a good name right from the start. Here are some ideas to help you come up with creative newsletter names... PublishAmerica - Publishing Parasites I have to admit to being readily impressed by company names. Maybe it's an age thing. You see, I was around when we had nationalised industries here in Britain, you know, British Railways, British Gas, British Steel, British Road Services, etc., etc. Those companies may have been over-staffed and under-efficient but you always knew you could trust them, and a product marked "Made in Britain" had class - in those days. Even after they became privatised the word "British" in a company name still, in my subconscious at least, gave that firm a stamp of approval. Those were the heady days when we had some traditional industries and workers could rely upon union protection to prevent their jobs being shipped out to third world countries. ![]() |
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