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3 Things You Need to Do to Turn Net Information into Cash
Although we are in the information age, very few people have been able to turn the colossal amount of free accessible information available online, into cash or business success. a) Specialize One of the reasons for this is that there is actually too much information available online. Actually so much of it that it gets overwhelming sometimes. When you consider that there are about 40,000 new blogs being launched daily, and that is not even counting the new websites or the updates going in in both websites and blogs, it becomes clear that the information is coming at us in gigantic levels. And it grows daily. The only way to handle this colossal information is to focus and specialize on a certain area. This the only way you will be able to effectively process the loads and loads of information and find a way of profiting from it. For example a person specializing on affiliate marketing should not touch any other area. Not even affiliate financing or any other aspect of affiliate schemes. If they do this, they will find that within a very short time they will become an expert in an area that they can easily profit from tremendously. b) Explore It then becomes extremely easy to explore the net and the colossal information of gigantic proportions that is available, because your interest is limited or narrowed down to a specific area. Using our previous example of an area of expertise, it is then east to research and find out what top affiliate marketers on the net are earning and what kind of programs bring those high earnings. When you specialize, surfing ceases to be a tiring and confusing exercise and becomes a fascinating journey of discovery and knowledge accumulation. This is an important aspect in turning mere information into something useful and productive. c) Test When you start practically testing the knowledge and information you are gaining online then you draw very close into turning information into something profitable and useful to you. Many times the testing will involve establishing a website that contains your information and maybe even developing a product or service based on that information. This approach has a much higher chance of success than the usual trend where people hurriedly look around for a subject and product when they have already made up their minds that they want to launch a website or blog. Take advantage of the massive information available online and start making it useful to your life today. About the author: S. Rosendahl is a Technical Executive Writer for Website Source, Inc. http://www.websitesource.com. Her established writing skills coupled with experience in the website hosting industry have provided internet professionals with marketing, product and service ideas for many years.
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Three Breathing Techniques For Any Ezine Article I subscribed myself to many ezines. I'd love to read articles in them. First thing I will do is going to article section of the ezine. Understanding Ezine Publishing! I can remember my first reaction to word "ezine". What is it? The word "ezine", (pronounced ee-zeen), is a shortened version of "electronic zine", which is a word used to describe short self-published "electronic magazines". 10 Benefits Of Submitting Articles To Ezines 1. You'll brand your web site, business and yourself by submitting articles to ezines. You could include your name, business name, your credentials, web site address and email address in your resource box. Finding the GOLD with Ezines and Google! Hi Delivering Your Email Newsletter After creating your email newsletter, you face the challenge of delivery. With a printed newsletter, there's usually only one method of widespread distribution: the post office. Why Arent You Using CGI? The very name CGI used to send chills up my spine. Foryears I put it in the 'too-hard-basket'. But like mostthings in life, CGI is not as scary as it seems. Ifyou have a cgi directory on your website and you knowhow to FTP files, chances are you can have a CGIscript up and running in less than 20 minutes. 5 Ways to Make More Money With Your E-zine Have you been publishing an e-mail newsletter for at least six months but still aren't seeing real results (read: revenue) from it? Don't fret - you may just need a tune up. Here are five ways to kick your e-zine income into gear this year: TOOT YOUR OWN HORN MORE The adage goes, "If you don't blow your own horn, someone else will use it as a spittoon." If your focus is providing your readers with useful information that enriches their lives and businesses, bravo! That SHOULD be your focus. But now I want you to look out for yourself as well: Take at least 25 percent of your e-zine space and make it all about YOU. Give promos for your services, products, books, workshops, etc. List raving testimonials from clients and customers who LOVE you. Weave your business success stories into your articles and tips. Share something funny about your weekend that makes me feel closer to knowing you personally. (For more self-promotion tips, see my article at http://www.ezinequeen.com/7ways.htm) MAKE ME AN OFFER I CAN'T REFUSE Let's suppose I'm one of your subscribers. Even if I realize you offer wonderful products and services, I may need a kick in the pants to make a move. To entice me, offer me a special, l1mited-time deal. Examples: three months' of consultation for the price of two, a 20% discount on your latest book or newest service, or one of your usual offers with a few exciting bonuses thrown in. Make the offer obsolete within a few days or by next week. By putting a time limit on it, I'll be more apt to act now instead of later. Don't overlook how powerful this tactic can be. Some of my most profitable weeks have resulted from running a limited time, special pr0motion of this type in my e-zine. PACKAGE IT AT A LOWER PRICE POINT This is a super strategy for service professionals such as consultants and coaches. As your subscriber, I know the way to get the BEST service from you would be to hire you one-on-one, but perhaps I can't afford that right now. BUT consider that I may likely be interested in lower-priced options such as group coaching, teleclasses, online seminars, or a manual/e-book. This is exactly how I became an e-book author. When I started my first e-zine, my main business was writing for corporate communications. After I gained a few thousand subscribers, I realized that my readers were mostly small business owners and entrepreneurs. So I began creating products and services geared toward them. And now I profit more from those each month than from my corporate work. PROMOTE A PRODUCT/SERVICE THAT COMPLEMENTS YOURS Do your readers and clients often ask you about a certain topic that's related to - but not exactly - what you offer? Then resell a resource that you heartily recommend and would put your reputation behind. For example, while my specialty is e-zines, I get many questions about creating and selling information products online. So I continually research credible resources on this topic to share with my readers. Many of the creators of these products offer a handsome commission on any sales I refer to them. (I do this myself by paying out up to 25% commission on any referred sale. http://www.ezinequeen.com/affiliate.htm) NEVER recommend any service or product to your readers that you haven't personally tried and wouldn't back 100 percent. Otherwise you'll blow the trust that you've worked so hard to build up in your readership. SELL AD SPACE AS IT SUITS YOU E-zine ads won't make you wealthy, but they can make for some handy extra c^sh. (I call it my "margarita money.") Most e-zines offer one sponsor ad at the top and several "classified" ads at the bottom. Sponsor ads typically cost three to five times more than the classified ad, but you'll see the ranges vary greatly. Start by offering ad specials to your own readers. Then also list your e-zine in the many e-zine advertising directories on the Web. These services help match advertisers with appropriate publishers just like you. (Need help? My manual gives step-by-step instructions on how to accept and profit from ads in your e-zine.) Remember that you have every right to be selective about the type of ads you accept. While your readers know these ads don't represent YOUR business, their quality will indirectly influence their perception of you. Internet Marketing Strategy: 9 Pragmatic Ways Increase Your E-zines Subscription It is possible to increase the subscription to your e-zine or newsletter. Emerging Trends in Web Content and Web Publishing Content is King but the web pages are still littered with writing that does scant justice to the word content, least of all creative, useful and valuable content. The Quick Ways To Increase Your E-zines Subscriber Base 1. Give Incentives Give people an incentive to subscribe to your e-zine. Offer them a freebie if they subscribe. It could be a free e-book, free report, free advertising, etc. Make sure the freebie will attract your target audience. 2. Joint Venture Joint venture with a similar e-zine. Combine your subscriber bases together and publish one e-zine. Edit and publish each issue together. You both will be promoting the e-zine which means more subscribers. 3. Allow Archiving Allow your subscribers to archive back issues of your e-zine on their web site. They may need content for their web site. If people visit their web site and like your e-zine, they will subscribe. Is It a Newsletter or Just One More Commercial? When I purchased my very first computer, not too long ago, I signed up for many Internet Marketing Newsletters. Though it's been a few years, I still have them. E-zine Promotion: 10 Smart Reasons To Charge A Fee For Your E-zine You publish an e-zine, you may consider to start charging a fee. WHOOPS -- There Goes My List! (Are You Backing Up YOUR Biggest Asset?) Have you ever accidentally lost an important file on your computer? Perhaps your computer crashed (again) or your cat sauntered over a dooming sequence of keys. Remember that little pang in your stomach you felt when you realized that file was gone for good? 8 Killer Mistakes For Ezine Failure You Must Avoid It is true that sometimes in life there is a small line between failure and success. The same thing applies with ezines and newsletters. Some details we consider unimportant are the keys for the success of our publication or failure. Producing Ezines for Growing Your Business What an ezine is ? An ezine is an electronic newsletter sent out by email at intervals of your choice to a list of subscribers. An ezine is a mutual bargain, a kind of compromise between editor and his subscribers. How comes that ? Let's see : Every ezine has a topic : marketing, humor, gardening, sports, etc... An ezine can and should contain lots of helpful information and resources related to its topic. Everyone interested to receive these information, subscribe to ezine. On the other hand, besides all above information and stuff, the publisher delivers and materials promoting his business. The bargain I've spoke before is simple: subscribers agree to receive promotion materials altogether with other information they are interested in. An ezines is an excellent recruitment tool for your business. Let's say you sell books online through your website. If you chose 'new issues' as topic for your ezine, you will recruit more prospects for your venture saying "come here to see the newest books" than saying "come here to buy the newest books". Ezines are very efficient in business development. From the very beginning I can say that they target the market(s) you are trying to reach with your products and services. As I said before every ezine has a topic. By choosing this topic close related to your business you may be sure that your subscribers are interested by your business as well, because they enjoy the ezines' topic. I already told you above that ezines are perfect promotion tools by delivering advertising materials to subscribers. I can tell a day or two about ezines and how they can help to grow a business. I just want to tell you something very important. If you decide to publish an ezine, you must learn that there is a lot of work to producing a quality one. You should pay a special attention to the following items: How to discover your real audience - the ones who want what you have. If is better to write your own content than using someone else's. How to choose an attention-getting, enticing name for your email newsletter. What popular sections you can choose to include in your own ezine. Editing in plain text vs. HTML - what you must know before making this choice! Resources for building your subscriber base fast. Places to submit your ezine to gain more exposure and more subscribers. How to sell advertising and the amount of money you'll make. And the list may continue. Only by reading these 8 points you can see that publishing an ezine means work and abilities. It's hard but not impossible, you may learn by doing, from articles and books or talking with experienced publishers. Making Money Online With Web Publishing Who doesn't want to make money online? Internet is here to dominate our lives and spreading its tentacles very fast. Every month millions of pages are added to the web space and more and more people are getting online for almost everything ? from shopping to e-learning. Would you believe there are even online beggars with payment gateways where you can donate through your credit card if you are feeling charitable. If you do not exploit the internet for marketing your services or products you may as well be living in prehistoric times. What Makes An Ezine Worth Reading? What makes your ezine hot stuff? With literally thousands of ezines online today, how can yours stand out or is it doomed to stay in the junk mail folders?? Subscriber Incentives: Are They Effective? Search Engines Can Be The Online Writers Best Friend It's an exciting time for online writers, with a wide array of options. With desire and well-directed effort, a good writer can end up with a variety of work. However, as we know, there is much more to the writing biz than the meat and potatoes of the actual writing. Research, record-keeping, finding markets, composing and sending queries, dealing with rejections and self-promotion all factor in, and it all takes up a great deal of time. But the actual money, and the greatest satisfaction, comes from the writing itself and seeing your by-line posted on some well-trafficked site. Ezine Publishing Donts When I teach ezine classes, I ask the students what they've disliked about the newsletters they've subscribed to. What makes them push that "delete button" or unsubscribe? Below are some of their answers. ![]() |
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