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Fishing Alaska: The Alaskan Sampler Plate...Part I
I just recently returned from my first fishing trip to Alaska. If you have ever dreamed of heading to the last frontier, but have continuously put it off because of this reason or that---STOP PUTTING IT OFF!! I myself, found reason after reason to delay one of my "dream trips" until I could no longer stand it any longer. "Damn the time constraints and load up the Visa card boys--were headin' to Alaska!!" What I expected was a : 'you should have been here in the seventies', "spawned out" fishing destination--but what I found was a place I can't wait to return to. The Kenai peninsula-which to a lot of fishermen is a place that is overfished and to easily accesible-was just fine to me. Eleven different types of fish, from fourteen inch Grayling to seventy pound Halibut found it's way on to my fishing rod, and considering I only had one week to fish in Alaska, I would say the only way I could have experienced more fish ...would be to order the Alaskan sampler plate at the Red Lobster!! Each and every day seemed to get better and better. Lets take a look at my own personal Alaskan Sampler Plate.... We started with a nice little three mile hike complete with float tube "necklace" and blister inducing wading boots to Fuller Lakes. We were after Grayling, which would serve as a nice little appetizer of fourteen inch "dancers" on our five weight fly rods. The three mile hike would also help to take a little of the "starch" out my overly stimulated fishing gland-which was "swollen" with anticipation of fish filled waters.Evidently,they don't believe in switchbacks in Alaska, because the trail seemed to go straight up,and when we got to the end of the trail-the sweat I wrung out of my shirt made me wonder why I even bothered to bring waders!! When we got to the lake, a small five acre lake, it was shrouded in fog and I could only trust that Clayton- our friend, pseudo-guide,and part time mountain goat- had led us to a five acre lake, since you could only see about twenty five yards in front of you. Nonetheless, tubes were filled and we set off into the fog like ghost ships disappearing into the great unknown.It might as well have been the start of a trans-Atlantic journey for all I knew, because as soon as Clayton paddled thirty yards out--Greg and I were on our own with nothing but the occasional splash of a hooked Grayling to act as a sound beacon to guide our way. Eventually, after kicking around in my float tube for a half hour,I found a nice twelve inch Grayling. Then another and another...until I giggled happily as the hooked Grayling danced around me. My "giggles in the mist" attracted Greg and Clayton and after twenty or thirty fish ,we decided to leave Fuller lake. Thank goodness Clayton and Greg knew how to get back to the starting point on the lake,otherwise I might still be up at Fuller Lake, living on Grayling sushi. I never did actually see that lake-and I hope it wasn't an abirition--cause I sure had fun!! Fuller lake was the perfect warm up, so to speak, and after a brief rest at Camp Yuppie Fisher, we were ready for a little "Sockeye Swinging". Now, before you think that this is some sort of kinky Alaskan male-female-fish menage -a - trois, or the latest winter solstice- blues busting dance craze, understand that the Sockeye Swing is a technique of catching Sockeye Salmon on a fly. Or- snagging them in the mouth -as the local guides like to refer to the techniques rather unique use of fly, 3/8 oz weight, and nervous "shoulder twitch"!! Boy--it sure catches a lotta fish. Keep in mind, in Alaska--snagging a Salmon anywhere in front of the gill plate is considered a fair hooked fish-- and before you get on your purist high horse--also consider that over a million and one-half Sockeye will return on the Kenai alone this year!! Viva la Sockeye Swing! As with most Salmon, the Sockeye really isn't interested in eating when it hits the river,so the only way to really catch them is to drift something into there mouths. (Although a friend of mine tells me that later in the spawn they will get angry and hit just about anything.) The only downside was the continuous fighting of six to ten pound fish on fly rods, which is not much of a downside as far as I am concerned. We also released all but three Salmon, and they were not sporting the bright red color yet. I could have quit fishing now and been satisfied with the trip, but we were just getting started. The next day was one of the best- and most underrated trips- on the Kenai peninsula. The upper Kenai for trout. Allen, a first year Alaskan fishing guide, and the son of Clayton, was going to be our guide that day. The first thing I noticed about Allen was that he was walking around with nail polish. It was the evening before our trip and Allen slipped into the "guides fish hut", where they tie flies and ready their gear for the following days floats and trips. Now, the fact that Allen was carrying a bottle of Revlon "creamsicle shaded" teflon coated "nail enhancement" might not be of concern to you--but all I could think was that it must be tough being a first year guide in Alaska!! I had already heard the term"fish- bitch" bandied about in guide circles, and thought the worst for poor Allen. If he showed up in stilletto heels and mascara in the morning--I WAS OUT!! My curiosity got the best of me and I took a peak into the fish hut,(O.K. -so I'm a sicko!) and was releaved to see Allen painting "fishbeads" with the nail polish. In fact, the whole bench was covered with various shades and colors of choice-and each guide had their own personal favorite shade that they used to seduce FISH! Whew, what a relief!! Early morning found us on the upper Kenai, floating in 20 foot Willie Drift boats(Made right here in my hometown.) with four fishermen, and Allen at the helm. I checked out Allens fingernails-just to be sure- and felt comfortable that the beads were the only things being painted! The fishbeads are supposed to simulate single Salmon eggs floating downstream,and the nail polish gives them a "milky" look-much like real eggs look like as they float downstream. We put in above the Russian River, and the plan was to drift down through "The Canyon" all the way to Skilak Lake. I guess the theory is that the big trout in Skilak see the Salmon heading through the lake, and follow them like kids follow an ice cream truck in summer. Whatever the reason- there are some big Rainbows and Dolly Vardens in the river. Although we could have used several different methods-we used the single egg on seven weight fly rods and it didn't take long before all of us were catching 20 inch -or better- trout. None of us caught any of the "mythical" 36 inch monsters, but everyone caught quality fish--and plenty of them.Greg landed a nice 25 inch Rainbow and I had landed a beautiful 24 inch Dolly. The canyon was a blast and even though we didn't catch as many fish as we had caught in the morning, the fish were all quality. Of course, the real thrill came when we were false charged(if you can call it false) by a big sow Brown bear(see Grizzly) who was protecting her cub. All this happened while I had a nice 23 inch rainbow on.(see brown spots in waders!!) We also each caught a few more Sockeye as we took a break from trout fishing and did some more "swinging". In fact, Greg started catching so many Sockeye-even with his fly gear- that we started to call him "Sockeye Greg"! We also chided him that he was cutting into our trout time, everytime it took him more than five minutes to land his fish!! The trip ended with a motoring across Skilak lake-which is a "wide spot in the road" on the Kenai river. Skilak, along with Kenai lake help to make the Kenai river what it is--an incredible fishery. The trip was all catch and release--so when we returned to "Camp Yuppie Fisher" the only thing we had take with us was our bear story and any hygenic fall out from the experience. So, if you are keeping score-that's four differnet species of fish in two days!! That trip ended Allens' work week, and like any overworked - underpaid guide, he started his "days off" by...going fishing!!We all went to Quartz creek that evening and fished for more BIG Dolly Vardens on a little spawning tributary of the upper Kenai. I was fishing a new technique-called "cast and look back over your shoulder", which I had just developed since seeing more Brown Bear tracks on the sand bar I was fishing on. After this mornings encounter, I was happy to move further downstream and let any bears in the vicinity have this sand bar for there watering and feeding hole. Clayton also mentioned that he saw some wolf tracks, which was beginning to make me feel like a buffet item at the "all you can eat" Wildlife Diner. At this point, something should be said about the famed "long days" of the Alaskan summers. Even in mid August the summer days are still very long with dark not coming until after 10:00 p.m- so it is not uncommon to fish until dark. This makes for a lot of red eyed fishermen and guides, and might have something to do with the "crankiness" of some of the sleep deprived fishermen--and the endless string of espresso stands that you almost could jump from roof to roof and never touch ground in Alaska. That might be a slight exaggeration--but there are ALOT of espresso stands. Day three on the Alaskan sampler, required a drive and another semi- short hike.I could tell you where-but then I would have to send you to Afghanistan and place you in an underground tunnel where you would never be found or seen again. It was a special place and actually can be figured out if you do some research, but we had the whole place to ourselves, and I am not quite ready to give up the name of this "sanctuary"!!We wound up waist deep in saltwater fishing for Pink Salmon--lovingly referred to as "humpys" in Alaska. You can quickly understand where they get their nickname after seeing the "quasimodo" hump(speaking of sanctuary) that bulges from their back as they ready themselves for the spawning run up creeks and rivers.I'm not exactly sure why they get all grotesque like that--I'm just glad our spawning rituals don't result in such an obvious display of transformation!! This day was truly a saltwater fly fishing dream. Seven weight rods, and a fly we cleverly named "Pink Floyd", which might give you a hint as to which color it was, and fish stacked up like cord wood waiting to head up out of the saltwater into freshwater. You could see the fins protruding up out of the water and this was the closest thing to "bonefishing" that I have ever done. Moving into the "herd" and casting out about forty to fifty feet, then stripping slowly back would yield fish after fish after fish....until we were actually exhausted from hooking and landing "humpys". AND these fellars would take the fly!!!Then the "humpys" would move and you would follow their dorsals until you were casting into group again. There were more Pinks then "extras" in a remake of Ben Hur!! Numerous times all three of us(Greg,Clayton and I) would have "triples" on and we literally quit because our arms were getting sore! Bummer. We even had our own "Pink Floyd" parody by the end as we sang: "all in all.. it's just a ..nother fish on the pole..." do do do do..... On our way out of saltwater flyfishing nirvana, we stopped to view the Pinks and Chum Salmon that had already made it into freshwater and were beginning to bury eggs. We even spotted a wayward Sockeye which looked about as out of place as a "Jay-Z" fan at a "Yanni" concert. I hoped at least one more wayward Sockeye of the opposite sex would wander up that stream, otherwise the big moment in that Salmons existence was going to go unfulfilled. We headed back for "Camp Yuppie Fisher" and decided to take the evening off from fishing. Instead, we hiked to the Russian River Falls, where we watched another "fisherman" catching fish in a more native Alaskan way. Actually, it was a "fisherwomen" and she would just swim back and forth at the falls picking out Sockeye like an informed consumer at a local fish market. Finally selecting her "catch o' the day" by burying her head in the water and pulling out a nice "catch" by her teeth. Then she would sit back and eat her catch like a giant sushi popsicle, tossing it aside half eaten while a watchful sea gull waited like a hungry bus boy about to swoop up some leftovers. This time we were viewing the Brown bear from a safe distance on top of an overlook and didn't really feel any danger since Salmon probably taste better than Sal-MAN. I think?? So, day three results--five different fish species, three different bear experiences, and three sore shoulders!! End of part 1 A.J. Klott If you need a laugh or a fun gift, visit his website at: http://www.twoguyswithflys.com
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Drop-Shotting For Picky-Overfished Bass There is a fairly new technique when it comes to bass fishing but it works great especially when bass are under a lot of pressure, it's called drop-shotting. When you see other fishermen using worms and fishing the edges of creek channels, try this and fish the bottom of the channels instead of the edges. It's also good around boat docks and bridges and in shallow water when the bass are bedding. Fishing Charter Need To Know There are several elements that go into creating the ideal charter fishing experience. The most important of these elements are not within the control of the charter service, captain, or the customers: Communications Equipment in the Wilderness For Hunting, fishing, hiking, boating or cycling in all kinds of weather Fancy Catching Something Slightly Different? How About an Angler Fish? The true Angler Fish lives in both shallow and deep water and there is regularly confusion over their identity as either Angler Fish or Monkfish. It is more a case that there is more than one variety of both and at some point the two species cross over. Some Angler Fish can legitimately be called Monkfish and vice versa, but then again, there are some Monkfish (although equally entitled to the name) which are actually from the Shark family. To go into that further would involve getting into the Latin names of the species which I'm not going to do here! Successful Fishing: The Mysterious e Factor..... Successful Fishing: The mysterious "e" Factor. The Fishing Mark of Mablethorpe on the East Coast of England MABLETHORPE, is a beach resort on the East coast of England. The beach is a long stretch of clean sands with some great fishing. The clean and flat ground is excellent for Flounder and the catch here is often flatfish. However, Smoothounds are also a regular visitor to the beach and offer great sport and exciting fishing. Both the Smoothounds and the summer Bass can be found at a distance of only 30 - 40 metres or so and a cast of this length can bring you some large fish. Introducing The Two Guys With Flys Just when you thought you had seen it all. Just when you thought what in the world can I get for a unique and different Christmas present,Fathers Day gift,or executive gift-- along comes a fun and unique gift just in time for this years' Christmas season. FLY TACKS, a new product from TWO GUYS WITH FLYS, INK, previously the makers of nothing!! FLY TACKS are handsomely, hand-tied flies from Oregon, that are PUSHPINS. That's right, no more boring bulletin boards around the office. Who wouldn't like to have the latest company memo held in place by the ever present ? GREEN BUTTED SKUNK? Everyone will notice the latest pay scale increases when they are posted by the always popular ? EGG SUCKING LEECH. Got a co-worker that always claims he couldn't find your message? Stick it to his pile with a MUDDLER MINNOW, and he is sure to get the point!!!! Fishing Topwater in Lily Pads In 2004, I fished more lily pads than ever before? Why? Well, because I caught fish in them. I probably caught over 100 fish in the lily pads this year alone. Two were over 5 pounds and one over 6 pounds. So what did I do different this year? North to Alaska For many fishermen Alaska is the ultimate "mecca" of fishing. Early childhood dreams of Salmon choked rivers and Bears of every shape and size basking in the sun, their bellys full of fish- and the occasional "slow" fisherman- help to fuel the vision that is Alaska. Organization is Key to Successful Fishing Talk to a professional angler like Kevin Schweder(2003 PWT Rookie of the Year), and you will quickly find out that organization is a major part of their game plan. Keeping rods and equipment organized provides many advantages, not the least of which is allowing the angler to spend more time fishing. Fly Fishing the Tide Rips for Coho Salmon off the Northwest Tip of Washington State Tide rips are one of the most common areas to fly fish for salmon at Neah Bay. I'm addicted to fly fishing tide rips for coho salmon in the saltwater. The stronger the current and the rougher the water, the more I love it. Spinnerbait Fishing Tactics for Spotted Bay Bass Like most fishermen my age I originally learned about spinnerbait fishing for largemouth bass with my Dad. My class room was the back of an aluminum rental boat drifting the brush flats and rocky points of Irvine Lake in Orange County and Lake Cachuma in Santa Barbara, CA. Both lakes were renowned southern California bass fisheries in the 1960's and 70's. Later I refined my techniques from the business end of a Nitro bass boat fishing team tournaments in the waters of the mid west for Smallmouth bass and Muskie. Social Robotic Fish in Fish Farms We have a problem in our fish farms, especially Salmon. You see for 500 plus million years the Salmon spawn up river and then swim down to the ocean grow real big and swim all the way back and lay their eggs. It is a great cycle indeed. It works for them and very well. Unfortunately for them they taste very good to us. We in fact have been over fishing them and they are one of California's favorite Sushi fish. Yep, I myself agree, more salmon please. Finding and Catching Fish has Never Been Easier With the Garmin 250 Fish Finder The Garmin Fishfinder 250 is Garmin's latest addition to their family of marine chartplotters, handheld GPS, fish finders and GPS sounders and its already gaining a great reputation amongst the angling community. Why The Moon Is Your Key To Night Fishing Success Want To Catch More Fish At Night, Watch the Moon! Where To Find 10 Fly Fishing Tips In A Single Paragraph When looking for information on how to fly fish, fly fishing tips or fly fishing techniques, many anglers, or anglers to be,who limit their search to books or material written ithin the last few years or decades are short-changing themselves. Orlando Florida Fishing - Redfish Capital of the World When visitors think of Orlando and Central Florida, they imagine the exciting attractions, breath-taking roller coasters, and swimming with the dolphins. What many people don't know is that fishing in the Orlando, Florida area is just as exciting. The Central Florida East Coast is also named the "Redfish Capital of the World". The area is beautiful, quiet, and relaxing. It offers visitors a different experience of Central Florida and the Orlando area. Night Fishing Preparation, The Key To Success Preparation is the Key To Successful Night Fishing, You Better Have These... Selecting the Right Tackle One of the most important things to consider when fly fishing is choosing your tackle the right way. Many people overlook this important factor and start with the wrong assumptions. They first buy the rod, then the line to match the rod, then the reel and then they buy the flies they will need to fish. The fact is the flies are the most important in determining weather or not you will be catching any fish. Spawning the Chinese Algae-Eater Gyrinocheilus aymonieri Common name: Chinese algae-eater Family: Gyrinocheilidae (Algae eaters) Order: Cypriniformes (carps) Class: Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) Max size: 30 cm/ 12 inches Water conditions: pH range: 6.0 - 8.0, temperature 25 - 28°C/ 77-82°F ![]() |
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