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Movement, Muscles and Machines
Sport encourages the integration of the whole organism because it is necessary to think as we move and plan ahead. In performing each movement in response to the run of play, we use mechanisms that nature evolved for the purpose of survival in a hostile world. Sport is today's equivalent of the hunting, fighting and avoidance of predators that kept our ancestors alive. The skills developed in our past are essential in today's sport; accuracy, speed, strength and intelligence are all requirements for success. We have come to believe that the stronger a muscle the better, without a thought to what we actually do with a stronger muscle. I am not advocating we should do nothing, or that all exercise is harmful. The important issue is why we exercise and what is it we hope to achieve? If we want to get fit, ask the question - fit for what? When did you last review your objectives for devoting so much time and effort to its pursuit? To help achieve optimum performance it is useful to understand the physiology involved so you do not misuse your body. All movement, even of the smallest part, involves the total organism yet many exercise systems fail to recognise the integral nature of human function. Exercises have always been designed to achieve specific improvements for one part of the body in the belief it will benefit the athlete for the particular demands of their sport. My view is that the concentration on individual parts whilst performing these exercises destroys the unity of the organism necessary for good movement. Getting into shape usually involves a trip to the local gymnasium with its staggering array of equipment. A combination of technology and clever marketing has transformed the dull exercise machine into an essential piece of equipment capable of 'achieving miracles'. Today's machines have made it possible to work individual muscles in isolation - the first-time gym user will often joke they ache in muscles they did not know existed. Unfortunately, in the rush to develop the ultimate range of equipment, I believe a vital factor in human development and movement has been overlooked. That is, no single movement involves either an individual or isolated set of muscles! Machines that work a muscle whilst immobilising or supporting part of the body, encourage 'unnatural' actions never to be repeated outside the gymnasium, sports scientist Dr Mel Siff wrote: - "?.it is well known in physiology that the body knows of actions, not muscles, so that it is inappropriate to place any intentional stress on individual muscles rather than on the desired motor patterns." Even the harmless looking treadmill does not replicate natural activity. Running on a moving surface employs a different combination of muscles when compared with road running. Chuck Wolf, the director of sport science and human performance for the U.S.A. Triathlon National Training Center in Florida acknowledges this problem with the exercise machine saying, "? our love of machines has caused us to lose sight of the way the body functions. Machines are ideal for multiple repetitions of the same movement patterns along a single plane. Unfortunately, that's not how we move." Too much emphasis is placed on muscle and hence exercises to improve strength at the cost of neglecting the systems that control them. Complex machines are able to analyse the strength of individual muscles in specific movements. However, these machines do not measure the body during natural activity. Problems are then identified with the suspect muscle and exercises prescribed to correct the condition. But what causes the weakness initially? Why is a muscle weak or too tight? A muscle can only do what it is told to do and as we do not have the ability to directly control a muscle we cannot be certain of what we are actually telling it to do. The 'offending' muscle is only performing its function as directed by the controlling mechanisms for which we ultimately carry the responsibility. When the police stop a speeding motorist they prosecute the driver not the car! This is not to say that gymnasiums are harmful - far from it! It is how we approach the use of a gym's equipment that is vital. They do offer an opportunity to develop body awareness and strength but the temptation is to focus on the specific muscle being exercised whilst ignoring how the whole body can be used. For example, it is common to see people gritting teeth, straining neck muscles and arching their back when using machines to work the biceps. All this unnecessary action is not going to help build the biceps but it will develop poor muscular habits that will affect other activities. If used with the total body in mind these exercises will develop every other muscle appropriately as they are needed to stabilise the frame. So rather than looking to build the abs, biceps and quads separately, be aware of their involvement on every machine. More recently other gadgets have started to appear on the market that promise to improve balance and proprioception (our ability to sense the position, location and movement of the body and its parts). But do these devices really help to improve performance in your sport? Or do you just acquire a new skill such as balancing on a swiss-ball that may be fun but does nothing to help your game? Bill Hartman, sports scientist and golf coach, writes "So what can you do to improve your golf-specific balance? Play golf. There is not a gadget or exercise which will improve your golf-specific balance like playing golf. Why? Because nothing can duplicate the demands of playing golf other than playing golf. I know, it sounds silly doesn't it. If you look at other athletes in any sport from martial arts to gymnastics to hockey, you'll find that they simply perform their sporting skills over and over to acquire their amazing balance skills. They don't rely on silly, useless gadgets. If you were a tightrope walker, would you practice on a wooden beam or stand on a stability ball. Of course not, because it would not duplicate the demands of tightrope walking. The rope has its own "feel" and sway that nothing else but a tightrope can duplicate. So if you want to improve your golf-specific balance, play golf." So perhaps to get the best from the gymnasium we should take our time to use the machines with total awareness of the actions involved (avoiding distractions such as the gym TV or listen to music ). And perhaps ask whether the action encouraged by the machine is a 'natural' one. Will I ever be hanging at an angle where I need to perform a sit-up? It may strengthen the abdominals for that movement, but do I need it? How will it benefit my body as a whole? For further information visit http://www.artofperformance.co.uk Roy Palmer is a Teacher of The Alexander Technique, a revolutionary thought and movement system. He works with sports people of all abilities looking to improve performance whilst reducing the risk of injury. He writes articles for internet sports forums and magazines. His first book 'The Performance Paradox':Challengin the conventional methods of sports training and exercise is available from his website http://www.artofperformance.co.uk
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My Golden Gym "Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful." -- Ann Landers Deciding on a Fitness Center: Tips for Choosing Joining one of the many fitness centers in your area can have a lot of benefits, but can also be a big expense. Since most centers ask you to sign contracts that can be difficult to cancel, make sure that joining a fitness center is for you and that you are happy with the one you choose, before signing on the dotted line. Manual Vs. Motorized Treadmills When people go to purchase a treadmill, one of the first questions they ask is "Do I want a manual or motorized treadmill?" The Importance of Treadmill Mats? One important accessory that you will want to get with your new treadmill is a good treadmill mat. If you are not sure of what a treadmill mat is, then let's take a minute and examine this. Elliptical Trainer Reviews Dont Get The Facts Straight There are many misconceptions regarding elliptical trainers. I believe this is a result of the large number of elliptical trainer reviews Websites popping up on the Internet each and every day. In an effort to tout the benefits of elliptical training, Webmasters post the usual laundry list of the well-publicized advantages of elliptical trainers. In the process, like the old game of "Telephone", each time the message is repeated, it gets slightly or sometimes significantly garbled in the retelling. Elliptical Workout vs. Treadmill Workout An elliptical workout differs from a treadmill workout in a few ways. Both will give you an aerobic workout but an elliptical trainer will work different muscle groups than a treadmill. Why Smooth Treadmills are Among The Best Smooth is one of the better-known brands of fitness equipment. Smooth manufactures treadmills from high quality materials and premium components. You can find Smooth treadmills to fit any budget and lifestyle and the company receives high ratings among users and consumer groups. Smooth treadmills are offered at factory direct prices and you will receive professional, courteous customer service. Smooth services every treadmill they sell and the quality and ease of use is incomparable. Blood Pressure Monitor - Is Youre Blood Pressure OK? The focus on reducing high blood pressure in today's society is more so then ever now we now know that living with a high blood pressure can result in having a stroke or a fatal heart attack. Treadmill Reviews ? Helping You Find The Best Treadmill For YOU! With a multitude of different treadmills available today, it can be extremely difficult to know which one might be the best one for you ? it can be so overwhelming that you simply don't know where to start! If you go to one of the wide variety of treadmill manufacturer's websites, you will be greeted by a whole array of different models that include a variety of features and characteristics that simply boggle the mind, and inevitably enough, each manufacturer is going to say that theirs is better than all the rest. What you need to help you navigate your way through the overabundance of information is a helpful and unbiased informer, and thankfully, help is not too far away. Treadmill reviews. Treadmill reviews are here to help you make the right choice for you. The Most Important Things to Know When Choosing a Treadmill If you ever had the desire to buy a treadmill, you were probably hit by all sorts of questions: "What treadmill should I buy?", "Where will I put it?", "When will I have the time to use it?", "What are the most important things to take into consideration when choosing a treadmill?" , "Which treadmills will help me look fit?" and so forth. This article will try to answer these questions and give you an insight of the most important factors that are to be taken into consideration when choosing a treadmill or jogging machine. Your Health is Important Get Fit For Life Choosing fitness equipment for your personal use can be a rather daunting task. You can't turn on the TV without seeing ads that promise or imply that if you buy their exercise product and use it for 10-20 minutes a day you will have a slimmer trimmer body. We all want to look better but be wary, check around, and see if you can find any test results on this product. Benefits of Online Fitness Programs There are many benefits of choosing an online fitness program over a live personal trainer. In this article, I will focus on the most important ones. I will also mention and recommend Global Health and Fitness' online fitness program ( http://www.popularfitness.com/global-fitness.html ) because in my opinion they are the leaders in this field on the web. Not only have they been online since 1997, more importantly they have helped hundreds of people over the years achieve their fitness goals. They are associated with many well-known fitness-related professionals and have also been featured in numerous fitness articles. Pacemaster Treadmill Reviews Runner's World, a magazine for athletes who are serious about their exercise, includes Pacemaster treadmill reviews in its repertoire of sporting information, One of the latest evaluations included as part of its Pacemaster treadmill reviews is that of the Pacemaster ProElite. Proform - The Highly Recognized Name in Treadmills Proform is a highly recognized name in treadmills. Proform has been around for many years and is a subsidiary of the same company that manufactures Nordic Track and Reebok. Proform treadmills get varying reviews from users. Some people are very satisfied with the performance and quality of their Proform treadmill while others insist they lack in quality and longevity. The most common reason Proform is chosen over other brand names is the affordable price. Proform has introduced several new models recently that include a three year warranty and offer new features not previously found on Proform treadmills. Balls That Could Be The Remedy For Your Workouts The attic door swings open. Machines vs Free Weights I am often asked, what is the best machine for me?, what is the best machine for this or that body part?. The answer that I always give is none. With the exception of a few specialized pieces of functional equipment, machines in your gym or home are designed to fit the mass population. So we go to exercise and are forced to contort ourselves into a machine that forces us to move in a specific pattern. The unfortunate fact is these patterns are almost always single joint movements (bicep curl). The problem with single joint movements is life involves multiple parts of the body functioning together. Any time isolation exercises are performed the joint and surrounding tissues are exposed to high stresses and loads. These stresses cause injurious forces to the tissues exposing the exerciser to joint and soft tissue damage. Get A Gym Exercise Equipment Now Now is a good season for the health conscious to check up on the latest in gym exercise equipment. A wide variety of gym exercise equipment is available in the market each designed to tone the specific part of the body. So for that lasting impression as you stride down the beach and flaunt it, here are some of the important aspects in choosing the right gym exercise equipment for you. Workout Shoes - Shoes for Strength Training I've always worked out in just a plain pair of tennis shoes. Rarely to I see or even think that using special shoes would make any difference at all. However, I began to think of better shoe support when I started doing heavy squats. This prompted me to do a little research in specific type shoes for working out that would give me better ankle support and put my feet in a more level position for squats and leg presses. How Do I Find The Best Treadmill For Me? Treadmills are possibly the most popular type of fitness equipment available today, and this popularity has caused manufacturers to create a sometimes overwhelming choice of models ? how on earth do you determine which is the best treadmill for you? While finding the best treadmill is inevitably something of an individual choice, determined by your own particular needs, the input of others, who might have superior knowledge and experience of the wide variety of treadmills available, is extremely valuable. Thankfully, there are many professional treadmill review websites that will have useful suggestions to help you choose a treadmill: best recommended, treadmills best buys, and some of the best-rated treadmills around. Home Treadmill Review: Things To Watch Out Before Buying A Treadmill Treadmills are known to be the most popular and most effective home exercise and fitness equipment with 33% of the sales and is capable of burning around 850 calories per hour ![]() |
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