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Machines vs Free Weights
I am often asked, what is the best machine for me?, what is the best machine for this or that body part?. The answer that I always give is none. With the exception of a few specialized pieces of functional equipment, machines in your gym or home are designed to fit the mass population. So we go to exercise and are forced to contort ourselves into a machine that forces us to move in a specific pattern. The unfortunate fact is these patterns are almost always single joint movements (bicep curl). The problem with single joint movements is life involves multiple parts of the body functioning together. Any time isolation exercises are performed the joint and surrounding tissues are exposed to high stresses and loads. These stresses cause injurious forces to the tissues exposing the exerciser to joint and soft tissue damage. Sadly some of the most loved machines actually don't work. I will list just a few of the most common ones, the first being the seated inner/outer thigh machine. What is not understood is the inner and outer thigh musculature are primarily stabilizers, and stabilizers need to be weight bearing to contract effectively, sitting to exercise them actually makes them weaker and does nothing for toning and shaping. Turn on the TV and you will see ad after ad for abdominal machines. Much research has been done and machines will make your abdominal muscles work, but the price is high. Abdominal machines cause very high stresses on the spine which will cause damage to the disks. No machine can ever make the core contract properly because as I have previously stated machines isolate and the abdominal wall like the hips was designed to stabilize and that is hard to do laying down. On of the most dangerous machines in the gym is the back extension. The spine has very little ability to move on it's own, it is influenced strongly by the hips and abs. The spine musculature consists of stabilizers that serve to protect the disks, and the extensors of the lower torso. Just like the abdominal machines performing a hyperextension on a machine or bench can cause up to 1000lbs of compressive force on the spine, there are better and safer exercises. A rare commodity in health clubs today is floor space, and that is just what is needed for the best and most efficient types of exercise. In our next article I will go into detail how to exercise without expensive machines, decrease the risk of injury, and most importantly have a more effective and efficient workout. We go to exercise and are forced to contort ourselves into a machine that forces us to move in a specific pattern. Machines do not allow us the freedom to balance or to simply engage our 'core' muscles. What if I said that all you need to exercise efficiently, effectively and safely is a stability ball, some light free weights and a resistance band. The amazing part is that all this will cost you under $100 dollars. With these three things we can mimic and even improve upon any gym exercise with the added ability to activate more muscles with each exercise. Consider this, a chest press on a machine or bench uses roughly 8 muscles of mostly the chest, shoulder and arm. A chest press lying on a ball activates every muscle in the body, stimulates balance throughout the body, core control and stabilization of the shoulder and trunk musculature. Life and sports are not performed sitting down, why exercise sitting down. Try performing your exercises standing, initially on both feet with the knees bent, then progress to one foot or stand on a foam mat, anything to make the body work harder. While standing on one leg you can train almost any body part in a much more functional manner than a machine will allow. The exercises you can perform are limitless and if you start to get board simply integrate in the ball to increase and challenge balance and rotational control. At this point we must touch on the difference between rubber bands and free weights. Both are excellent mediums for resistance exercise that you must control in efficient and natural patterns. Bands allow you to mimic cable machines but if you have trained with bands before you know that the greater the movement the tighter the bands become. This means that the muscles work much harder at the end of the movement then at the beginning. Free weights stay consistent throughout the movements you perform with them, but they are gravity dependent. There are simply some exercises that can not be performed with free weights. Both bands and free weights are safe, effective and allow the user freedom of movement. Stabilizers must fire at all times, balance increases and the stresses on the joints are decreased because a machine is not dictating how you must move. The bottom line is simple. Most commercially produced gym equipment forces us to exercise in set patterns that require only single joint movements. This causes increased strain on the tissues surrounding the joint and on the joint it's self. Life is not a single joint movement. It requires a symphony of balance, coordination, strength and endurance. Unfortunately none of those can be achieved on a machine. As a society we have become sedentary, we sit too much. Common sense dictates that we should exercise to counteract and correct the faulty postural patterns that we live in. The more muscles that we can activate, contract, at one time the greater the benefit from the exercise which means less work with more benefit. The bottom line is simply called functional exercise. Bryan Fass,BA, ATCL, CSCS, NREMT-P
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So, You?re Looking For Discount Treadmills. Decision Time. A treadmill, although one of the best pieces of indoor fitness equipment that it is possible to buy, is not cheap. A good one will set you back thousands. And discount treadmills are not easy to find. "Discount treadmills" is very often searched on the net. What options are there for these people who are searching for discount treadmills, and what is it that they are actually looking for? Treadmill Lubrication Treadmill Lubrication - Ya Gotta Grease The Skids Steam Bath or Sauna ? Which Is Better? There is sometimes confusion between the terms 'steam bath' and 'sauna.' Many people think they refer to the same thing. Not so. Even though they both are hot baths, one uses dry heat while the other uses moist heat. Buy Cheap Treadmill: Learn How To Make Optimum Use of a Treadmill Treadmills serve your purpose 24/7 and 12 months a day despite of snow, sun or rain. Without any doubt, treadmills have great utility. Half an hour walking on treadmill keep your body firm and fit. Sometimes it even helps you in loosing weight too. Probably the easiest exercise for sedentary people is walking,(recommended speed is 2 miles per hour.) Treadmills come real handy when external reasons like unsuitable weather, icy roads or your tight schedule do not allow you to go on walk outdoors. What to Look for When Buying a Home Gym When buying a home gym there are several things you will want to educate yourself on before making a final purchase in order to ensure you buy the best home gym for you and your family. While there are many things you will need to consider, your budget, goals, space, and personal needs are some of the most important topics to keep in mind. Evaluate all of these points before you start shopping for home gyms. An Informative Home Gym Review There are several well-known manufacturers of home gyms worth mentioning. While all have their advantages and disadvantages, the following home fitness gyms are particularly noteworthy. The reviews will focus on the universal gyms that the companies manufacture. Home Treadmill Review: Things To Watch Out Before Buying A Treadmill Treadmills are known to be the most popular and most effective home exercise and fitness equipment with 33% of the sales and is capable of burning around 850 calories per hour Epic t60 treadmill The Epic T60 Treadmill - Putting New Limits On Economy Durable Medical Equipment Durable medical equipment and Medicare Is A Treadmill The Best Exercise Equipment For You? The #1 fear people have when buying a treadmill is that they won't use it. (That's the #1 fear when buying any piece of exercise equipment). t Blow Your Nose In The Water Fountain We all know the general rules of the gym: don't drop the weights, wipe your sweat off the machines when you're done, etc. But do you know all about the more "colorful", lesser known rules of the gym? How to Pick the Right Pair of Running Shoes Are you ready to start a new healthy habit of running or a seasoned runner looking to replace an old pair of shoes? Either way, it is very important to buy the right pair of shoes for you ? not necessarily the ones that are the most technically advanced or on the sale rack! Magazine Ratings of Treadmills ? Compare Expert Opinions to Get the Best Deal! Reading magazine ratings of treadmills is a great way to find out what fitness experts are saying about different brands. Buying a treadmill or any exercise machine can be a big investment in your health, so it pays to do your research before you buy. If you've made the decision to get fit by exercising regularly, walking or running on a home treadmill can have huge benefits. However, the extensive choice out there can be confusing, so it's important to compare features to find the best model for your fitness goals. Why You Should Use A Treadmill Or Run Outside There's a distinct difference between running outside and on treadmill, and they both have their positives and negatives. The top notch benefit of using a treadmill is that you will never have to contend with the elements of being outside, which depending on where you are in world can get bitterly cold or sizzling hot. Top 10 Reasons for Buying a Home Treadmill Why are treadmills becoming so popular? Why does everyone have one and not go to the gym as much? What is so great about a home treadmill? Below you will have all of these and many more questions answered as you are given ten reasons for having a home treadmill. Used Treadmills, An Alternative For The Budget Conscious Treadmill Buyer In the market for a treadmill? Finding that they are a little more expensive than you thought, at least to get the ones with the features you want? Used treadmills may well be what you need. Used treadmills are big business, and growing fast. Boost Your Health by Choosing the Perfect Treadmill Treadmills are very popular methods of exercise. These exercise machines have been helping people lose weight and get in shape for many years now. Buying a treadmill is not hard but if you have ever done it, you know that it can be expensive. It is an investment you will greatly benefit from but you need to choose carefully before you buy. There are many reasons why you would choose a treadmill for yourself. You can improve your fitness and your health. You can build and maintain your fitness level all in the comfort of your home. However, you also need to be sure that before you buy a treadmill and begin a training program that you do it in the correct way to remain safe and healthy. What You Must Know About Trampoline Safety Tumbling on the trampoline caught on like wildfire in the early 1960s, and still enjoys great popularity today, but the sport also still involves the same potential dangers. Trampolines in the last 45 years have gone from being an institutional or recreation center piece of equipment, to something that is found in many homes, in a variety of sizes and quality. Folding Vs. Non-Folding Treadmills - Whats the Real Difference? Most people buying a treadmill will be probably be faced with the choice: "Do I want a folding or non-folding treadmill?" Gazelle Cross Trainer Pro Fitness guru, Tony Little, designed the Gazelle Cross Trainer Pro. This fitness machine is one of his latest models of Gazelle trainers. It was designed to offer an aerobic style work out that provides both upper and lower body muscle toning. ![]() |
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