Treadmill Exercise - 3 More Benefits of Treadmill Workouts

Chances are that you already know your treadmill can help you lose weight, stay fit, and protect you from the ravages of age related diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

But here are 3 MORE benefits of treadmill exercise you might NOT know!

#1 Walking on A Treadmill Helps Alleviate Depression

A recent study at Duke University found that even as little as eight minutes on a treadmill can help to dramatically, although temporarily, reduce symptoms of depression.

While researchers already knew that longer, sustained regular exercise helps to alleviate depression over the long term, this study proves that even short, vigorous workouts can have a similar helpful effect.

#2) Having Trouble Sleeping?

While it's always been thought that vigorous exercise during the day will help improve sleep, the actual evidence to prove it hasn't necessarily been forthcoming - until now.

Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine conducted a study that included 43 adult volunteers ages 50 to 76. All of them were sedentary and had reported moderate sleep complaints.

They were randomly assigned to one of two groups. One group was asked to exercise 30 to 40 minutes, four times a week. The other group did not change from their non-active ways.

Those who exercised cut the time it normally took to fall asleep in half (while there was no change in the non-active group). The exercisers also rated their nighttime sleep as significantly improved.

The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association also reports that people who performed regular aerobic exercise or brisk walking slept almost an hour longer than those who did not exercise.

#3) More Efficient Workouts for the Time Pressed

Surveys of fitness professionals by the American Council on Exercise show that one of the fitness trends for 2004 will be workouts that accommodate the time-starved exerciser by being more efficient in a shorter time period.

With their built-in workout programs, controllable inclines and even heart rate monitors, treadmills allow you to custom tailor your workout to your time frame.

How about setting your fat-burning program for 20 minutes in the morning? Or why not do 15 minutes of incline intervals to keep your metabolism elevated throughout the day?

One of the biggest barriers to exercising is the lack of time. By using the tools available with your machine, a treadmill you can pack major cardiovascular benefits into a smaller time frame.

Any way you look at it, a treadmill is a great investment in your health and well being. By using it consistently to work out, you'll be reaping major health benefits! Enjoy!

Kathryn O'Neill is chief editor for Treadmill Reviews, a consumer oriented website focusing on the home treadmill market.

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