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Tips on how to update your Writing and Marketing skillsGet ReadAbdallah Khamis Abdallah As an online marketer or freelance writer, you need to keep pace with new trends in your field as well as gain new knowledge and skills not only for survival but to enrich your work and gain new opportunities. You also need to plan how you will absorb new knowledge and information to avoid confusion and being immersed in a deluge of irrelevant details and time wastage. You need to draw a plan/timetable or programme of action on how you will approach the whole matter. When we are talking of updating your skills we are mainly talking of research and training. The two are complementary and are very important. If we take the Internet as an information medium, then we will find that it contains a mass of information, knowledge, products and opportunities which have to be sorted out to be of any meaning. Here are some tips on how you can keep abreast of knowledge and information. 1 Take a writing/ marketing course If you are a freelance writer or marketer you cannot afford to miss an opportunity to learn new and essential skills on your craft. Even for the experienced there are new courses emerging or even existing courses which can broaden your knowledge. Courses available range from paid courses on location, distance learning courses by mail or online to free and paid for ecourses by email/auto responder. Some follow a formal curriculum with examinations provided and certificates issued at the end to informal ones where only a few tips exercise and assignments are provided. Here are a few websites you may visit and see what suits you: Freelance Writing
2 Subscribe to Ezines and Publications There are hundreds of ezines and magazines relevant to freelancing and marketing you can subscribe to for the regular dose of news and information. While there are a lot of junk ezines that will only fill your mailbox, there are many good ones which are indispensable to any writer and marketer. Select the few that are good and relevant to your work and subscribe. You do not need to confine yourself to online ezines, there are also many print books and magazines which you could look into. While you may not have the wherewithal to subscribe or purchase all, there are some which you cannot afford to miss. Check out the following sites for ezines or publications relevant to your business:
3 Online Search and library research From time to time, you will have questions which you do not know where to find their answers too. You may also need comprehensive and up-to-date information and news. This is where using Internet search engines and on-line virtual libraries and off-line libraries and databases comes in. These are indispensable tools for finding news, knowledge and information. As a freelance writer, the search for information is an endless exercise. Whether you want to check facts for your article or book or need information for writing a new piece. For the marketer, pay – per – click search engines are a goldmine for getting prospective clients. Since searchers are looking for particular information using relevant key words, there is likelihood that the information could be on your site. Here are a few search engines and virtual libraries. Search Engines
Virtual Libraries
There are many other ways you can increase the quality and quantity of your knowledge and skills as a freelance writer or online marketer. However, the few mentioned above are some of the most important.
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Internet is my true agent You know the type -- that doodling type. Every time there is a pen and paper on the table, they will be sketching something down, with a mysterious smile, giggling quietly and making funny faces. Vlad Kolarov is no exception -- however, he has built a carrier out of his funny habit. If you are no Internet stranger, probably you have already seen his work. It might be a Yahoo ecard, or a funny cartoon on some web site, a greeting card or even his online portfolio http://www.vladkolarov.com. Vlad has been around for some time. Make a Living, Or Simply Get That Extra Money That You Need Working as a Freelancer Its not important if you dont know how to programm, design, optimize sites or do similar things. You can still earn money doing things everybody knows. Start working from your home today, without any extra investments. Five Steps to Goal-Setting What would you like to achieve in your lifetime A Brief History of the Book "The free communication of thought and opinion is one of the most precious rights of man; every citizen may therefore speak, write and print freely." Freelance Writing: A Career From Anywhere An island in the Mediterranean. A beach in Africa. The east coast of New Zealand. What do all these locations have in common A recent call for assistance from freelance writers elicited replies from every one of these locations. In each of these and in many other remote places, I know of writers who are freelancing with a fair degree of success. Indeed it is possible for freelance writers to work from anywhere. Writer’s Web Resources The Internet has truly revolutionized the careers of writers worldwide. Now you can work for publishers, corporations and a whole range of other clients on a truly global scale. Whether you are in the heart of a big city, or in a remote mountain village, all you need is an Internet connection to run your writing business. Declutter for Sucess Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in, forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day, you shall begin it well and serenely..." --Ralph Waldo Emerson A New Job Opportunity HR Lady stared at me across the desk. She was trying to size me up, to understand what makes me tick. I had explained that I wanted to work for MegaCorp, and that I was the perfect person to fill a position that had not even been advertised. How to Break the Cycle of Postponing Your Dreams Do you have a dream, but keep postponing it because you feel trapped by the responsibilities of life Want to be a writer, work from home, own your own business First, we will examine how your dream got deferred. Then, we will outline definitive steps to get you back on track. Tips on how to update your Writing and Marketing skillsGet Read As an online marketer or freelance writer, you need to keep pace with new trends in your field as well as gain new knowledge and skills not only for survival but to enrich your work and gain new opportunities. How to Build A Success Freelance Career Part 2 Part 1 of this article discussed the experience you need to successfully build a freelance career. Here, I will outline other necessities. The Language of Freelance Marketing For freelancers, knowing the basic terminology “before” they begin can be a valuable lesson in earning a few extra dollars in that initial stage. When I started my freelancing career, I knew nothing of rights, simultaneous submissions, querying or varying payment rates. All I knew was-- I could write. Everything else, I learnt on the job. You will too. But just to make your stay a little less frustrating, and a lot more enjoyable, I’ve listed a few concepts that will help you immensely as you contact editors and try to make them pay you for your words. Beginners Blues: How to Collect Samples, Testimonials, and References as a Freelancer Beginners Blues: How to Collect Samples, Testimonials, and References as a Freelancer by Brian S. Konradt of BSK Communications and Associates Freelance Writing on the Internet So, you’ve decided to take up a career in freelance writing. You’ve hooked up the computer, installed the printer, and learnt the nitty-gritty of your word processor. You’ve maybe even been published a couple of times. You’re all set to conquer the world of publishing. But wait. Do you know all the options available to you Gut Check: Quitting Your Full-time Job for Your Freelance Career Its 6:00 p.m. Youre dead tired, but instead of an early night, you go to your "second job" — your freelance business. So You Want to be a Freelancer Heres How! Not that long ago, freelancing was something people did mainly in larger metropolitan areas where work for writers, artists, and other creative types was plentiful and easily accessible. Today, however, the freelance landscape has dramatically changed. Editorial Freelancing: 5 Must-Know Tips to Getting Your Foot in the Door So, you want to freelance as an editor, writer, copy editor, copywriter, graphic designer, proofreader, etc. But, how do you go about it Are You Achieving Your Writing Goals At the start of this new year, like at the start of every other new year, I came across dozens of articles about the importance of setting achievable goals, challenging myself to do new things and fixing measurable standards and working towards them. Project Outsourcing: Why ALL Businesses Should Consider Outsourcing an Integral Part of Business Growth OUTSOURCING: AN OVERVIEW How To Build A Successful Freelance Editorial Career In the current job market, many editorial freelancers have turned to freelance work as a matter of survival. I receive many queries from applicants regarding this part of the market. Addressed here are the key building blocks necessary for a successful freelance career. ![]() |
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