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Internet is my true agentDessislava Oundjian You know the type -- that doodling type. Every time there is a pen and paper on the table, they will be sketching something down, with a mysterious smile, giggling quietly and making funny faces. Vlad Kolarov is no exception -- however, he has built a carrier out of his funny habit. If you are no Internet stranger, probably you have already seen his work. It might be a Yahoo ecard, or a funny cartoon on some web site, a greeting card or even his online portfolio http://www.vladkolarov.com. Vlad has been around for some time. Q> Why did you decide to become a cartoonist R> I dont think I ever had a choice. Obviously I was born with the cartoon gene - Ive always loved to doodle and create my own little world on paper. As a kid at school I noticed that my cartoons made people laugh and brought me some respect. Thats a nice feeling. So to get paid to do it is the best. In spite of my law education which I actually have never used, I decided to follow my stars and become a full-time cartoonist/illustrator. It turned out to be a very tough job but I also love the fact that I make my own hours and work at home. And its great having a job that deals with humor. Q> So how did it all start R> It all started in 1989 my God! That makes me almost as old as the Triceratops. It was a very exciting time. After some time freelancing, I landed a job as a cartoonist for the biggest Bulgarian daily newspaper "24 hours". Several years later I decided to expand my horizon and moved to Vancouver, BC with my family. I’ve been living and working there ever since -- I love the place!!! Q> Vlad, how do you find new markets Do you make any "cold calls" or do you wait for the clients to call you R> Finding new markets is the key to being a successful freelancer. As an artist working at home you should be always looking for new clients. I contact magazines, websites, greeting card companies, etc... Also, they contact me. I find having a web site portfolio very useful check it out - http://www.vladkolarov.com. A freelancer MUST promote himself in every way possible. If one simply waits for clients to come to him, theyll never make it. Q> Share a marketing secret with our readers. R> Always be creative! For example my latest idea is to use the power of the Internet and turn my fans into my agents. Anyone who recommends me and brings in a new client will receive 15% commission of what I get. So if you want to make some extra money -- spread my name around: Q> You have such a wonderful drawing style! Do you have any art training R> No. I’ve had some art classes, but I was not very good -- so gave up and started drawing what I like instead. I noticed that my style changed a lot during the years, and eventually it is what you see now. I am a fan of the simple forms, so that is what I am after. Less is more except in the bedroom: Q> What is the schedule of a man "working @ home" R> My day starts at around 8AM. I start with answering my mail, then drawing cartoons and promoting my work. The nice thing is that each day is a new challenge with a different project and a different client, so I never get bored. This usually goes till 8PM -- six days a week. Freelancers must work as many hours as possible. Q> What is the business side of cartooning R> Tough...Professional cartooning IS a business. I am the president of Cardsup Greetings Ltd., which is a full-service multimedia company. We it is a company, remember specialize in humor, but we do almost everything -- web design, interactive animation, web hosting, logo design, etc. We also provide humor content to web sites -- right now we have packages of daily cartoons and ecards that work great for marketing web sites. Q> What is the best thing for you as a cartoonist R> Being my own boss. Being able to work from home. Having my wife and kids around me. Cartooning can be quite rewarding: Q> Where does your inspiration come from R> I am often asked that question...The truth is that after all these years my inspiration comes from the bills I have to pay...Deadline a inspirational too. This is a creative business, and as such, you need some reality biting you from behind. Q> Is there a secret for being successful R> There are no secrets. Being successful comes with a lot of work. You won’t be successful if you sit all day in from of the television set. You must promote yourself and produce new material each and every day. Q> Do you work with any agencies Do you think they help the artists R> No. I’ve had my share of rejection slips. Agencies are business representatives. In some cases they can help -- having someone out there promoting your work is nice. But they are not a guarantee for success and if you can do the work you don’t actually need them. That’s why I LOVE the Internet -- that is my true agent! And remember, if you recommend me -- you’ll get paid! Q> Tell us a bit about the selling process. Do you have set rates for your work and do you give discounts R> I do have set rates, rates that I usually charge but I am very flexible. Each client has a different budget and a different need. There are a lot of factors that go into determining how much a cartoon costs, and there is always that negotiating process. No client is too small or too big for me. I never turn away clients. Q> Vlad -- what’s up with the name R> Contrary to the wide spread rumor, I am not related to Dracula. I was, however, born in a small town on the river Danube relatively close to Transylvania. That could explain my taste for dark humor. Q> Do you ever laugh at your cartoons R> Guilty, your honor! That has happened from time to time. But what I prefer is seeing the others laugh at them -- that is my biggest reward! Q> How do people react when you tell them you are a cartoonist R> Most of them do not understand what that is...May be it’s my accent, or may be it’s such an exotic profession. How many cartoonists do you know
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Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in, forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day, you shall begin it well and serenely..." --Ralph Waldo Emerson Increase Freelance Sales With an Online Resume! Freelancing is a competitive business, especially in today’s fast-paced, e-focused world. Your Secret Weapon: The Web Design Directory ”How can I get more hits”, “I need leads!” These thoughts run through web designers heads all the time. How can a web designer get their services in front of people who are actually looking for web design services The answer is the web design directory. A $2.95 Road Trip, Complete With Souvenirs "Hey, I didnt know you were a writer, I thought you were a Virtual Assistant." A New Job Opportunity HR Lady stared at me across the desk. She was trying to size me up, to understand what makes me tick. I had explained that I wanted to work for MegaCorp, and that I was the perfect person to fill a position that had not even been advertised. The Language of Freelance Marketing For freelancers, knowing the basic terminology “before” they begin can be a valuable lesson in earning a few extra dollars in that initial stage. When I started my freelancing career, I knew nothing of rights, simultaneous submissions, querying or varying payment rates. All I knew was-- I could write. Everything else, I learnt on the job. You will too. But just to make your stay a little less frustrating, and a lot more enjoyable, I’ve listed a few concepts that will help you immensely as you contact editors and try to make them pay you for your words. So You Want to be a Freelancer Heres How! Not that long ago, freelancing was something people did mainly in larger metropolitan areas where work for writers, artists, and other creative types was plentiful and easily accessible. Today, however, the freelance landscape has dramatically changed. Tips on how to update your Writing and Marketing skillsGet Read As an online marketer or freelance writer, you need to keep pace with new trends in your field as well as gain new knowledge and skills not only for survival but to enrich your work and gain new opportunities. How Ghost Writing Articles And Booklets Can Earn You Big Money! Do you want to make $5000, $10,000 or more every month as a freelancer Does your current published materials earn you that much or are you still struggling looking for new jobs every month Well, ghost writing articles and books for businesses could earn you a lot of money and end your painful quest for writing jobs. Internet is my true agent You know the type -- that doodling type. Every time there is a pen and paper on the table, they will be sketching something down, with a mysterious smile, giggling quietly and making funny faces. Vlad Kolarov is no exception -- however, he has built a carrier out of his funny habit. If you are no Internet stranger, probably you have already seen his work. It might be a Yahoo ecard, or a funny cartoon on some web site, a greeting card or even his online portfolio http://www.vladkolarov.com. Vlad has been around for some time. Tips On Winning A Virtual Assistant Position AND Keeping It Although still considered an uncommon profession, the Virtual Assistant role is fast becoming the best recognized choice for companies, particularly web-based companies, to pursue nowadays. Beginners Blues: How to Collect Samples, Testimonials, and References as a Freelancer Beginners Blues: How to Collect Samples, Testimonials, and References as a Freelancer by Brian S. Konradt of BSK Communications and Associates What Is The Difference Between A Home Based Business And A Home Based Job As a home business entrepreneur who is primarily involved with a program wherein I sponsor Affiliates in a downline, I often find that I am the recipient of emails from new enrollees who are clearly confused on several fronts. Commonly received initial emails consist of questions such as “When do I start my assignment” and “What is my position in your company” Somehow, these individuals are under the mistaken notion that by registering for a home business program, they have been hired by a company and are embarking on some sort of non-existent home based career. Writer’s Web Resources The Internet has truly revolutionized the careers of writers worldwide. Now you can work for publishers, corporations and a whole range of other clients on a truly global scale. Whether you are in the heart of a big city, or in a remote mountain village, all you need is an Internet connection to run your writing business. Five Steps to Goal-Setting What would you like to achieve in your lifetime Freelance Writing on the Internet So, you’ve decided to take up a career in freelance writing. You’ve hooked up the computer, installed the printer, and learnt the nitty-gritty of your word processor. You’ve maybe even been published a couple of times. You’re all set to conquer the world of publishing. But wait. Do you know all the options available to you ![]() |
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