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Seven Strategies You Need to Know About Strengthening Your Self-Esteem
Did you know that your life's success in all areas is directly related to having a healthy self-esteem? You've heard the cliché "You are what you eat." Many would also argue that "You are what you think." Nathaniel Brandon, one of the most notable psychologists on self-esteem put it nicely: "There is no value-judgment more important to man-no factor more decisive in his psychological development & motivation than the estimate he passes on himself." It is the secret or "hidden self-esteem" in particular, that will get you through those very dark spots. It will enable you to find a valuable lesson each time you face an obstacle. The hidden or secret self-esteem is how you feel about yourself deep down. It is the most accurate description of how you feel, regardless of what obstacles are thrown in your path. If it's strong, then you will be able to deal better with stress and your relationships. You'll be successful by your own standards and have no need to boast about it. Your surface self- esteem, however, can vary widely depending on the day of the week. It's a temporary feeling. Environmental factors can play a role in how you view yourself. It most certainly did for me. For example (the very short version), I felt essentially fatherless. I got called weird a lot growing up (and fat, too!). Artists, musicians, and the mathematically inclined tend to be labeled as eccentric. I am all three! Teenagers generally ridiculed eccentricity in my environment back then. Honestly, I don't believe my secret nor surface self-esteem was as healthy as it could be in all areas until I was finished with school-Graduate School! So how did I get from there to here? Let's look at some strategies that I used and see if any or all them can get you on the road to developing or strengthening your self-esteem. Here are seven of them: 1. Clear out the junk: This means anything hurtful and unconstructive that you've been told by someone you care(d) about (or even some you didn't) is to be taken with a grain of salt. It's one thing to be given constructive criticism in life, but quite another when people are downright mean about it. Remember it's the offending party's issue. NOT yours. 2. Related to #1: List first why you believe the negativity you tell yourself (i.e., I'm too old. I'm too fat. Nobody loves me. I'm never good enough. etc.); laugh at that piece of paper you just wrote on; THEN tear it up and move on to the next strategy. 3. You may have heard the phrase "Attitude of gratitude." Count your blessings, which can include things people actually take for granted, such as food and shelter, access to a computer, etc. 4. List your positive attributes and talents-everybody has them! List at least five. 5. Make a list of what you love to do, starting from childhood until now and try to find time to do it at least once a week, even if it's just for a few minutes. 6. List at least three things that you would love to have the courage to do. 7. Surround yourself with positive people (think of volunteer or professional organizations that have something in common with your interests, for example). If none of these strategies work over time, other factors may be at play that are beyond the scope of this article. Consistently employing these strategies will make it easier to keep going even when the going gets tough. Especially when the going gets tough! Whenever you are feeling low, you don't have to try and deny it. But do know that it will pass. Knowing that it will pass will help you psychologically. If you're interested in seeing where you fall in terms of your self-esteem, here is a site that I found very useful: http://www.wellnessnet.com/testesarticle.htm. It also goes into the hidden and surface self esteem concept in more depth. Self-esteem is but one personal resource worth managing. It's important to be kind to yourself and have patience. Remember, your best investment is in yourself! Power-Ed Solutions, Inc. Copyright © 2004 All Rights Reserved About The Author Carol Dickson-Carr a life strategist and social scientist who has researched the human condition for over 13 years. She is also founder of Power-Ed Solutions, Inc., a Leadership Development Company http://managingpersonalresources.com http://www.power-edsolutionsinc.com cdickson@power-edsolutionsinc.com
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Colors: How Do They Make You Feel? One of the most important colors in advertising is the color blue. Calm, comforting, soothing, and peaceful are all feelings evoked from this color. The color blue is also often used in a smooth way, many night clubs and upscale stores will use this color to provide a sense of an icy ambiance and a cool feeling. When you touch blue you can feel the calmness yet smooth and cool feeling that it gives. Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. This color is also the color of water when advertisers want to place a visual for something that is technically clear. Pepsi, Aquafina, and several other drink makers rely heavily on this color for their advertising. This color can also be used to promote cleanliness as well as air and sky related products. Blue is also often used in high-tech product companies such as IBM and INTEL. The Science of Laughter The title I chose for this article makes me smile. The science of laughter? Laughter, one of the things we used to take for granted, is now the subject of scientific study. In some ways it's quite surprising what has been discovered, but in other ways, it's probably not surprising at all. After all, we know intuitively that it is good for us. Hanging Out Right off the top: What is the difference between dating and hanging out? Self Confidence, Happiness, and Posture Our use of body posture plays a key role in how we feel. When we are feeling "down", our bodies show this by hunching the shoulders, we stare at the floor, our heads hang forward. When we are seated we tend to be slumped rather than relaxed. Our walk is more of a shuffle, speech is slow and quiet. Why We Have Problems? A Coach Debates As a coach, I often ask myself the question why human beings have problems. With the exception of terminal diseases, serious illnesses that are REALLY life-threatening situations and serious stuff, we do have problems for a number of reasons I will present below. But first of all, allow me, I will have to replace the word problem by "challenge" or "barrier" as used in the coaching jargon. Problems do not exist in the coaching world! However, changing the word, does not change the concept so a challenge, barrier or problem is pretty much the same thing. 7 Gifts that Multiply Happiness Did you know that there are gifts that will multiply your happiness when you give them away? Here are seven of those gifts. Giving these gifts will allow you to share with others your most unique treasure: your authentic self. Each gift will return to you many times. Seven Strategies You Need to Know About Strengthening Your Self-Esteem Did you know that your life's success in all areas is directly related to having a healthy self-esteem? You've heard the cliché "You are what you eat." Many would also argue that "You are what you think." Today It Is ... Tomorrow It Will Be ... What is your life like today? What do you want it to be like tomorrow? Today it is a good life for my wife and I. We are enjoying retirement and spending the winters in Florida. Basically we are satisfied with the way our life is going for the moment. But tomorrow it will be even better. A Surefire Way To Manage Your Fears While Leading A Happier, Healthier Life Imagine discovering a way to get rid of your fears in a quick and painless manner. In fact it can even become fun! What Is Happiness? What is it that everyone is seeking? Happiness with no sorrow. A continuous happiness with no taint whatsoever of sorrow.~Lester Levenson Inner Peace Are you content and at inner peace? Choose To Integrate Body, Mind, & Soul Our bodies were made in such a way that everything is integrated. The mind appears to control everything. When something happens to the body whether good or bad, it registers in the brain and the brain then dictates the bodies response. Scientists has found that it also works that way within the body. Biofeedback has shown that the mind can direct the immune system to fight various infections in the body includ- ing the dreaded strains of cancer. For the average person this is a wonderful idea, but biofeedback costs money and besides not everyone has a life threatening problem. Imagine being able to do this for yourself in the comfort of your own home, office or anywhere else you can go to be alone for a few minutes! There are another kind of science that is telling us that the body listens when we talk. Think about that for a minute. When we talk we are saying what the mind is thinking; we are just saying it outloud. So, it follows we can do our own biofeedback anywhere we want. A very simple illustration of this will prove this to you. Hold your arms out in front of you extending your two index fingers. Shut your eyes and repeat our loud, "fingers come together". Think it and say it and within two minutes your fingers do come together. When I first tried this it was very exciting to me that it worked because for me it opened possibilities in my mind! Since then I have become a talker to myself! A self whisperer if you will. I talk to my body and to my sub conscious even and I have gotten amazing results. This is one thing that I think will work for everyone because this is one of the functions of the body, mind and soul that was part of the design, just as blood running through everyone's body is the same. But, you must have an open mind! Your mind accepts that blood runs through the body in a specific manner and so it must accept that the body, mind and soul will listen when it is spoken to, no matter who is speaking, yourself or someone else. Smile - A Look at False Happiness Smile... You'll make your brain wonder what your face is up to. Many Blessings "Reflect on your present blessings of which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some." Charles Dickens Get Right! Make a Difference Want to make a difference? What can one person do? The answer is everything! In its finest sense, the behavior of every one of us is central to the peace of the world. For the individual, the best thing we can all do is to practice Right Action, with all of its many implications. I have farmed some of them here for you from the book "Looking for a Better World." Being Together When it comes to happiness, togetherness is probably the most common cause of such feelings. Happiness And Health Are The Two Most Important Things In Life The world is becoming obsessed with money and all things material. From the size of your house, the type of car and even where you travel on your holidays, some people are trying to go one better do their friends and family. Life Purpose: How To Be in Love with Life Falling In Love with Life Be Happy, Join The Wednesday Worry Club Of all the people who know me, no one would say I am afflicted with worryitis. They may say other things about me, which may or may not be true, but that's another story. Relationships and the Law of Attraction This question and answer article was done by Gizelle River, Virtual Administrator and Writer. Visit her website. ![]() |
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