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Give Presence Not Presents
Throughout the year we have many gift-giving opportunities to show love to those around us. From Christmas to Birthdays, Valentines Day and more, our thoughts turn to finding the perfect gift. Before you shop and wrap remember that our loved ones need more of our presence than our presents! This type of gift giving uses more creativity, less of our money and more of our heart. Need some ideas on how you can give of your presence and not just store bought presents? DINNER FOR 2 Instead of purchasing restaurant gift certificates for someone, invite them to dinner with you! Make sure they understand that you are picking up the tab as your gift to them, but the real gift will be the time you get to spend together. SHOPPING SPREE GIFTS My mother simply hates shopping for me. She also hates shopping with me. Ok, she hates shopping period. But she knows how much I love it! That's why it is such a wonderful gift to me when she takes me on a shopping spree for my birthday every year. If you had planned to buy a loved one something at the store, you can still give of your presence too. Invite your special someone to come pick it out with you. I still remember when I was younger, and a boyfriend took me shopping. He had me model the knit sweater for him before he bought it for me. The sweater is long gone and moth eaten but the memory is still knit tightly in my mind. COUPONS Clipping coupons is an excellent way to save money when shopping but they are also a great way to save money when gift giving. The home computer has made coupon books easy and professional looking. Trying to think creatively about what your loved one needs is the hardest part of making meaningful coupons. Would your husband love his own indoor tailgate party with a coupon for a night of uninterrupted football coverage complete with his favorite snacks and drinks? Or maybe your young teenage daughter needs a coupon book offering taxi rides anywhere her and her friends want to be chauffeured for the night? You get the idea. Be creative. INCENTIVES & BRIBES Whatever politically correct word you use, incentives for children to get good grades or allowance given to complete weekly chores or reach behavioral goals are generally money or present oriented. I would like to suggest that you substitute presence for presents in this situation too once in a while. My parents used to take me to a good movie when I got good grades at the end of each quarter, even if I would have preferred the cash like my friends got, it strengthened our relationship more than the money ever would have. When I was potty training my oldest daughter, instead of giving her candy to reinforce her efforts, I would let her draw an activity from a jar. She knew that I would drop everything and give her my undivided attention and presence to read her a story, color with her, eat a Popsicle with her, etc. Now that this same daughter is 8 and she would much rather have me cater and entertain at her sleep over party, than to be given an allowance as appreciation for doing her chores! If you truly believe that Time = Money, than give a gift worth it's wealth in gold. About The Author Author Rachel Webb has been married 9 years and enjoys 4 children. She designs 100% Magnetic Fridge Calendars in order to Schedule Family First. 5 affordable designs made entirely out of heavy duty magnet http://www.Note-Ables.com or Rachel@Note-Ables.com and mention this publication for a $2 off Coupon!
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What Causes Holiday Stress? The holidays are supposed to be a time of celebration when friends and families get together to share food, fun, gifts, and love. They are supposed to be a time of giving, caring and connection when we celebrate important and meaningful events. 12 Things That Make Life Worthwhile! Happy New Year! Around the world, this is a time of renewal, celebration of new opportunities, and great optimism. Please accept our best wishes for a year of peace, joy, and success. A Dash of Cinnamon, A Pinch of the Past, A Smidgen of the Future Close your eyes and remember December, the smell of cinnamon in your mother's or grandmother's kitchen and the warm scent of dough baking in the oven. Imagine opening the oven door and, with assistance, taking out the heated cookie sheet. Devour the cookies, small works of art, with your eyes: Fudge Brownies, Gingerbread, Nut Rolls, Painted Cookies, Sugar Cookies... With each bite, taste your childhood and family history. You can trace your blood and traditions not by DNA, genealogies and family heirlooms, but by recipes given from one generation to the next, like oral histories handed down in clans before recorded fact caught on. The Cheapest Christmas Ever! Have you ever said "I wish we didn't have to spend so much money on Christmas?" or "I wish we could have Christmas without going into debt!" Well here is your answer - tell your family that next Christmas no one is allowed to buy a new, expensive gift for anyone! Yes, I really said that. Tell them that all presents must be from garage sales, tag sales, yard sales, auctions, handmade or made over. Memorial Day a way to Celebrate Memorial Day is May 30th this year, are you ready? Are you in need of an idea for how to celebrate this time honored holiday with your family and friends? How about reading an expert from Abraham Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address". Sharing with those young hearts in your life the meaning behind this historical speech. Make it an Unforgettable Birthday! The first known birthday celebrations began among the Egyptians with parades, circuses, and gladiatorial events ? all complete with feasts that sometimes lasted for days. Romans celebrated the birthdays of their gods with parades and chariot races. Mortals were not encouraged to celebrate their birthdays in Rome. Germany introduced the tradition of birthday cakes about 200 years ago. The cake itself was filled with gifts that predicted the recipient's life in the upcoming year. For example, if the slice of cake contained a ring, it symbolized impending marriage. A coin guaranteed riches throughout the next year. If the cake fell while baking, it ensured impending doom to the one celebrating a birthday. Today, various countries celebrate birthdays in unique ways. A Mothers Day Prayer! Mamma Whispered Softly! Patty Lovelace Country Music Virtual Assistants... Even Santa Needs One! Trying to fit all the planning and preparing and celebrating of the holiday season into an already busy schedule can bring a lot of stress to a time of year that's supposed to be full of peace. These days, even Santa needs help making his list and checking it twice! Little Helpers in the Holiday Kitchen The holiday season is a wonderful opportunity to allow your children to help with the meal preparation and offers quality time together as a family. This is a way to keep your children occupied, but is also a fun, educational activity that incorporates a range of skills and senses, such as counting, measuring, reading, touching, listening, planning, smelling, tasting, and creativity. Baking teaches children useful skills and also makes them aware of potential hazards in the kitchen. Helping in the kitchen can increase confidence, as well as encourage children to try a broader range of foods. Children are more likely to try a new recipe if they have helped in the preparation of the meal. Task allocation depends largely on the age and dexterity of the child, but there are some basic rules and tips that will make the process as safe and hassle-free as possible, remembering that children learn by observing and imitating adults. Basic Rules and Tips: The Perfect Birthday Present for that Little Girl (No Batteries Required) The Dilemma Making the Holidays More Meaningful Have the holidays become too commercial for you? Are you feeling empty and unfulfilled during this time of the year? This year by making some simple changes you and your children can truly make the holidays more meaningful. Kid Birthday Party Game Ideas - 7 Proven Winners Here are 7 classic kid birthday party game ideas that are always successful. And you can easily make all of them fit your party theme. Where Have All The Wise Men Gone? Jesus Is Not Acceptable For Christmas! It's CHRISTmas! What Is The Easter In Your Business? Easter 2005 is coming, Sunday March 27, and Christians worldwide are warming up to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, a great sacrifice for humanity. Thriving Through the Holidays The holidays are upon us; a time of celebration and joy. I love the last days of November through the beginning of the New Year. The pure magic of the holidays is something that I anticipate and enjoy each and every year. Contact Lenses for Halloween It is never too soon to begin planning the perfect Halloween costume, and frequently the best ones require a lot of planning and special effects items. Luckily for all the Halloween fans out there, there is now a huge line of contact lenses for Halloween. The different styles of lenses range from the funny to sports and then to really, really scary. Regardless of the costume genre you are interested in or are planning there is a Halloween contact lens for you. Christmas Gifts For Dolphin Lovers Choosing a dolphin lover gift may not be as easy as it is for a pet lover, but that is not to say it is not possible. In fact, you will find quite a range of dolphin related gifts around the internet, although in your local store it may be hit and miss as to whether you will find anything. In my case, I received the true, ultimate dolphin lover gift, some years ago, but more of that later. Make Every Day a Mothers Day! The word mother and mothers day are simple, yet powerful little words that you hear all the time especially so around the time of mothers day when everyone seem to be scrambling for ideas to say thank you, you are surely loved and you are appreciated all over again. Honoring our Fathers This weekend as we celebrate Father's Day, take an opportunity to express gratitude for the many wonderful fathers we see giving their love, support and guidance to our children on a daily basis. Colored Contacts For Halloween - Make Sure YOU Dont Go Bump In The Night! Ok, the end of October is approaching, and you desperately want some colored contacts for Halloween. Why? Well, possibly because no one else will have any, maybe because you like to go that extra yard when you dress up, or maybe you want to get your own back on one of the neighbours kids for frightening your cat. Whatever the reason, colored contacts for Halloween make a lot of sense. ![]() |
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