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Feng Shui Tips For Your Home Office
Did you know that over 50% of women now run their own home business or work from home? Get your compass out and find the following directions because we are going to try and make things run a little smoother for you using the ancient art of object placement - Feng Shui. The most ideal locations to situate a home office, in order of best to second, third ad fourth best are the North (the Career Sector), the Southwest (the Wealth sector), the Northeast (Skills and Talents sector) or the South (the fame and recognition sector.) If possible try to locate your home office in one of those locations. Here are some other general tips that are thought to bring prosperity to your business. Always sit with a solid wall behind your back to ensure that you have support in your life. Never sit with a window behind you. In the office always place the fax machine, telephone, and computers in the southeast wealth sector, as this will attract more contacts. Position your desk to have a clear view of the door. If this isn't possible, hang a small mirror so you can easily view the door's reflection. Don't put a shelf over your desk. This symbolizes burdens the world crashing down on you at any moment. The heavy shelf also symbolizes burdens and difficulties. Avoid having sharp accessories, such as a paper cutter blade or the corner of a Xerox machine pointed at your desk. It is shar chi that symbolizes the cutting knife-edge or a disapproving finger pointing at you. Make sure that you can walk completely around your desk in a full circle. This makes sure colleagues or workload does not cramp you. You should have space to breathe! Do not have clutter in your office. Desktops must be kept tidy and clutter free. Avoid placing In and Out trays on your desk. Try to keep what is in use on your desktop. If you own a NCR or cash till try and place that in your southeastern wealth corner as well. Avoid placing cactuses in your office as the needles of these plants are thought to create negative shar chi. Shar or sha chi is stagnant or harmful energy. In your office, never have the main door opening into your desk as this causes you to be faced with unexpected situations to deal with. Never have a door jamming against your desk, or your prosperity will always be blocked. Do not place your desk in a room so that it is between two doors because this causes chi to rush by and pass you by along with all of your good fortune. In other words the good energy walks in one door, right past you and out the back door! Never set your desk at the top of a staircase as chi will roll down the stairs and cause you loss of opportunity and wealth. If this is unavoidable, place a mirror above the front door looking in and facing the staircase. If people entering your business immediately face a wall and a long corridor try placing a hanging crystal in this area to allow good chi to accumulate. Also place mirrors here to direct the chi into your office. Do not place large electric equipment, such as photocopy machine or microwave near to the main door. These are considered to be "hot" items that cause energy to dissipate. Heat causes the dispersal of good chi. Do not place paper cutter or fax machines or any machine with a blade next to the front door. The "cutting" energy can cause staff and customers to be unpleasant and even possibly to back stab and fight each with other. Do not place an empty vase next to the main door, as empty vessels suck good chi trying to enter your place of business. If you have a vase make sure it is full of flowers! If you have candles in your office, light the wicks to make sure they are burnt, even if you don't plan to light the candle. An unlit candle is bad feng shui as it represents the limitations of possibility. Place a fish tank or fishpond in the southwestern corner of your office. If this is not possible consider building a Koi pond in the southwestern sector outside your building. To enhance your wealth and prosperity, position your indoor water feature in the southeast element of your home or office. For career luck, place it in the north. A tabletop fountain made of bamboo or flat round stones is always good for this purpose. If you have a company signboard or logo it should be optimally placed in the southeastern area, the Southern area or the northern area of your home office. May wind and water shower you with many blessings! --- Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here http://www.insomniacpress.com/author.php?id=110 You can meet Samantha Stevens at http://www.psychicrealm.com where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at http://www.newagenotebook.com
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Well, with the skyrocketing prices of real estate these days and the lack of any substantial property to use for an addition to our homes, the basement, after years of being ignored and neglected, is finally being recognized as a useful, cost effective resource for adding more living space to our beloved homes. Do You Know How Important Your Air Conditioner Filter Is? When most people think about an air conditioner filter, it is in terms of how efficient they are and how much dust they will stop. These are important things and should be considered when replacing or upgrading your air conditioner filter. The Advantages of Steel Buildings Use of steel as a construction material has seen phenomenal growth in the last few years. Although steel buildings have been used in the commercial and industrial sectors for a long time, they are increasingly gracing the skylines of countries all over the world. Chairs, Rocking Chairs and Other Comfortable Places To Park It! 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In fact, you can likely watch one hour of television dedicated to the subject and come away with enough information to design an entire home. The problem with the tv-to life application of ideas for interior design is that, to begin with, they are difficult to document. Unless you sit beside or in front of the tv, scribbling madly onto a piece of paper, it is tough to actually hang on to all of the ideas you might get from the show. Also, success with any interior design project is planning, planning, planning. Duplicating or copying a design from television into your home might involve some extra steps or planning that was not included in the thirty-minute or hour-long segment of the show. It is this reason that one should sit down and actually go through an entire 'dry run' of a design before it is actually executed. This way, there is a better chance that you will figure out and take necessary preventative measures to ensure a problem free application. A Healthy Home Your home is your castle. You decide, possibly together with family members, what to make of it. Outside our home we have limited opportunities to improve the environment, but in our home we can do a lot. Persian Carpets - Popular Styles There are numerous styles of Persian carpets. In fact there are over 300 different variations. The following is a summary of some of the most popular ones: The Dangers of Pesticides and the EPAs Harrowing Plan to Test Them on Kids Pesticides are a ubiquitous toxin in our environment. We spray them liberally on ants and spiders in our homes, use them in our gardens and on our lawns, fog our streets with them to kill mosquitoes-even spread them on our own bodies to keep bugs away. The Health Benefits Of Drinking Water - Is Bottled Drinking Water Healthier Than Filtered Tap Water? Water is a key ingredient in a healthy diet and lifestyle. There are many health benefits of drinking water. It helps flush impurities and toxins out of our systems. It aids in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients. In fact, nearly every system in our bodies relies on water for proper functioning. But what if your water is unhealthy? Wood Panels and Humidity Coping with wood movement The Best Time to Inspect Your Home! Home inspections conducted prior to a home being placed on the market is one of the wisest moves a seller can make. The initial response from sellers when approached with the idea of an inspection done as the home is about to be put up for sale is most always the same - "What?!" Chiminea ? Buy It for the Versatility of Enjoying Both Fireplace and Grill! I recently visited friends who served me a dinner of grilled salmon and baked potatoes, done to perfection in their chiminea. The sun was setting and it was cooling down but overall a wonderful summer evening. We wanted to converse and eventually, eat our meal outdoors. The bonus: the chiminea offered us warmth and the smoke kept some of the mosquitoes at bay (some still got us). I must say, as well as being a great evening, that was one of the most delicious pieces of salmon I've ever eaten. Pool Supplies Should Also Contain Safety A swimming pool with attached spa has just been installed in your backyard. Now you are ready to invite your friends for a big splashy pool party ? or are you? Do you have all of the pool supplies you need to maintain your new fiberglass pool? Do you have the chemicals, pool toys, covers, automatic cleaners, pool heater, ladders, liners, slides, diving boards and on and on? You can see pool supplies can add up quickly. You want to be sure you have the fun toys for the kids, but the spa cover and pool alarm are necessary for safety and peace of mind. Supplies for the pool can be a very broad category. How are you going to use the pool? Do you have small kids or are you a retired couple? What kind of climate do you live in? Are you going to do the maintenance yourself or hire someone? If you are going to do a lot of the work yourself, don't become overwhelmed. There are pool cleaners that are automatic robotic styles. They make spa and pool covers that automatically cover the pool for winter or if you are gone. There is even pool equipment that controls the pool equipment so you won't have to spend too much time with upkeep and more time enjoying the water. Buying the Right Garage Door Opener If you have recently built a new garage you might be having a difficult time deciding on the right garage door opener. It is certainly something that seems simple at first. Once you start looking around you will find there is allot of choices. Here is a buying guide to help you along. Installing a Brick or Paver Walkway The use of Bricks or Pavers to create a walkway or patio complements a home in a way that is unmatched. It adds a level of quality and elegance to a home entrance that can not be achieved with either concrete or asphalt. Brick and Pavers also come in many different colors and shapes allowing for unique color schemes and patterns to be achieved. In addition, installing a Brick or Paver walkway does not necessarily require a pro. With some basic knowledge and a relatively simple walkway plan, a homeowner is capable of undertaking such a project. How to Install a New Toilet in 5 Easy Steps If your toilet is old and in need of repairs, it is cheaper to replace it by installing a new one. This is quite easy to do and can be completed in an afternoon. However, if you plan to install a toilet in a new location, you will have to extend supply pipes and drainpipes to the desired spot, a job you may want to leave to a plumbing contractor. Bamboo Flooring Is Taking The Design World By Storm Are you looking for something different for your house? Maybe you do not want to be like all of your neighbors and you want to stand out from the crowd? Alternatively, perhaps you simply need a flooring option that will stand up to a lot of wear and tear and you like the natural look? Whatever your reasons are, bamboo flooring is a hot new trend in the interior design world and for good reason. Buyers Guide For Copper MailBoxes Mailboxes crafted from copper give you traditional elegance and extraordinary quality. Copper mailboxes will never rust or go out of style. The beauty of a copper mailbox is unmatched and you will get many years of use from a durable mailbox made of high quality copper. You will be able to choose from many styles and designs, and you can even have your new copper mail box customized to fit your exact specifications. There are many choices and you can be assured that you will be receiving the best mailbox available at a reasonable cost. ![]() |
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