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Mexico: Who Farted?
Do you have embarrassing gas problems? Do you find this problem creeping up on you when you least expect it? I bet not. If you have lived in the United States all your life, I bet you've never seen a gas main or line and have just taken it on faith that it is there pumping gas into your house. The same with water. How many of us would shudder at the thought of not being able to get a refreshing drink from the tap whenever we wanted it? In Mexico, it is a part of everyday life that you have no gas lines leading into the house nor can you drink water from the tap. That's just life here. What we depend on are these screaming men who walk through the streets from early in the morning and until late at night calling out, "Gas!" or "Agua!" (water) These gas and water servicemen are those on whom every resident in the country of Mexico depends to bring these two vital components of our existence. I don't know what we would do without them. How it works is that your gas for heating and cooking comes in two four-foot-high tanks. These bellowing supermen will carry these tanks on their backs to where your outside connection is and replace the empties with newly filled ones. They test to see whether there are any leaks and off they go to their next customer. Having never had to deal with such a setup, I had to have "gas lessons" from my landlady who took no end of pleasure in instructing the poor, ignorant gringo in how to turn on the gas tanks. What happens is that one day you will have hot water and the next day you will not. Whoops! Time to change the tanks. Since there are two tanks, you have to switch from the empty one to the full one by turning off the valve on the empty one, pushing a lever to open the line, and turning on the valve on the full tank. Once both are empty, you have to wait for the street patrolling gas guy to happen by and get his attention. Or, you can call the gas company and they will make an appearance--eventually. Sometimes these men (and they are always men) will be wonderfully musical in their plaintiff cry, "Gas!" One guy, I swear, sounds like he is calling out, "Gas! Get your nice and friendly gas!" But, of course, he isn't. Judging when you need more gas is easy. Doing the water is not. How many of us know how many times a day we would hit the tap in America for a cool drink? Who counts? That made the potable water issue a little harder to judge. At first, we were using three five-gallon jugs a week, but that wasn't enough. Therefore, we went to four, which suited us fine. It is hard to decide how many jugs are enough at first. To complicate matters, the water guys in our first neighborhood would not come by daily and sometimes we ran out of water! To get a refill of gas is cheap. Two tanks will cost $480.00 pesos and will last about three months. Water, in the five gallons jugs, will run $18.00 pesos each. We were spending $160.00 pesos a month for purified water. You can hear the cries of these servicemen all over the city. They are out, rain or shine, to make sure that you don't run out of water and that the embarrassing gas problem won't catch you unaware. Expatriates Doug and Cindi Bower have successfully expatriated to Mexico, learning through trial and error how to do it from the conception of the initial idea to driving up to their new home in another country. Now the potential expatriate can benefit from their more than three years of pre-expat research to their more than two years of actually living in Mexico. The Plain Truth about Living in Mexico answers the potential expatriate's questions by leading them through the process from the beginning to the end. In this comprehensive guide, you will learn not only how-to expatriate but will learn what to expect, in daily life, before coming to Mexico. BUY BOOK HERE: http://www.universal-publishers.com/book.php?method=ISBN&book=1581124570
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Age Old Question: Buy New or Remodel Existing Home? Your house doesn't have enough storage space, bathrooms, or counter space! Not too mention your kitchen is old, small and poorly ventilated. Now you are trying to decide between remodeling your current home to address some of these needs and buying a new bigger home. This is a question many homeowners find themselves trying to answer. There are a few key factors to consider as you try to decide what will be best for you and your family. Geothermal Heat Pumps 101 It seems like about three million of you have asked me to explain how a geothermal system works. Well, maybe not three million, but it's a bunch of you and I'm honored that I have the opportunity to do it. Now you've probably already figured out that I'm not smart enough to be real technical, but I do have some common sense. So I will use a common-sense approach to explain how the most efficient heating and cooling system available today can help you. A Review of Popular Dehumidifier Products There are at least two dozen brand names marketing dehumidifiers. Review this brief summary of five of the most commonly requested brands, and you'll be well on your way to narrowing down the list. Mexico: Who Farted? Do you have embarrassing gas problems? Do you find this problem creeping up on you when you least expect it? I bet not. Hot Tub Heaven What will your next home improvement project be? Will it be an inground pool or how about a new deck? Why not consider a hot tub for the new deck? A hot tub is great for relaxing year round. There are lots of things to consider when shopping for your first hot tub. The first thing to look at is the shell. Traditional hot tubs were made of wood but most now are acrylic or vinyl. You can find smooth or glassy surfaces, or some that resemble a stone finish. If you have a specific outdoor décor in mind it won't be hard for you to find a hot tub that matches beautifully. What size do you want? Models traditionally seat five to six adults, but you can find some that are just for two or as many as ten. You'd definitely be ready for a party with that size of hot tub. If party time is important, you might want the seating to be more of a bench style than a bucket. You'll be able to accommodate more people that way. The skirt or cabinet is also a big part of the picture. This encloses all of the ugly plumbing and equipment. Look for a simulated wood grain so you have little maintenance and they will look good for years. Order your hot tub with matching cabinet so it is a nice blended look. Allow Me to Introduce You to the Fungus Family What exactly is mold? There are over 100,000 different kinds of mold in the world so it is literally everywhere. Molds are organisms and are members of the fungus family. Mushrooms, mildew and yeast are also part of this lucky family. They have been given the job in nature of decomposing dead plant material such as leaves, bark, wood etc. If we didn't have mold we would be finding ourselves totally covered by a pile of leaves. We also wouldn't enjoy eating cheese or using penicillin because they wouldn't exist if it wasn't for mold. However, as with some family members, we love them when they aren't visiting our house. We enjoy talking on the phone or sending e-mails, but they need to stay at their place. When mold starts digesting organic material in the home, that's where the problems occur. Patios: The New Trend in Home Remodels In years past a patio was sort of a throw on to a home. It was typically a concrete slab to keep your feet clean on your way in or out. Then you'd plunk down a couple of chairs and a table and enjoy your patio when the sun went down. More recently, covered patios have become very popular. Adding a patio or "outdoor living area" to your home is both a great investment and a relaxing extension of your homes interior that you can enjoy all day and all yearlong. You might want to consider the following features. When Is It Time To Call The Professional? For most Do-It-Yourself (DIY) home project managers, the most difficult decision is to know when to give the professionals a call to come complete a task and when to complete it yourself. The reason we like to do our own home upgrades or an addition is always a pretty internal and selfish reason. We want to save money and we want to be able to say, "I did it myself." How many times have you been to a friendly dinner party and the topic of home improvement projects come up? Ultimately, it becomes a barrage of sentences that all contain these simple statements, "I did it myself." or "We did it ourselves." I must confess that I am also guilty of this. This is why we always have the more informative conversations with people at the local hardware and supply stores. Both parties in the conversation understand the need to DIY and the communication process flows without any issues. A Guide to Portable Dehumidifiers The United States Environmental Protection Agency says that the way to control indoor mold growth is to control moisture. That's just one reason to invest in a portable dehumidifier. If you want to protect your walls, building foundations, furniture, electronics or even the strings on your piano, a portable dehumidifier can be just what you need. Area Rug Buyers Guide When you begin decorating your home there are some important factors to consider. Your floors will usually be the foundation for your design. An authentic hand made area rug can visually integrate or harmonize diverse elements in any decor or can reenergize a room. Ridding Your Home of Geopathic Stress Just as there are solar magnetic stresses that come from the sun and the galactic "soup" that supports the universe, there are geomagnetic stresses that come from within the earth. The field of geobiology, or geopathology, is a science that has its roots in Europe and has slowly gained popularity in the United States over the past 25 years. Bring Out the Comforters for Back to School If the weather is turning chilly it must time for the kids to go back to school. Bring out the comforters, flannel bed linens, quilts and stadium blankets. As in all bed linens and comforter sets, they come in different sizes to fit the bed you own. You probably have a king or queen size bed, and your kids may sleep in loft beds at home or at the dorm. A twin comforter will be just the right size for the kids away at school. Flannel bed linen comes in a lot of colors, patterns, and prints. They are great for young and old providing the right amount of warmth and softness next to the skin. Are Showers Harmful to Your Health? The last thing you would think about when you are taking a nice, refreshing shower is, "Am I jeopardizing my health"? An Introduction to Waterproofing Systems Many homeowners find it necessary to invest in a waterproofing system for their home, especially if their home has a basement or cellar. In modern home developments, it is often required by state or local regulations to have a waterproofing system installed before the completion of the home. Without the proper installation of a waterproofing system, your home is at risk for water damage. In some areas, black mold is a frightful health concern. A good waterproofing system can help minimize water damage and the growth of black mold in prone areas. Other factors to consider when implementing a waterproofing system are the climate, landscape, weather and terrain of the area. Useful Home Products Will Help Your House Sale Profits Even if you've never been involved in the sale of house before and yours is about to go on the market, you probably know enough about the process to be able to repeat, like a litany: clean it; paint it; fix it. But do you find yourself asking: How clean does the house have to be and how do I tackle the job? Do I really have to paint? What are the best colors to choose? What do I need to repair? When considering these questions, it's good to remember that most prospective home buyers are an unimaginative lot. Your house may be immaculate but if the rooms are cluttered, crowded, and dark, they may appear to be less clean and much smaller than they really are. Picture this: an old, seven-piece mahogany dining room suite plus a rocking chair and seven boxes of books packed in anticipation of your move are wedged into a dark green room with a brown rug and a window covered by heavy velvet drapes. Why is this decorating scheme a mistake? It's because most people are unable to imagine how big and beautiful the room would look if painted off-white, everything removed but the dining room suite, a pastel tablecloth and a fresh flower centerpiece on the table, curtains stripped from the window, the rug removed, and everything spotlessly clean. In the words of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, you must "make it so"; otherwise, it might take you a very long time to sell your house and the offers to buy will not only be slower, but lower. Clean, Clean, Clean Your best friend when cleaning your house for resale will be tri-sodium phosphate (TSP) or its equivalent. TSP is one of the home products that top the list of must-haves, and it's not expensive. Roll up your sleeves, put on your rubber gloves and scrub your walls and ceilings, and anything else that needs your elbow grease. Unless you can afford professional cleaners, there's no way out of this one. Carpet cleaning is another must and there are home products for the do-it-yourselfer or you can hire a cleaning company to take care of this job. If you have shabby rugs scattered throughout the house, forget cleaning them; it's probably better to remove them altogether. There are home products to clean things that require special care ? ceramic tile, porcelain, stainless steel, wood cabinets, aluminum siding, etc., and you can find whatever you need at your neighborhood hardware store. Ask questions and read labels. When using commercial cleaning products, wear gloves and a mask. It's wise to be careful. Paint for a Pristine Finish As thorough as your cleaning job is, it won't have much impact on sagging, faded wallpaper, gouges in the walls, or cracked and peeling paint. Repainting is the solution, and interior painting jobs start with stripping off old wallpaper, attacking cracks and gouges with filler, and then getting to work with your roller and brush. This is also the time to do all the small repairs that need your attention: hammer in nails; repair the broken step; replace the broken glass. When selecting paint, the best colors for your walls and ceilings are white, off-white, cream, creamy off-white ? you get the picture. A light, cool, neutral color can fit into everyone's decorating scheme. (You want that young couple to see your home as the perfect setting for their red plush love seats.) If you have recently painted one or more rooms in quite dramatic colors, leave them as they are. As long as the walls and trim are clean and fresh, prospective buyers won't mind a bit of repainting if they want to change the colors ? the main thing is not to overwhelm them. If you need to paint the outside of your house, it's not necessary to restrict yourself to neutral colors for exterior paint; however, a bright color is not a good choice. Something fairly subdued is better, but be creative when painting the front door; a dramatic touch might be needed to make your house memorable. It's easy for a buyer to repaint a door if he or she doesn't share your love of Christmas red or purple passion. Remove the Clutter It's time to say goodbye to your high school chemistry notes, the clothes you outgrew five years ago, the playpen your twelve-year-old no longer needs, and everything else your family will never use again, read again, or wear again. Be tough! Do it! Take it to the dump; hold a garage sale; donate it to your favorite charity. Don't let it take up any more of your storage space ? you're going to need it all to store the things that are currently stacked on shelves and floors and cluttering up counter tops throughout the house. Important home products that can help you deal with this part of your preparation are closet organizers. They come in every size and style imaginable, and you are sure to find something suitable. When you have everything neatly stored in your closets and cupboards, walk through the house and pick up and put out of sight everything else on your counters and table tops that don't need to be there. "Clutter-free" means clutter-free and it won't kill anyone in the family to have to reach under the counter for the dishwashing detergent or the toothpaste for the next few days or weeks. You probably don't think of furniture as "clutter," but clutter is anything that unnecessarily crowds a room, a doorway, or a hall. If your home has very small rooms and you can manage without some furniture items for awhile, arrange to use a friend's garage or basement to store them. It will "open up" the rooms and make your house appear larger and brighter, and that's a good thing. Let There be Light Sunlight is a friend to the house seller, and you should try and let as much of it into the house as you can. Wash windows inside and out and wash or dryclean the window coverings: curtains, drapes, and blinds. Before showing the house to a prospective buyer, replace burned-out light bulbs, turn on the lights, open the windows, lift the blinds, and pull back the drapes. Final Touches Ask a non-smoking, non-pet-owning friend to come into your house when you have finished cleaning and painting. Are all the pet odors and smoking odors gone? If the house passes the sniff-test, place some potpourri in open dishes to add a fresh, clean scent; otherwise, get back to work. Finally, step outside and see what a prospective buyer's first impression of your yard is likely to be. Mow the lawn, trim the hedges and bushes, weed the garden, edge the flowerbeds, and sweep and clean the walkway, deck, or patio. Your yard is another selling feature of your house, and must be clean and tidy, too. Home products can help make your house appear big, bright, clean, and ready for a prospective buyer to move right in, which is exactly what you want. If You Want to Bring Your Bathroom Up to Date, Consider Fitting a Shower Stall Modern shower stalls look sleek and stylish. If you have the space, adding a shower stall in addition to your bathtub can be a great way to improve your bathroom. As much as people enjoy relaxing in the tub, with the time pressures of everyday life if can be very convenient to just have a quick shower, without having to wait for the tub to fill up. It can be a real luxury to have the choice! Bamboo Flooring Is Taking The Design World By Storm Are you looking for something different for your house? Maybe you do not want to be like all of your neighbors and you want to stand out from the crowd? Alternatively, perhaps you simply need a flooring option that will stand up to a lot of wear and tear and you like the natural look? Whatever your reasons are, bamboo flooring is a hot new trend in the interior design world and for good reason. If You?re Looking for Bedding, Think ?Pink? If you have come to a point in your life that you want a serious relationship, I would strongly suggest that you "think pink". This may sound strange to some of you, but I have discovered that the color "pink" has some interesting qualities. Pink is definitely a girly color, and it speaks of love, romance and partnership. Pink flowers, hearts, and just about anything else this color makes you feel soft and feminine. What woman doesn't love receiving even a single pink rose? The majority of the time you will think of pink for baby bedding if you are expecting a girl. Most of the gifts you receive at a baby shower will be pink for your newborn girl. Don't stop using pink for your bedding after you have grown up. There are lots of things you can do to enhance your bedroom when it comes to finding partnership and having a pink duvet cover or bedspread is just one of them. How To Identify A Quality Interior Shutter 1. Shutters have proper louver tension Home Remodeling Business Need for home remodeling ![]() |
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