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Home Security System, You Are A winner
Have you ever been to a local trade show or fair and filled out a raffle and later you find out you have won a Home Security System? Well, you are not alone. Sometimes everyone one wins. That's right you are not as lucky as you think you are. Well you are lucky in one regard; home security systems do work, not only do the little flags out front of the stickers near the front door help prevent crime, but an alarm sends the culprits running big time. The blaring alarm sends the thieves running down the street in a 100-yard dash and protects you and your family from harm, property damage and theft. Alarms are good things; so why is being a winner not all it is cracked up to be? Well a couple reasons; one it is a little misleading. Although you probably would not have filled out the form if you had not actually wanted to win something. Many times the alarms are free with a sign up. Similar to the free-cell phone deals. You get a free cell phone if you sign up right? Well yes but you have to agree to sign up for two-years at an agreed rate plan. Alarm systems are similar, some are quite good and if you win the alarm system which is in the neighborhood of $50 to $135.00 then they will install it, which is fairly simple and you sign up for $15.99 to $39.99 per month for two-year contract. The company selling the systems or in this case giving them to you, takes the sign up contract and sells it to a larger company which provides the service of patrol or dispatching. The installer company discounts the total price of the contract over the two-years which is $39.99 times 24 months = $959.76 by 20-30% or $191.95 to $287.93; meaning the installer company nets; $767.81 to $671.83 minus of course the $50 to $135.00 for the equipment and their time to come out and install it; let's say $60.00 visit plus wires and miscellaneous. It is safe to say no matter what the installer company or the company that gave you a "Free Alarm System" that you won; made in excess of $500.00 so indeed; they won too. Apparently everyone wins; your family is protected, the installer got paid and the alarm dispatch company also has a new account. All good right! Well, not necessarily. Now sometimes the installer and the dispatch company are one and the same, to they make out like bandits. Sometimes you are charged additionally for each false alarm on your contact? Sometimes the installer uses the cheapest possible alarm systems so they make more money. Meaning if a burglar sees such junk they merely go in a back window instead and rip you off and you lose? Sometimes the installers are casing the joint as they install and they are the thieves too? Advice? Sure; be careful what you wish for, ask lots of questions and only sign up with a reputable company. Think on it, nothing is free. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Six Common Criminal Types And How To Avoid Them "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" that saying is as true for crime, as it is for health. After taking literally thousands of reports over the years I spent as a police officer; I found that a lot of crimes that had happened could have been prevented. The easiest and most effective way of dealing with crime is not be a victim of it in the first place. This is easier said then done, and no matter how cautious you are you can still be a victim. Nothing will give you a 100% guarantee; however, there are things you can do to at least limit your odds of being a victim. But first; you have to know what you are preventing yourself from, in order to know how to prevent against it. This article will in general show you some of the common criminal types, and give some suggestions on how to avoid them. I have made up my own classifications for these people based upon my experience as a police officer. Surveillance Camera Positioning It is a known fact that advertising is made to attract our eyes. Marketers work very hard to plant visual memories in your mind. They use anomaly phrases, rhetorical questions, sexy images and ironic text. There are many reasons why this is done but the biggest reason is that it works. Our eyes are often caught and our brains captured for a moment while we digest the advertisement. Since the advertising world has done such a good job in making us look and think there is a slight hesitation in our gaze and direction of sight. This of course is the world's best time to snap a shot or grab an image of a human on a surveillance camera. How to Keep Your Postal Mail Private and Secure Surreptious opening of most envelopes sent through the mail takes little effort and only minimal skill. Instructions are readily available on the Internet and in books suc as "CIA Flaps and Seals Manual" (Paladin Press). Alarm System: Glass Break Detectors Alarm System Glass-break detectors- Glass-break detectors are also known as "Audio Discriminators". They are a perimeter device because they catch a burglar attempting to make entry into your home or business as opposed to walking around the interior and being picked up by a motion detector. They are available in both hardwired and wireless versions. The detector mounts in a wall or ceiling and listens to an area approximately 35 feet in all directions. They do not hear through walls or around corners or into a room because the door is open. The more windows you have in a device's area of protection, the better the value. Some examples of good coverage are as follows. Protect Your Family From Solar Flares Protect your family from solar flares. Solar flares emit dangerous gamma radiation, which affects everything from gravity waves to the Earth's tectonic system. These solar flares are dangerous to human life. The Gamma Radiation is dangerous to the human bio system. Many severe solar flares can cause cancer and It heats up the atmosphere and can drastically change weather patterns too. We have had some serious solar flares in the last few years, which have affected our lives. Some say that Earthquakes are in part due to the disruption of the natural electromagnetic distribution of the Earth along with causing disruptions in gravity waves. Turn Your Home Into A Fortress The best way to turn your home into a fortress is to carefully and strategically consider all your options. First you need to make a layout of your property and look at an aerial diagram of your home. Then you will need an aerial of the neighborhood, you can go to Google maps for this. Aerials pictures can provide you with possible escape routes of burglars. Drainage ditches, side roads, school playgrounds and wooded areas. You can also get an idea of every possible way the burglars might try to park a moving van without being seen or without being noticed. Often burglars look for areas where they can park a van or pick-up undetected for hours while they load up your prize possessions. Security Alarm System Motion Detectors Passive Infrared Motion Detectors- These detectors are also known as PIR detectors. The technology they utilize is "passive infrared". The device is mounted on a wall or in the corner of a room. It sends invisible fingers out into the covered area in several layers. The top layer goes the furthest and averages about 60 feet straight ahead and 35 feet on the sides. Fire Safety Tips Did you know that fire is the third leading cause of accidental deaths in the United States, yet most people ignore it. More than 150 workplace fires occur every day. So many of theses untimely deaths could have been prevented if they only had a plan. Infrared Goggle Pop Down in Hallways for Structure Fires Most people who are killed in structure fires die from the smoke not the flames or fire. Generally they are overcome by the smoke and lack of oxygen as the fire takes all the oxygen and replaces the airspace with smoke. There needs to be a way to get these people out of the fire situation and structure immediately to prevent loss of life, however without good visibility one cannot see to get to a fire escape, stairway or exit. Alarm Controls are the Brain of your Security System, Use Yours When Choosing One The alarm control is the brain of your security system. It is typically placed in an area that is out of the way like a basement, attic, closet or office. The motherboard and additional components such as radio receivers, backup power supply and zone expanders are inside this metal box, which is often locked. You will have little or no interface with the alarm control. Your alarm technician will need to access this unit to program it and wire it to general standards, or your custom standards. How To Turn Thirty Dollar Web Camera Into Home Surveillance System Web cameras are really inexpensive these days. With no technical knowledge, you can hook up one or several camerass to your PC and create own surveillance system, much like CCTV (closed curcuit television). But you'll need the right tools first. The Real Desire for the UK House Buyer Location location location, central heating, air conditioning, double glazing, good neighbours,good schools and a long lease these are just some of the factors that buyers consider when buying a property. So it was some surprise when we learnt that that new UK research (Jan 05) commissioned by the Homebuyer Show revealed something completely different. Securing Home Water Supplies; Conservation of Water Planning Generally when it rains the water runs off the house and yards into the gutter and into pipes or storm drains which feed it into the river, stream or ocean. This conventional approach is problematic in that many of the countries regions are in severe drought. As we expand our population base we will see issues where the growth and water usage far exceed the regional annual rainfalls. This will indeed over tax the water supplies and cause issues with exacerbated droughts and lengthy recoveries. Eventually if kept unchecked we will be in perennial drought in most of our nation. Essentials For Hurricane Season According to the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, the East Pacific expects 15 to 16 tropical storms. Nine of these end up becoming hurricanes with five becoming deadly major hurricanes. If you live in the southeastern part of the U.S. then you know that hurricane season started on June 1st. Are you prepared for Hurricane season? Did you know that Hurricane season lasts until the end of November? Have you gone out and bought all the supplies that you may need? This article is written to help you prepare for any kind of hurricane. It will also provide you with a list of items that are essential for any storm. Home Security After An Earthquake After an Earthquake you need to do an immediate damage assessment. First go turn off the gas if you smell anything, a leaky gas line could explode and take out your entire home and your cats nine lives. Look for cracks in the slab or any areas where the house carpet is lifted up. Then walk around the exterior of the house, what do you see? Do you see downed fences, retaining walls, support structures holding up the garage at weird angles or any areas where your house was knocked off its foundation? Look also for water pipes which have been broken, if so shut off the main water line coming into the house. If there is extensive damage then that means the other neighbors have also and the entire area. Home Security System, You Are A winner Have you ever been to a local trade show or fair and filled out a raffle and later you find out you have won a Home Security System? Well, you are not alone. Sometimes everyone one wins. That's right you are not as lucky as you think you are. Well you are lucky in one regard; home security systems do work, not only do the little flags out front of the stickers near the front door help prevent crime, but an alarm sends the culprits running big time. Garage Door Openers--Buy the Best Gagage Door Opener only Buying the right garage door opener has not never been more simpler.Whether you want to buy one for residential use or the commercial use read the tips below and buy the garage door opener which ideally suits you . Handling a Hurricane; Part 2 - Preparing for and Surviving an Approaching Hurricane Part 1 of this article described some of the characteristics of hurricanes and the damage they can cause. In the days before high tech weather forecasting, well organized emergency services, and mandatory evacuation, major hurricanes resulted in hundreds, if not thousands of deaths. Who Has Keys to Your Castle? One area of home security that is often overlooked, and one of the most visible, is the common key. Even if you are the owner of a new house, or the first tenant of your apartment, you cannot be sure that no one else has a key to your door. Estate and Mega-Yacht Security Systems and Safe Rooms Why do I need a "safe room? I really don't need one; I'm not that high profile". This is typical V.I.P. client frame of reference or attitude concerning security systems and safe rooms. ![]() |
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