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How to Keep Your Postal Mail Private and Secure
Surreptious opening of most envelopes sent through the mail takes little effort and only minimal skill. Instructions are readily available on the Internet and in books suc as "CIA Flaps and Seals Manual" (Paladin Press). While your mail is in the hands of the postal service it is relatively secure from outside snooping but readily available to postal employees and the alphabet soup of government agencies that may, for whatever reason, take an interest in your private correspondence. If your mail is delivered to your home, perhaps to a box at the end of your driveway, someone can easily remove your mail before you do, unless you are waiting when the postment delivers it. LET ME ASK YOU THIS... If a private investigation or neighborhood snoop removed private letters from your mailbox, carefully opened them, recorded the contents, and then resealed them and returned them to your mailbox, would you know it? If you received a letter in the mail on Wednesdays instead of tuesday, would you be aware that it had been missing that day? HOW GOVERNMENT KEEP THEIR MAIL PRIVATE When government agencies send sensitive material, they double-wrap it to prevent it's surreptitious opening. The government procedure is to place the sensitive material in an envelope, seal all seams and edges with tape, and record appropriate addresses and security markings on the envelope. This envelope is then placed into a second envelope, which then has all edges and seams sealed with tape. The outer envelope is addressed, but there are no security markings recorded on it. This is effective, but the outer envelope with all edges and seams sealed with tape stands out from ordinary mail. HOW YOU SHOULD KEEP YOUR MAIL PRIVATE For security of personal correspondence I recommend double-wrapping your private letters, but with a bit of a change. Instead of sealing just the edges of the inner envelope, i use clear sealing tape or clear packing tape. 1- Cut a lenght of tape twice the lenght of your inner envelope. Place the tape on a table, adhesive side up. You may need two strips of sealing/packing tape to cover the entire width of the envelope (I was able to obtain 4-inch-wide packing tape, which works well for the smaller 3 5/8 x 6-inch personal correspondence envelopes, from a local moving company). 2- Now, after sealing your envelope, place it on the adhesive portion of the tape and then fold the tape around the envelope so that it covers all surfaces.Leave a slight edge of tape around the envelope so that you can have an adhesive-toadhesive seal. This type of seal, covering all surfaces of the envelope, is damn near impossible to get into in a surreptitious manner. 3- Now, place the sealed envelope in an out envelope and seal and address it normally. The outer envelope doesn't stand out from other letters, but your private correspondence sealed inside is protected from snoops. Even the old tricks of using chemical sprays to make the envelope momentarily transparent won't work because the inner envelope is completely wrapped in tape and therefore impenetrable by these sprays. Max Penn is the man behind the respected Spy equipment buying guide site. You can learn and benefit from his unique privacy, surveillance and antisurveillance knowledge by signing up for his free spy equipment & techniques newsletter at Spy Gear & Tech Xpress Newsletter page
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Katrina: Lessons Learned on the Nature of Man For many years, novels and films have given us apocalyptic views of how easily mankind could disintegrate into ruthless barbarity once removed from the constraints of law and order, and the comfortable smooth machinery of "civilization". But all that was just fiction, right? Not really. The reality is in the news. Emergency - Gas Fire! Woooooooo??Woooo???The siren sounded. All of us looked at each other with excitement. The time has come for us to go into action. Emergency Telephone Numbers Emergency is a situation that poses an instant threat to human life or possessions though this description may be different in some areas. Deliberate bogus reports of an emergency are usually prosecuted as an offense. One should call for help any time there is a danger for life or public order. The emergency telephone number is a special case in the country's telephone number sketch. How To Turn Thirty Dollar Web Camera Into Home Surveillance System Web cameras are really inexpensive these days. With no technical knowledge, you can hook up one or several camerass to your PC and create own surveillance system, much like CCTV (closed curcuit television). But you'll need the right tools first. Avoiding Pickpockets Every year, thousands of senior citizens fall prey to the quick and clever tactics of pickpockets and thieves. What may take thieves a moment to "lift" from your pockets (passports, credit cards, and airline tickets) may take weeks to replace. It is difficult to recognize these changeling thieves sometimes the well dressed businessman standing next to you who just dropped some coins, at other times the "friendly" group of young children with newspapers approaching you in a city subway. A thief may be hard to recognize, but their time tested tactics are not. When traveling or in your home area you can prevent the majority of common thefts by arming themselves with the knowledge of typical scams, following some basic travel safety tips. How to Keep Your Postal Mail Private and Secure Surreptious opening of most envelopes sent through the mail takes little effort and only minimal skill. Instructions are readily available on the Internet and in books suc as "CIA Flaps and Seals Manual" (Paladin Press). The Real Desire for the UK House Buyer Location location location, central heating, air conditioning, double glazing, good neighbours,good schools and a long lease these are just some of the factors that buyers consider when buying a property. So it was some surprise when we learnt that that new UK research (Jan 05) commissioned by the Homebuyer Show revealed something completely different. Garage Door Openers--Buy the Best Gagage Door Opener only Buying the right garage door opener has not never been more simpler.Whether you want to buy one for residential use or the commercial use read the tips below and buy the garage door opener which ideally suits you . Alarm Controls are the Brain of your Security System, Use Yours When Choosing One The alarm control is the brain of your security system. It is typically placed in an area that is out of the way like a basement, attic, closet or office. The motherboard and additional components such as radio receivers, backup power supply and zone expanders are inside this metal box, which is often locked. You will have little or no interface with the alarm control. Your alarm technician will need to access this unit to program it and wire it to general standards, or your custom standards. Essentials For Hurricane Season According to the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, the East Pacific expects 15 to 16 tropical storms. Nine of these end up becoming hurricanes with five becoming deadly major hurricanes. If you live in the southeastern part of the U.S. then you know that hurricane season started on June 1st. Are you prepared for Hurricane season? Did you know that Hurricane season lasts until the end of November? Have you gone out and bought all the supplies that you may need? This article is written to help you prepare for any kind of hurricane. It will also provide you with a list of items that are essential for any storm. Security Alarm System Motion Detectors Passive Infrared Motion Detectors- These detectors are also known as PIR detectors. The technology they utilize is "passive infrared". The device is mounted on a wall or in the corner of a room. It sends invisible fingers out into the covered area in several layers. The top layer goes the furthest and averages about 60 feet straight ahead and 35 feet on the sides. Neighborhood Mobile Watch Patrol Have you found yourself disgusted with the crime lately. You know much of it is gang and drug related yet cannot understand how it has infiltrated your quiet town or how it has become such a menus in your city? Have you recently been a victim of a crime, vandalism or petty theft. Have you just about had enough of this? There is something you can do and it won't cost you a dime to do it. Start a Neighborhood Mobile Watch Patrol in your area today. Numbers That Can Save Your Life It's one of those things we don't give a second thought about. Many of us move into a house and never even change the number that's on the house. Why should you, it's the right number and that's all that matters. Well it may be the right number but can you see it at night or from the road? If there is an emergency and you have to call an ambulance, you certainly don't want them wasting valuable seconds looking for your home. Having a visible house number both day and night is critical. Who Has Keys to Your Castle? One area of home security that is often overlooked, and one of the most visible, is the common key. Even if you are the owner of a new house, or the first tenant of your apartment, you cannot be sure that no one else has a key to your door. Alarm System: Sirens Alarm Sirens- There is both inside and outside sirens. Many towns have a noise ordinance, which should prevent your installer from putting yours outside, unless you are on a ranch where you need to know what's going on while your out in the barn. You would not want a neighbor running over to your place during an alarm as they might be confronting a dangerous situation. It is better to let the police do that instead. Alarm Systems & Automobile Tires? What do alarm systems and automobile tires have in common? This may sound like a strange question to the untrained ear, but lend me yours and I will make sense of it. Who Abducted the Missing Child? What is going on with these people who feel they can walk onto your property or in front of your home and abduct your child? If those parents had installed a hidden camera in their home, the police could use the recordings from the camera and have a quick lead to find the child and return them safely. Being prepared for the unthinkable act of your child being abducted by installing hidden cameras is much better than wishing later you had installed cameras! Securing Home Water Supplies; Conservation of Water Planning Generally when it rains the water runs off the house and yards into the gutter and into pipes or storm drains which feed it into the river, stream or ocean. This conventional approach is problematic in that many of the countries regions are in severe drought. As we expand our population base we will see issues where the growth and water usage far exceed the regional annual rainfalls. This will indeed over tax the water supplies and cause issues with exacerbated droughts and lengthy recoveries. Eventually if kept unchecked we will be in perennial drought in most of our nation. Alarm System: Glass Break Detectors Alarm System Glass-break detectors- Glass-break detectors are also known as "Audio Discriminators". They are a perimeter device because they catch a burglar attempting to make entry into your home or business as opposed to walking around the interior and being picked up by a motion detector. They are available in both hardwired and wireless versions. The detector mounts in a wall or ceiling and listens to an area approximately 35 feet in all directions. They do not hear through walls or around corners or into a room because the door is open. The more windows you have in a device's area of protection, the better the value. Some examples of good coverage are as follows. Where Does Safety & Security Begin? Security Expert Explains Personal safety begins with you. It is widely accepted that a wide-ranging personal safety strategy must incorporate prevention, deterrence and defiance. ![]() |
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