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Katrina: Lessons Learned on the Nature of Man
For many years, novels and films have given us apocalyptic views of how easily mankind could disintegrate into ruthless barbarity once removed from the constraints of law and order, and the comfortable smooth machinery of "civilization". But all that was just fiction, right? Not really. The reality is in the news. While the people of New York City responded predominantly with goodwill and a heroic attitude to the World Trade Center attacks, it is important to keep in mind that the basic structure of the city ? the services, facilities, and general day-to-day functions ? were still intact. The disaster that has befallen the gulf states is an entirely different kind of animal. The entire city of New Orleans has been utterly devastated. Many peripheral communities and cities have been essentially washed away. There is no source of free-flowing fresh water, food sources have been severely depleted, virtually no energy infrastructure remains, although line crews from neighboring states are working feverishly to get power restored to critical facilities like the water supply system. Tens of thousands of people have lost their possessions, their homes, their jobs, and their entire way of life. As some of the survivors have put it, they are literally "adrift". While many people do have a positive, strong mental and psychological orientation, allowing them to forge ahead and find a way to carry on within the boundaries of law and moral principles, many others do not. Poverty-stricken communities already have a tendency to have higher crime rates under normal conditions, due to obvious environmental factors. Many people in this environment often become dependant on the "welfare-state", deriving some of their income, access to services, and food allowances from government-sponsored systems. In a "civilization-destroyed" scenario, these systems cease to function. In times like this, people who ordinarily would not resort to outright theft or robbery do so, and the more violently criminal-minded become even more ruthless and barbaric. A disaster on the scale as that of the gulf states, where the ability of the government (local, state, or federal) to control affairs is seriously diminished, creates a ripe opportunity for the desperate and the criminal to exploit the misfortunes of others. And they're doing it. Armed gangs roaming the demolished landscape, reports of rape inside the overwhelmed astrodome, boundless pillaging of every storefront or home left standing; these are the stark images that tell us just how fragile our domestic peace really is. America is truly a great nation, populated by many great people. But there is bad among us, too, waiting for the opportunity to seize upon the misfortunes of others, whether for profit or just for plain pathological gratification. For more information on what you can do to be better prepared to protect yourself and the ones you love, visit http://www.1stdefenseproducts.com . Jonathan Merritt has over 20 years of experience in the security industry, and has written numerous articles on personal, family and home security. His company site, http://www.1stdefenseproducts.com, provides links to government and community security information, as well as access to his newsletter 1st Defense Network.
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Alarm Systems: Not Just For The Wealthy Anymore! Over the last 22 years that I have been involved in the security alarm industry, I have seen quite an evolution. Changes have not only taken place in what type of equipment is available, but also in how the consumer buys and use's the equipment. Securing Home Water Supplies; Conservation of Water Planning Generally when it rains the water runs off the house and yards into the gutter and into pipes or storm drains which feed it into the river, stream or ocean. This conventional approach is problematic in that many of the countries regions are in severe drought. As we expand our population base we will see issues where the growth and water usage far exceed the regional annual rainfalls. This will indeed over tax the water supplies and cause issues with exacerbated droughts and lengthy recoveries. Eventually if kept unchecked we will be in perennial drought in most of our nation. Avoiding Pickpockets Every year, thousands of senior citizens fall prey to the quick and clever tactics of pickpockets and thieves. What may take thieves a moment to "lift" from your pockets (passports, credit cards, and airline tickets) may take weeks to replace. It is difficult to recognize these changeling thieves sometimes the well dressed businessman standing next to you who just dropped some coins, at other times the "friendly" group of young children with newspapers approaching you in a city subway. A thief may be hard to recognize, but their time tested tactics are not. When traveling or in your home area you can prevent the majority of common thefts by arming themselves with the knowledge of typical scams, following some basic travel safety tips. Kevlar Sheets for Your Home Walls Home security is more important today than ever. You may have even considered Kevlar Sheets for your home or car. They are available and there are some companies who specialize in these things. The military uses them in Humvees and other vehicles. In the Vietnam War the spotter planes and helicopter pilots would put bullet-proof vests on the floor boards since the AK-47 rounds would come up thru the aluminum and kill pilots. Without getting too dramatic you might wish to employ the same strategy in your home. Handling Weather Emergencies: Part 2; Home Security, Evacuation, and Emergency Kits Introduction Essentials For Hurricane Season According to the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, the East Pacific expects 15 to 16 tropical storms. Nine of these end up becoming hurricanes with five becoming deadly major hurricanes. If you live in the southeastern part of the U.S. then you know that hurricane season started on June 1st. Are you prepared for Hurricane season? Did you know that Hurricane season lasts until the end of November? Have you gone out and bought all the supplies that you may need? This article is written to help you prepare for any kind of hurricane. It will also provide you with a list of items that are essential for any storm. Alarm System: Smoke and Heat Detectors Smoke & Heat Detectors- Smoke detectors are available that will interface with your security system. The smoke detectors that are already in your home can't be tied into your security system. The device that the builder put in your home is either electrical, battery operated, or in some instances both, if you have the better quality detectors. Lifesaving smoke detectors should be in every home. If you elect to add some to your system, your existing detectors should be left in place, as they are still able to help give early warning in case of a fire. Estate and Mega-Yacht Security Systems and Safe Rooms Why do I need a "safe room? I really don't need one; I'm not that high profile". This is typical V.I.P. client frame of reference or attitude concerning security systems and safe rooms. Turn Your Home Into A Fortress The best way to turn your home into a fortress is to carefully and strategically consider all your options. First you need to make a layout of your property and look at an aerial diagram of your home. Then you will need an aerial of the neighborhood, you can go to Google maps for this. Aerials pictures can provide you with possible escape routes of burglars. Drainage ditches, side roads, school playgrounds and wooded areas. You can also get an idea of every possible way the burglars might try to park a moving van without being seen or without being noticed. Often burglars look for areas where they can park a van or pick-up undetected for hours while they load up your prize possessions. Alarm System: Window Screens Alarm System Window Screens- Window screens are the ultimate perimeter device. The windows in your home look as if they have normal screens on them, however the actual screen mesh is an alarm circuit. The frame also has a contact point in it, so the screen can't be cut or removed without violating the system if it is armed. The window can be opened for ventilation and protected at the same time. Now that's a great perimeter device! Neighborhood Mobile Watch Patrol Have you found yourself disgusted with the crime lately. You know much of it is gang and drug related yet cannot understand how it has infiltrated your quiet town or how it has become such a menus in your city? Have you recently been a victim of a crime, vandalism or petty theft. Have you just about had enough of this? There is something you can do and it won't cost you a dime to do it. Start a Neighborhood Mobile Watch Patrol in your area today. Hurricane Preparedness If you are about to get hit by a Hurricane are you prepared? Do you have enough plywood to board up your windows? Often the local lumber companies will be sold out. In fact if you wait till the last minute Home Depot will be out too. Do you own a portable generator? No? Get one. Do you have enough fuel to keep it powered up? Most generators can use up to 1.5 gallons per hour and thus you need spare fuel tanks as well? If you wait too long the gas stations will be closed and after the Hurricane the power may not be turned back on for up to two-weeks depending on the damage. If you are talking about a direct hit Category III or IV it is entirely possible that it will be at least that long. How to Keep Your Postal Mail Private and Secure Surreptious opening of most envelopes sent through the mail takes little effort and only minimal skill. Instructions are readily available on the Internet and in books suc as "CIA Flaps and Seals Manual" (Paladin Press). Is Big Brother Watching You? Or Are You Watching Big Brother? Isn't technology a wonderful thing? I thought this as I received the text to my mobile phone telling me that my home security camera had detected movement. Someone or something was where they shouldn't be at the rear of my house and I was 2000 miles away on vacation ? yet I still knew they were there. Fortunately the text wasn't followed up by another from one of the sensors on my windows telling me that someone was breaking in and it was urgent I did something about it. Infoscams In this article I am going to talk about those infomercials that are obvious scams. Which ones are they? They are the ones promising you, that by following their system you will make thousands part- time and tens of thousands full-time. Or, they invite you to come to a free seminar where they can tell you about their secret money making system. Let's first look at the ones that offer a money making system, they go something like this. Emergency Telephone Numbers Emergency is a situation that poses an instant threat to human life or possessions though this description may be different in some areas. Deliberate bogus reports of an emergency are usually prosecuted as an offense. One should call for help any time there is a danger for life or public order. The emergency telephone number is a special case in the country's telephone number sketch. The Case for Personal, Estate, Corporate and Child Abduction Security in today?s World When one considers the historical nature of security applications and programs of any type, i.e., CCTV, intrusion detection and alarm systems, corporate policies and programs and countermeasures of any type, the phenomenon of the Denial Syndrome, Complacency and Failure to properly allocate a Security Budget can not be over emphasized. If we, as individuals, as a country and as a government, have not learned anything from the lessons of 911, it is the benefit of being pro-active and utilizing the concept of foreseeability. Security Alarm System Motion Detectors Passive Infrared Motion Detectors- These detectors are also known as PIR detectors. The technology they utilize is "passive infrared". The device is mounted on a wall or in the corner of a room. It sends invisible fingers out into the covered area in several layers. The top layer goes the furthest and averages about 60 feet straight ahead and 35 feet on the sides. Who Abducted the Missing Child? What is going on with these people who feel they can walk onto your property or in front of your home and abduct your child? If those parents had installed a hidden camera in their home, the police could use the recordings from the camera and have a quick lead to find the child and return them safely. Being prepared for the unthinkable act of your child being abducted by installing hidden cameras is much better than wishing later you had installed cameras! Fire Safety Tips Did you know that fire is the third leading cause of accidental deaths in the United States, yet most people ignore it. More than 150 workplace fires occur every day. So many of theses untimely deaths could have been prevented if they only had a plan. ![]() |
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