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Walking on a Path of Life
We set out walking along a route where one foot walks on a sidewalk that is slowly accenting to higher levels, whilst the other foot walks on the road. We will get to a point where we have to make a choice. Do we raise ourselves up onto the side walk and continue to ascend, or do we keep both feet on the road, on the lower level? If we stay on the road, we will keep in the gutter and when it rains heavily, we may get washed away. We also risk being hit by careless drivers. If we decide to keep both feet on the sidewalk, we can walk in safety and watch all the wonderful scenery. We cannot go though life in doubt of the truth, with one foot in one camp and another in a different camp. Life makes us make choices. The high path is one with safety and wonderment. The low road is thwart with many dangers, so why take risks? Walk in peace and harmony on the high side of life via........ the "curb of negativity" and keep your mind out of the...... "gutter press of sensationalism." There is solely; One Earth we all live on and One life in our physical finite identity........ When we all live as One..... We ALL prosper. About The Author Michael levy was born in Manchester, England on the 6th March 1945. After many life experiences and a successful business career he retired to Florida in 1992. In 1998 Michael established Point of Life, Inc., as a vehicle to project his philosophy and spiritual understanding. The website www.pointoflife.com and the associated newsletter (Point Of Life Global Newsletter) are visited and read by thousands of people around the world every month. Michael is a frequent speaker on radio, television(just a few examples UK; BBC, ITV4..USA; NBC, C-Span, ABC, Howard Stern Show) and he is now a host on Voice America.com radio. He also holds frequent seminars sharing and discusses his views about the purpose of life, finding the peace and enjoyment that lead to a healthy, stress-free life. In just a few years he has become a world renowned poet. In 2002 Michael was invited to become a member of the prestigious Templeton Speaker's Bureau. Michael Levy is the author four books "What is the Point? "Minds of Blue Souls of Gold" "Enjoy Yourself - It's Later Than You Think" and "Invest with a Genius." Michael's poetry and essays now grace many web sites, Journals and Magazines throughout the world.His philosophies have become a major source of Truth, Wisdom and Love for many people. Just one example from many........ The Royal Collage of Psychiatry has recently published two of his works. He has recently become a host on the Point Of Life Show at Voice America. E-mail: mikmikl@aol.com
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Listening to Your Heart! Trying to predict stock price movements is necessary, of course. After all, when stock prices fall, the cost of borrowing and of issuing new equity can rise, and falling stock prices can both undercut the confidence of employees and customers and handicap mergers. Unfortunately, however, most of these predictions are no more than rough guesses, because the tools CEOs use to make them are not very accurate. Net present value (NPV) may be useful for estimating the long-term intrinsic value of shares, but it is famously unreliable for predicting their price over the next few quarters. Conversations with sample groups of investors and analysts, conducted by the company or by investment bankers, are no more reliable for gauging market reactions. Loving You The difficulty in finding love that is good for you stems from the same difficulty you have loving yourself. For those who believe in God or a higher power, to not love yourself is to not love the very source of your existence. To not trust yourself is to not trust the source of all life. To not forgive and have compassion for yourself is to not have forgiveness and compassion for others created from the same source. What is this source? Call it what you will, all matter comes from energy and all energy comes from Source. Leave the scientists and religious thought leaders left to their devices to try and explain that. You focus on your relationship, to self and to source. Life Life is what happens to you, while you are making other plans. ( John Lennon ) Helen Keller: A Teller and a Seller What are the odds of someone doing extraordinary things if that person lost their sight, hearing and speech at nineteen months of age? Helen Keller overcame enormous disadvantages to influence the world. Although her teacher and mentor, Anne Sullivan, achieved great results with her, ultimately, Keller's success was up to Keller. Are You Taking Responsibility? It is time to take responsibility for our actions and the results we create in our lives. It's time to stop expecting someone else to do for us what we are unwilling to do for ourselves. It's time to remember that no one is doing it to us and no one is going to do it for us. The Cracked Pot Letters on Life#3 Learn From Failure and Confirm with Success Both failure and success are good... if you know what their specific purpose is. How to Conquer Fears and Worries "More than any other time in history, mankind face a crossroad. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, and the other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly." - Woody Allen (Side Effect) Who Are The Underminers? How many of you had the experience growing up of being told in various ways to limit yourselves from being all you can be? The movie "The Incredibles" is a wonderful metaphor for this. In this movie, the superheroes ? the people with extraordinary powers ? are restricted from using their powers. Discernment and Judgement Discernment is an inner guide or compass. It is loving and expansive, and offers freedom, honor and options. Judgment on the other hand dishonors, condemns, and contradicts. Why Not Reinvent The Wheel? "Why go and reinvent the wheel?" It's a question that's been around for centuries; right? Here's a better question: Why not reinvent the wheel? As a Peak Performance Coach, I do a lot of personal development trainings for adults and children, alike. I love kids! They don't think like us adults. Kids are just so incredibly and infectiously optimistic. And, they are absolute Masters of embracing, "what could be." Maintaining Honesty and Integrity (Excerpted From Cultivating An Unshakable Character) Forgotten Dreams: At the End... Part I Treasures of a lifetime... How to Use the Ebb and Flow of Life to Your Advantage Are you overwhelmed with so many activities you don't know where to start? Melting Snow I love the sounds of melting snow-plink, plink, ting, ting, ting, a staccato drip on sloped metal roofs, the occasional loud crack of a giant icicle, the bubble and gurgle of the mountain brook as it swells and tumbles over polished rocks on its way to the valley below. And How Do We Feel This Morning? Without question, going to the hospital is teamwork from the time you arrive until you are wheeled out the front door. Everyone is working together for the common good of the patient, or at least a crack at his bank account. That is as it should be in such mercenary endeavors. Using Appreciation to Make a Difference When in 1996 a local Secondary School opened, the staff decided to create a tradition to prepare Christmas Hampers for those in need. Each advisory class (of around 18 students G9-12) would adopt a family to help out. The students only know how many in the family, ages of the children, and whether they have any food allergies. Every year, 65 ?70 hampers are delivered to families. Inside each hamper is a note from the school principal wishing the family a Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy new year. It explains how the hamper was put together by the students and adds (I quote) " We hope that this hamper will bring you joy at this special time of year as it was put together with much love and care" Why You Are Special and Why Does It Matter Why 'you are special'? The Power of the Tongue There is an old proverb with a lot of wisdom. It says, "The tongue has the power of life and death, and whoever loves it will eat its fruit." Commitment To The Journey I have been a business owner for about a minute. In fact, that would probably be quite generous if you compared me to the business moguls out here or anywhere for that matter. But in spite of that fact, I probably know a lot about business, more than I realize and much more than you would expect, if you knew my background. It is my life as a business owner that has finally made sense of all the data and observations that I have gathered over the years. I spent 20 years of my life working for others, most unknown, some infamous. ![]() |
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