My Next Year With Jesus (Joyful Reflections On My Walk With The Lord)

The one question I keep coming back to is...

"Am I involved with life the way God wants me to be involved?"

That's it.
Nothin' fancy.

Now two related questions for you:

1. If that question doesn't ring true with you, how would you modify it to be *most* meaningful to you?

2. If you do connect with that question, what ideas or thoughts come to mind?

Obviously, the most important concept we have to deal with this year -- in one form or another -- is how we will respond to the Lord's working in our lives.

As I write these words and reflect on what I just mentioned, maybe a few additional related questions would be...

"Am I following Jesus the way He would have me to follow Him at this stage in my life?"

"As I think about living for Jesus this next year, what would give Him great joy?"

"What would excite me the most about following Jesus this next year?"

"What untapped potential could I bring to world this year and be a positive influence for Christ in doing so?"

"What one discipline could I initiate or improve upon that would help me be a better person, a stronger influence for good, or please Jesus most in my world?"

"Is there anything I need to stop or finally put an end to?"

"If I were to influence three people for Jesus this year in small, consistent, easily achievable ways, who would I influence?"

"How could I connect with God more in my devotions?"

"What talents do I have that would bring Jesus *and me* great joy in developing them together this year?"

"If Jesus were to step into my world and assume the daily routines of my life, what would my life 'look and feel like' --inside and out?"

These questions -- and the others you create -- should be enough to get us started thinking about next year!

May the Lord give you an increased sense of His presence, a greater understanding of His love, and more than an extra dose of His power this coming year and always.

Because of God's grace,

(John 15:16)

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