Dream Board


If you've been reading my newsletter for awhile, you know that I continue to incorporate and teach the 'how to' principles behind successfully achieving our goals and dreams. One important piece of wisdom I've gained is that nothing happens, no forward steps are taken until we first have a dream. But even when we have a dream, we can't begin manifesting it until some important first steps are taken to lay the groundwork. To make a dream come true, what's interesting is that we don't have to initially know HOW we are going to do it. Instead, the first critical steps to achieving a dream are:

A clear and precise vision of the dream.

Sort of the big picture or overview of what you want.

"First we conceive, then we believe."

Articulation and expression of the dream.

Exchanging the feelings of fear, uncertainty, failure,

or overwhelm, with ones of excitement and joy.

Creating belief in your dream.

For example, you might have the dream of permanently overcoming your eating behaviors. Yet, until you articulate it, then begin regularly seeing and feeling the joy of it, the dream remains vague and distant. If the feelings surrounding your dream are ones of apprehension, fear, overwhelm, or indecision, your dream doesn't have a chance of developing. As long as your dream stays enveloped in a fear state, your chances of achieving it are minuscule. To make a dream come true, there's some work to be done first on your thinking patterns, then your emotions, and eventually you build to a belief in the dream and yourself.


One simple, and powerful, way of making your dreams come true is to create a visual representation of your goal outcome. Dream Boards are great tools to help see your goals vividly and stimulate your brain. A Dream Board is a visual picture of the dreams you have for your life. A dream board is a large poster board onto which you place pictures of what you want to create.

For example, if your goal is overcoming an eating disorder or losing weight, take a little time and ask yourself some meaningful questions.

What would achieving your goal mean to you?

How would it look?

How would life be different?

What strengths would you have?

What would achieving your goal bring into your life?

Notice what images come to mind. From these images you can begin to write down the goal you wish to achieve. Remember to make it positive and in the present tense. The next step is to create a visual embodiment of your goal. The key is finding pictures that will reflect you already in possession of your desired goals. Just as writing down goals will help you crystallize success in your mind, so will visualizing through your Dream Board.


Have you ever heard that a picture is worth a thousand words? Looking at the pictures which illustrate your success, over and over again, will help manifest your dream. Repetition is key here. Recall all of the advertisements you see on television and in magazines. Ask yourself, "Why would a company spend millions of dollars in television advertisements to sell a .99 cent hamburger?" The answer is that they spend that kind of money because it is proven that the repeated images of their hamburger will change your spending and eating behavior.

Marketing research has confirmed that people will buy just about anything, if they are shown that image enough times. For one person that may be just one or two viewings. For another person, it may be one thousand repeated images. How many impressions will it take for you to achieve your goal? View your Dream Board as often as needed and for as long as needed to help you begin to believe in your dream.


Use Dream Boards with your goals to increase your success. The following are your needed tools to create your Dream Board:

1. Purchase a large poster board in whatever color you like. Also pick up a glue stick and a pair of scissors.

2. Gather an assortment of old magazines, pictures, catalogs, and snap shots.

3. Take some time and create a space where you can relax and have fun. Brew a cup of hot tea, light a candle, put on music that speaks to you. Breath deeply, close your eyes, and imagine the goal you wish to achieve. Allow your senses to play with your dream.

4. Now open your eyes and begin to view the magazines. Tear out any pictures, words, phrases, and thoughts that inspire you. Don't think about it too much. Simply go through the magazines and remove anything that grasps your attention. Pull out pictures, images, words, and phrases that excite and motivate you to reach your destiny. Along with the pictures, it also helps to add motivational statements that spell out the goals you wish for yourself.

5. Take your time. Give yourself a few hours or an evening to do this project. After you feel you've reached a stopping point, use the scissors and cut out the words and images.

6. After you have cut out the pictures and phrases, glue or paste them on your poster board.

7. Have fun doing it! Enjoy yourself! Let you imagination be your guide. If you really want to make this a fun experience, invite several of your closest friends over to join you in the process. You could create a Dream Board party.

8. Once your board is completed, activate your Dream Board: put it in a place that you can look at it often for a month or two. Perhaps in your office or in your bedroom where you will view it daily. Or maybe even tack it to the ceiling above your bed. As time passes, feel free to add to your board, or paste over what doesn't work. Make it come alive by dwelling on it every now and then when inspired. You could make it the first thing you look at in the morning, and the last thing you view before going to sleep. As you concentrate on these visual images of what you want, add a sense of peace and joy. Smile. Inhale the sensation of you having exactly what you want. Allow your subconscious mind to help you achieve your goals.

Copyright 2005, Dr. Annette Colby, all rights reserved.

Dr. Annette Colby, RD
Nutrition Therapist & Master Energy Healer

"Opening Creative Portals to Success"

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