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Everyone Has Been Hurt... Part 4
Continued... After that I stayed with him still and when he would hit me I became numb. And I would also fight back even harder. I wouldn't give in till he hurt me bad enough then I would give up. We would end up on the floor in knock down, drag out fights that a man and a man would have. That became my way of life. He ended up talking me into getting pregnant again, but I thought of it too, so stupid. I lost everything, my grandpa kicked me out because I refused to leave him and I had no where to go, so I moved into a hotel. On Christmas Eve that year he came over and we got into it again, the next day Christmas Day I lost that baby. I moved in with friends after that. I hated holidays. We stayed together a little longer. I felt I had no one. He did start cheating and I did find out. One day when his sister and I went to her friend's, we came back and as soon as I walked in he grabbed me by the hair, bounced my head off the door frame, and drug me by my hair into his room, his sister tried to stop him and he hit her repeatedly, his mom finally broke it up. I broke up with him and it was for good. He called and begged me to talk to him to hear him out, I said it will do no good but I will listen to what you have to say. We were talking and I told him I was done, a guy walked across the road in front of me and I looked at him, just a glance and he blew up. We got into it I told him take me home he told me he was going to sleep with his sister's friend, I spit on his truck and he punched me square in the nose, instantly blood began to pour, and I kept passing out he rushed me to the ER and they told me my nose was broken, and if it would have hit an inch farther one way or the other it could have killed me, kids started bawling when they saw me and there was blood all over me and my clothes, I was done. I wouldn't press charges but I told him that is it never again and I meant that, and I stuck to it. Vaughn Pascal
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Who is My Mother? Text: Matthew 12:46-50, Mark 3: 31-35, Luke 8:19 Brilliant Autumn: Reaping a Bounteous Harvest "But if in your thought you must measure time into seasons, let each season encircle all the other seasons, And let today embrace the past with remembrance and the future with longing." - Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931) The Nature of Anger Excerpt From The Relationship Handbook: How to Understand and Improve Every Relationship in Your Life by Kevin B. Burk Psychic Sponge Syndrome: The Easy Inner-Centrifuge Remedy Here's a nifty trick to use to clear yourself of any psychic "stuff" you may pick up as you move through the world. I learned the basic format for it from a woman who had the booth space adjacent to mine at a tradeshow. Being someone who had not yet mastered the art of being open-hearted without sponging up the energy of others, I was walking around like a zombie on day two of the show, after having been immersed in the circus of conflicting energies the day before . My booth neighbor asked me what was going on with me, as I was obviously not as radiant as I had been on day one. When I explained that I had soaked up too much chaotic energy and didn't know how to rid myself of it, she said, "Oh. You just need to spin it off." And I said, "Cool! HOW?!" Walking on a Path of Life We set out walking along a route where one foot walks on a sidewalk that is slowly accenting to higher levels, whilst the other foot walks on the road. We will get to a point where we have to make a choice. Do we raise ourselves up onto the side walk and continue to ascend, or do we keep both feet on the road, on the lower level? Nurture Your Heart Pregnant with her first child, Jill could barely contain her excitement over the dreams and hopes she cherished for her unborn baby, whom she had already named Mara (she was so sure it was a girl). She practiced the lullabies she would sing as she nursed Mara close to her breast. She imagined how Mara's eyes would light up on Christmas mornings. She dreamt of Mara's first day at school, her first date, and her college graduation. She even imagined how Mara might look in her wedding gown. About Self Love 1. How do I love myself? Say Thank You to the Cow for the Steak on Your Plate Have you ever said thank-you to the cow that provided you with the steak for your dinner! How To Develop A Grateful Mind (The Best Medicine) There is one sure fire medicine that cures all difficulty and opens the way for your greatest good. It allows you to sleep well at night, wake up refreshed and filled with enthusiasm. Obstacles evaporate and wonderful possibilities appear. This medicine is abundantly available, has no side effects, can be taken in large or small doses regularly. You need no one to prescribe it and the more you take, the sweeter it is. The medicine is a good dose of gratitude, taken daily, at least three times a day. Get Out Of Your Own Way One of the biggest obstacles to our self growth and personal development is.................ourselves! Are YOU Ready for Bonza Bottler Day? BONZA BOTTLER DAY is any day when the date and the month have the same number. Bonza, I'm told, means "excellent" or "really great" in Australian, and there's some suggestion that "bottler" means the same. Two Drops Of Water Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 17, 2002 I Believe in You! Ally Becker came home from school after Varsity basketball practice and was extremely gleeful. She looked frantically for her Father and walked into the kitchen, the laundry room and finally the living room. "Dad!!" Ally yelled. Five Reasons To Journal Keeping a journal during the coaching process is one of the most simple and effective aids a client can use. Below you will find five reasons why I encourage my clients to use a journal during their coaching time. I hope that you will be motivated to commit your creative pursuits to a journal. Go Ahead, Toss the Starfish! There is an old story that tells of a man walking along a beach when up ahead in the distance, he catches sight of another man acting strangely. As he gets closer, he notices the man is picking things up from the sand and throwing them into the water. Body Acceptance: The Secret to Weight Loss Success Can we love our bodies? As the years go by, each decade brings new and unexpected changes. We move from adolescence to young adulthood. For some, the transition is into motherhood. Most of us eventually enter into maturity and beyond. Our bodies are affected by stress, environment, sadness, and other emotions. Some bodies are affected by illness or disease. Other bodies are shaped by the after effects of emotional eating, starvation, or compulsive exercise. Is it possible to make peace and love our bodies? Top 10 Things That Make Life Worthwhile Below are some of the things that, over the years, my clients have taught me about making life a wonderful adventure. You will, hopefully, have additions that uniquely enrich your life, and I hope you'll add them to this list and pass them along to others. In the meantime, I share this list with the hope that it will challenge you, and make your day more rewarding! Iron Man Inspiration - Raise The Ceiling On What You Can Achieve The Florida Iron Man involves swimming 2.4 miles, biking 112 miles and running 26.2 miles. It is one of the toughest sporting competitions in the world. Create Your Own Self Esteem - Part 2 The good part of this story is that there is now hope to end and effectively reverse the effects of all negative emotions that we individually and collectively experience in our lives. Now we come back to the word reversal I spoke about earlier. The process of choosing to end and to reverse the effects of negative emotions is what I call having Esteem for the Self! By this I mean that as you engage the contents of this book from a sincere and real desire to accept what it has to offer you are choosing to "love" your Self. And loving the Self is really the same as having the highest form of Esteem for the Self, which is You. Ask the Angels - Get Specific ! There are Angels for everything and they are just waiting for us to ask for their help. They can't help if we don't ask. ![]() |
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