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Have a Green Day, Every Day!
Green symbolises growth. Growth requires change and transformation. This article will help you reach your maximum potential. You can have a green day, every day! Have you ever asked yourself, "Is there any meaning to life? Is there a purpose for me being here on earth? What am I here for?" If you are have asked any of these questions you are not alone. Millions of people around the world are searching for the meaning of life every day. What has been your approach to find some purpose to life? Have you sought to be successful? Being successful is good, but success does not equal purpose. You can reach all your goals and succeed in life and still feel something is missing inside. Or perhaps you have thought that your purpose in life is to be found in making a name for yourself, to be remembered. Perhaps you are looking for purpose in life by staying alive as long as you can. Or maybe you believe that life's purpose is found through pleasure ? the weekends cannot come around quick enough! Only in God, our creator, can we discover the true meaning and purpose for life. Without God life makes no sense. God created you for a purpose. The Bible says God is love and wants to express his love through you. You matter to God. King David experienced God's loving kindness. He declared, "Because Your loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You." (Psalms 63 verse 3.) How does God show His loving kindness to us? God shows His loving kindness to us in many ways. One way is by answering our prayers. Prayer is listening and talking to God. Leanne, our eldest daughter, was five years old when she heard my wife and I pray for a house. Each time we prayed Leanne would add, "and thank you God, for a trailer home too." Not wanting our small daughter to be disappointed, we explained that getting a house was a very big thing and perhaps she should just ask God for a house. Leanne did not give up. She continued to add her request each time we prayed. The same day we found the house we wanted, a relative phoned and said they were going away to work for two years and asked us to look after their large trailer home. The relatives knew nothing about Leanne's prayer request. God had shown Leanne his loving kindness by answering her prayer and we were able to stay in the trailer home until our new house became available. God has a plan for you. God affirms this in the Book of Jeremiah chapter 29, verse 13, "I know the thoughts and plans I have for you...thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome." An unmistakable inner thought filled my mind at the age of sixteen. God told me that after doing nurses' training I would get married and go to Ethiopia to work for Him. I had been a single missionary in Ethiopia for five years when God spoke to me through a strong impression while I was praying. God told me he would give me a wife when I returned to Australia on leave. On my way home, to save money, I stopped in Singapore and bought the engagement and wedding rings. I had just enough money left to buy a watch. The brand of the watch was "Rebecca". God spoke to me again as I was reading the story of Rebecca in the Bible, and said "Just as I led Abraham's servant to find a wife for Isaac, I will lead you to your future wife." (Genesis, chapter 24) Upon arriving in Australia, I went to visit the college where I had trained. On the way, I heard an inner voice saying, "She is in the college." I prayed, "God, let it be the first girl I meet." Wilma was the first girl I met! We were so sure of God's plan for our lives that the next time we met we were engaged. It has been a great marriage because we allowed God to direct us in the purposes that he had for us. God made us to have a personal relationship with himself that would last forever. Is it possible to have a personal relationship with Almighty God? God is knowable. Jeremiah 9, verse 24 reveals this when it says of God, "Let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, and that I am the Lord who exercises loving kindness, justice and righteousness on earth." King David knew his God. He learnt to praise God in the good and bad times because he believed God was greater than his circumstances. He said, "I will praise the LORD at all times; his praise is always on my lips. My whole being praises the LORD." (Psalms 34 verses 1-2) God's purpose for each of us is that we would have a relationship with Him that would go on forever. This life is not the end; our time here on earth is a preparation for eternity. How do you begin a personal relationship with God? A cartoon flash presentation on our website (www.ydyc.org) will help have a personal relationship with God and become what He created you to be. A cartoon flash presentation will help have a personal relationship with God and become what He created you to be. Wilma Watson is the producer of the cartoon website: http://www.ydyc.org She has a passion to help people reach their maximum potential through making spirituality simple and fun.
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Without Love Direct Answers - Column for the week of December 30, 2002 A Word Fitly Spoken ~ Acceptance A WORD FITLY SPOKEN The Meaning of Life Life ?.. Indeed is full of learning's, experiences, facts and lots of sad and happier moments full of love, emotions, affinity, dislikes. This four letter word can very well be described as: Adages for the New Age The old familiar adages just don't do it for me any more. For instance, consider "the early bird gets the worm." In this age of freelancing, premature ejaculation and peaking too early in one's career (by age 24) a more appropriate adage might be "The early bird dies earlier." Charge Your Imagination (2) As year 2004 winds up and professionals and corporate bodies plot strategies for business excellence in 2005 and beyond, it is time to put their Imagination to real work. In the first part of this message, IMAGINATION, as a person, started an inspirational charge for the professional and business class on what the world of business would be like in the year 2030.He continues to speak. In the Eyes of a Child It was way past 10:00 pm when I came home from a grueling day of schoolwork and extracurricular activities. The wind was rustling about overhead as I paced through the door of our humble abode. I moved towards the nearest couch and plumped myself to rest. Defeat and exhaustion filled my frame as I laid back against the soft cushions. But then I remembered our Hematology project which was due the next day. Galvanized, I scrambled off my feet and immediately headed towards the personal computer situated on the other side of the room. Just then, my little brother Michael dashed out of his room and came straight at me. He was holding a pen on his right hand and a piece of paper on the other. Believe in Yourself! 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It's interesting how we intellectually know that tomorrow will be different from yesterday, or even different from today. We know this based on experience. Wasn't it only yesterday computers started appearing on people's office desks? And now today, some of those people who cursed the wretched new things, rage when theirs or anyone else's computer is down! Tomorrow will not be the same as yesterday. We know it. And yet, many of us go through change and feel battle fatigue, look worn out, whine loudly. Patience - The Antidote for Stress Why is it so difficult to hold steadfast to a commitment to the very thing we desire? I'm sure you've had the experience of challenging your client with something to do, or to be, in service of moving them closer to their heart's desire. As you reconvene again and again, you note that the client can't seem to stay committed to the steps that will realize their dreams. Certainly the age-old response is fear--but perhaps there is more going on. 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