Inspirational Information

Beyond the River: Kabbalahs Guidance for Our Times

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move ourselves in the opposite direction."

Succeed by Whistling While You Work

Mark Twain (1835-1910) believed that having fun is important if you want to be successful.

Blessings for the Soul

In Corrogue I count my Blessings.

Spiritual Bread Making

All the ingredients to make 12 loaves of bread already exist. The probability that any kind of bread already exists in your reality and it is simply is a matter of combining ingredients to create a possibility. The ingredients do not have to be created to make brown bread, they already exist. What is it that makes brown bread?

You Are The One, There is No One Else

At the time I created my web site, I was looking for that one special person that would read something on my site or in my books or articles and become inspired. I was thinking it would move them forward to write or do something really great that would raise peoples consciousness and bring awareness into their lives. It was and still is my hope that I will inspire someone to do great things.

A Perfect World in the Making

The world is perfect the way it is. The world is a reflection of the thoughts of its inhabitants. The world is a perfect reflection in physical form of those thoughts.

Living on Purpose: One Rock at a Time

I just got back from Colorado where I spent a week relaxing, re-energizing and revisiting the key values in my life. The lodge where I stayed is called Peaceful Valley, and it has a chapel on the premises. I?ve been to Peaceful Valley and to this chapel many times over the years. The chapel is at the end of a steep ten-minute hike, which has become a ritual for me. The view at the top -- a part of the Rocky Mountain range -- is breathtaking.

Favorite Quotations... What Do They Say About Us?

Have you stopped to think what your favorite quotes are saying about you and your life experiences?

Believe in Yourself!

A near middle-aged man in one of my last workshops had followed his calling for the past decade with unbounded zeal. Alas, his career had never developed into long-term employment but rather, was fraught with numerous set-backs, lay-offs and even dismissals. With five children to feed and his life passion now shelved this man faced depression and desperation.

The Tiniest of Gladiators

I stared into those biggest of navy blue eyes and felt the power of his fighting spirit, despite the pain and week long raging fever. Most of the time my heart was in my throat and my mind was awash with counter-productive thoughts like, "why him?" and "this isn't fair!"

Letting Go Of Perfection

"The power of discovery enables us to achieve excellence without having to be "perfect.'"

A Time To Awake

What has become of your fondest dreams?

The Meaning of Life

Life ?.. Indeed is full of learning?s, experiences, facts and lots of sad and happier moments full of love, emotions, affinity, dislikes. This four letter word can very well be described as:

How to Use the Ebb and Flow of Life to Your Advantage

Are you overwhelmed with so many activities you don't know where to start?

I Dare You To Be Successful

Just imagine how it would feel to be successful...., to have sufficient money finding its way into your bank account on a monthly basis, to have absolutely no sleepless nights about income and how you are going to pay all the bills at the end of the month. Just imagine how it would feel to be able to take a vacation when you want to. Just imagine how it would feel to pay cash for your next vehicle.......

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